Un gran ejemplo de su buen hacer es el especial que le dedicaron a la vida y milagros de un personaje españolísimo que provoca tanto amor como rechazo: Emilio Aragón.
Se emite semanalmente en Radio Carcoma, pero como quiera que el alcance de esa emisora es limitado, lo incluimos en este listado. Una escisión de Radioshock provocó el nacimiento de este programa en el que Miguel Agnes debate sobre todo lo que se le ponga por delante. Los hermanos Podcast.
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Dos tótems de internet, Noel Ceballos y el Hematocrítico , mano a mano sabiendo lo que mejor saben hacer: ser muy graciosos y analizar cosas. La órbita de Endor. También conocido como el Hype, Hype o simplemente HYP3, este podcast se auto proclama como el heredero espiritual del blog de culto, Toque de queda, que vivía por ahí del Aquí llegas por la cultura pop y te quedas por las anécdotas de los locutores. Son historias muy inusuales, y tienen de todos los tonos; desde algo muy indignante, hasta algo tierno, extraño, esperanzador. Todo con una narrativa periodística y antropológica muy chida.
31 Podcasts en español para saciar todas tus necesidades
Es el favorito de muchos. Si te gusta reírte, pero también conocer las reglas y normas de la sociedad en la que vives, dale una buena escuchada a este podcast de Puentes. Juandapo dibuja y es animador, Diego es literato y profesor, y Boris hace de todo un poco: desde diseño hasta pan Este es el espacio ideal para que te hagas un montón de preguntas, te inspires y descubras nuevas formas de pensar.
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Es muy probable que te acabes identificando excesivamente con este podcast. Si siempre has tenido una afinidad por la arquitectura seas o no arquitect , este podcast es para ti. Ayuda de limpieza para personas mayores: Autoridad de Vivienda- Asistencia de limpieza de servicios para familias judías para personas mayores- Today we discuss an important cultural value, cleaning. For a lot of people in our community, cleaning is one of the elements that gives us status, or perhaps one of the things that we truly have control over. To support the podcast, please subscribe, rate and leave a review on Apple Podcasts or iTunes, or consider donating via Venmo!
Today we discuss today is immigration and the political climate going on. She creatively mixes legal rights and arts with her company, Participate, through workshops using hand-on experimental art mediums, like clay and cooking. We talk about the current political climate, the separation of children and families at the border, what to do if you are undocumented, and answer some interesting questions we received from our audience!
We also discuss myths about congenital twins and what their support looks like! We are back from a mid-season break! Expect episodes weekly going forward! Gloria Lucas talks to us about some points! Like the womxn of color that came before, she creates spaces for marginalized folks to support each other and heal from the trauma of colonialism, eurocentric beauty ideals, and disordered eating in communities of color. The directory on Latinx Therapy is up! If you are a mental health professional in private practice and looking to get enrolled in our directory, email me at info latinxtherapy.
If you or someone you know is struggling with disordred eating, you can contact the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline at no cost: Colonization, Food, and the Practice of Eating by Dr. The website is LIVE. This website is fully bilingual and you'll be able to find the newest directory of Latinx Therapists and Psychologists. We are still undergoing sign ups so please be patient with us.
In this directory there are very culture specific realities that you can choose from such as English Speaking Anxiety, Farmworkers, Immigration, Acculturation, among many others. You can find professionals who are conducting immigration evaluations, too! You can filter by state and need. All the shows are currently being transcribed so that our deaf and hard of hearing community can have access to them. They should be complete by next week! I really want my site to be fully accessible to all.
You can contact us at info latinxtherapy. Within the next week you'll be able to order it online. Roughly , teens between 15 and 19 became pregnant in Latinas have the highest teen-pregnancy rate of any group. The birth rate per 1, girls for white teens in California is nine, compared to a rate of 29 for Latina teens.
As I mentioned though, the rates for teen pregnancies in our community is drastically decreasing and I think a large part of this is due to the openness and education that we are sharing as generations go by. In this episode, I go into what it was like to confront my ex's family, being in college with a son, what my schedule looked like, my dreams and wishes as a year old, how I was stigmatized as a teen mom, and I give advice to parents who have teen mom daughters.
There is often control because of their age, but I talk about the disservice and identity formation that is occurring.

If you would like to donate to the podcast, you can do so on Venmo LatinxTherapy, or Zelle sponsor latinxtherapy. All proceeds will go to the community projects. Teen pregnancy is defined by someone who has a child between the ages of About , teens get pregnant each year, mostly between the ages 17 to 19 Kost, et al. While Latinxs currently have the highest teen birth rates, they have also had a dramatic recent decline in rates. In this solo episode, I share my personal experience with getting pregnant at age 19 and becoming a single mother during my undergraduate schooling in Santa Barbara, CA.
Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico – Page 79 – Música, podcasts, cultura, noticias y análisis
I discuss general and personal mental health effects, cultural beliefs and common mentalities that Latinx teens and their parents experience. I also explore the barriers to sex education, such as family beliefs, shame, and Catholicism. I provide advice to young girls, parents and therapists. Kost K, et al. Teenage pregnancies, births and abortions: National and state trends and trends by race and ethnicity. Guttmacher Institute. Welcome to the second break the stigma episode of this season!
Today we talk with an actress and mental health advocate, Noemi Gonzalez. Noemí Gonzalez is a first-generation immigrant from Mexico and a first-generation actress from within her family. She has also been featured in theatre productions, several commercials, and was hand-selected to be an ABC Diversity Showcase Participant. Today, we dive into her story of strength as it relates to her family and experience with therapy.
She talks to us about her experience with her childhood religion and how her congregation took care of the sexual abuse she encountered as a minor.
Noemi shares exclusively with us about the stigma and shame about attending therapy for those in the acting industry. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook: latinxtherapy. If you are a therapist that works with the Latinx community, and are in private practice, be sure to sign up to become an official member of Latinx Therapy.
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En este segmento, hablamos de lo que se significa ser AfroLatinx, ejemplos de discriminación y micro-agresiones, y los varios efectos de la salud mental con este tema. My guest today for episode 7 is Jersey Garcia. In this episode, she talks to us about her realities of identifying as AfroLatinx, and looking more of African descent than Latinx, a struggle often society is too afraid to bring up, but is much too common. She opens up about the discrimination she has faced due to her skin color, and the mental health effects of racism and colorism.
She provides us with the unique perspective of the insecurities of being AfroLatinx as a mental health professional. Jersey ends the segment by providing a beautiful message to anyone that is feeling split between two identities. Get to know her: Jersey Garcia is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Relationship Coach, and Family Mediator living in south Florida, who enjoys helping Black and Latinx women and couples, travel the human experience of relating from a space of honesty, happiness, and connectedness.