Agradecemos profundamente la atención prestada. Por supuesto, volveremos. Y todas las facilidades por parte de Paqui. Por encima de la calidad de las instalaciones, que eran magníficas, la atención recibida por Paqui. Francisco Tây Ban Nha. Muy cómodo para dos familias Tranquilo, limpio y con todo lo necesario.
Marisa Tây Ban Nha. El trato y q no le faltaba de nada. Un montón de detalles q hicieron la estancia muy comoda. Marta Tây Ban Nha. La limpieza, conexión a Internet y disponer de todo lo necesario para empezar a habitar la casa.
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Flora Tây Ban Nha. Không tên Tây Ban Nha. A terrace is available for guests at the apartment to use. The nearest airport is Almeria Airport, 60 km from Casa Paqui. Atentamente, Yolanda y Paqui Es un barrio residencial. Mercadillo Semanal: Puestos de venta al aire libre.
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Cada Jueves. Horario aproximado: de 8. In short, this quick comparison provides an illustration for a common mistake of applying IT in participatory process: thinking that the highest technologies, the fast computers, and graphic design are IT. However, those are only added values.
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The essential elements for public participation are still the availability of, and accessibility to, action and feedback from authorities, and IT should be the tool to enhance that availability and accessibility, not the decoration. Mexico D. Mexico City, 18 February — The Participatory Budget opens a dialogue between local government and the population. This exercise of citizenship represents a counterweight to the public administration, which continues to strengthen and become more efficient and representative of neighborhood needs.
Desde el con el decreto de la Ley de Participación Ciudadana del Distrito Federal , surgió el ejercicio de participación ciudadana para la asignación del tres por ciento del presupuesto de las delegaciones del Distrito Federal. En este sentido, los ciudadanos deciden a través de la votación de proyectos, cuales son los temas prioritarios para la comunidad.
En primera instancia el IEDF Instituto Electoral del Distrito Federal realiza una convocatoria a los habitantes del DF para la postulación de proyectos de mejora social a través de las oficinas delegacionales. Después de que los proyectos son revisados respecto a su viabilidad técnica financiera, legal y jurídica; se seleccionan para someterlos a votación a través de una votación para el "Presupuesto Vecinal". Del padrón de votantes registrado en el Distrito Federal, solamente el nueve por ciento acude a las urnas para la elección de los Comités y proyectos, por lo que se requiere hacer difusión de este proceso y de los comités ciudadanos que se involucran en la implementación de los proyectos.
De esta forma se pone en duda que los intereses comunitarios queden representados en la consulta ciudadana. Respecto a los proyectos, líderes vecinales afirman que los recursos asignados en el presupuesto participativo no son suficientes para hacer frente a la demanda de los proyectos vecinales, ya que hay cuestiones prioritarias que requieren mayor infraestructura. Finalmente, desde los modelos teóricos de participación, se habla de la necesidad de incluir la participación de la ciudadanía desde el diagnóstico, conceptualización de soluciones, implementación y seguimiento de los proyectos; a través de figuras representativas responsable de fortalecer el vínculo de la población, velar por los intereses y las necesidades.
Three percent of the Federal District delegation's budget is earmarked for citizen participation. In this sense, the citizens decide through voting which social projects represent the priority issues for the community. For the implementation of the Participatory Budget, first the IEDF Distrito Federal Electoral Institute makes a call to the inhabitants of Mexico City for the suggestion of social improvement projects through the borough offices. After the projects are reviewed regarding their financial, legal and judicial technical feasibility, they are selected through the voting public consultation for "Participatory Budget.
This exercise is a stronger link between the population and local government , having a form of representation of local needs interrelated directly. Participation through the Participatory Budget is a counterweight to the public administration but is still in the process of strengthening.
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It has not yet established itself as a democratic exercise. From the total voters registered in the Federal District, only nine percent go to the polls for the election of committees and projects; therefore more publicity needs to be carried out around this process. One advance that may address this problem is the opening of voting on the Internet. The IEDF has regulated the vote through any computer and mobile devices. In addition, another challenge in this exercise is the citizen participation of private individuals for inclusion in the "neighborhood committee," as it has been detected that there are people with political ties or public administration ties that influence the neighborhood committee.
In this way it is questionable if community interests are truly represented in the public consultation. With respect to projects, neighborhood leaders say that the resources allocated in the participatory budget are insufficient to meet the demand for neighborhood projects, as there are priority issues that require greater infrastructure. On the other hand, audits to the public accounts show challenges in the reporting of results and implementation of resources to citizens projects, which represents a great challenge for transparency.
Finally, from the theoretical models of participation, there is a debate around the need to include the participation of citizens from the beginning with the diagnosis, conceptualization of solutions, implementation and monitoring of projects through representative figures responsible for strengthening the bond of the population and protecting their interests and needs. In an ideal model, the public consultation and application of projects would have to take a backseat to the analysis of common needs through community development mechanisms, which later can culminate in a public vote.
Therefore, the debate on the public agenda is to assess the challenges and opportunities of the public consultation on the participatory budget to suggest to the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District the necessary changes to the Citizen Participation Law of the Federal District, in order to strengthen this mechanism for more efficient dialogues between local government and the population.
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Surabaya, 17 February — Pemkot Surabaya secara aktif mendorong keterlibatan luas warganya dalam proses perencanaan pembangunan. Proses Musrenbang yang sebelumnya prosedural dan minim partisipasi, kini dapat diakses oleh semua warga Surabaya tanpa kecuali menggunakan E-SapaWarga dan E-Musrenbang. Situs ini memungkinkan terjadinya komunikasi antara masyarakat dan pemkot. Surabaya, 17 February — Surabaya city government actively engages the community in their development planning processes.
One current planning mechanism, called Musrenbang, has had procedural limits to wider participation. However, now the government has designed E-SapaWarga and E-Musrenbang, which can be accessed publicly and allow better communication between the community and the government for improved development planning. Indonesia mengenal sistem perencanaan pembangunan partisipatif yang melibatkan masyarakat mulai dari level pemerintahan terendah hingga tertinggi sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-undang No 25 Tahun tentang Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional.
Agar terjadi sinkronisai pembangunan dari tingkat daerah hingga pusat maka dibuatlah mekanisme Musrenbang. Musrenbang berusaha menjaring sebanyak mungkin aspirasi dari semua pihak. Kelemahan sistem ini adalah minimnya keterlibatan masyarakat dalam menyampaikan aspirasi mereka karena keterbatasan ruang. Untuk itu Pemkot Surabaya dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi merancang E-SapaWarga dan E-Musrenbang sebagai sarana menjaring aspirasi warga.
Pemkot Surabaya mendorong penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi TIK untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi warganya. Untuk itu Pemkot Surabaya mengaplikasikan E-government yang sudah dirintis sejak tahun dalam rangka mewujudkan pemerinthan yang baik good governance. Saat ini E-Government di Surabaya dikelompokkan menjadi dua : pengelolaan keuangan daerah dan pelayanan masyarakat.

E-SapaWarga merupakan bagian dari pelayanan masyarakat dimana didalamnya meliputi E-Perijinan, E-Musrenbang dan pengaduan secara elektronik. Dengan cara ini diharapkan ada partisipasi luas dari masyarakat untuk membangun lingkungannya. Tentu saja, dalam sistem ini disediakan fitur yang menghubungkan masyarakat dengan pemkot. Pada akhirnya, dibuatlah semacam jejaring sosial seperti facebook dan twitter namun lebih terkendali dan bertanggungjawab. Akhirnya, lahirlah E-SapaWarga sebagai wadah komunikasi dan menyampaikan aspirasi untuk membangun kota Surabaya.
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Dengan demikian, dinas di pemkot Surabaya dapat mengambil langkah penanganan yang sesuai berdasar laporan langsung dari warganya. E-SapaWarga juga menjadi media monitoring kegiatan pembangunan. Info ini akan secara langsung diterima oleh kepala SKPD sebagai kepala proyek dan Inspektorat untuk kemudian ditindaklanjuti.
Berbagai usulan masyarakat juga disampaikan melalui E-Musrenbang. Situs ini memberikan informasi secara terbuka mengenai usulan-usulan pembangunan fisik maupun non-fisik yang telah masuk, yang disetujui maupun yang ditolak pada kegiatan Musrenbang kota Surabaya. Semua proses ini hanya valid untuk warga yang ber-KTP Surabaya sehingga masukan dan usulan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Impelementasi E-SapaWarga dan E-Musrenbang merupakan kemajuan dengan menggunakan TIK untuk mendorong partisipasi aktif masyarakat sebab pembangunan haruslah dari dan untuk mereka.
Keberhasilan E-government ini salah satunya berasal dari dukungan politik yang kuat dari pemkot Surabaya terutama walikota Risma. Tantangan selanjutnya adalah mempersiapkan SDM yang lebih baik pada tingkat pengelola E-Government sehingga dapat menjangkau lebih banyak warga Surabaya dan mempersiapkan infrastruktur yang memadai.
Indonesia recognizes a participatory development planning system involving the community, from the local to national level, as stated in Law No. In order to synchronize the development from the local to national level, Musrenbang — which is similar to a public meeting — is carried out. Musrenbang is a forum trying to take aspirations from all development stakeholders.
The main flaw of this forum is that it is conducted for formality purposes and is followed only by a few people who represent different organizations.
Therefore, Surabaya government came out with a new idea: to apply information technology to the participatory system. It created E-Sapawarga and E-Musrenbang to collect asporations from the public, not just representatives. Surabaya city government encourages the use of information technology to provide better public services. E-Government started in in order to promote the implementation of good governance. Currently, E-Government in Surabaya is divided into two groups: one is for financial management and the other is for community services.
In this way, people can communicate and participate better to create a better environment. The system also provided a feature that connects people with government officials to ensure that the aspirations were taken into account and any complaints are followed up. The same system could make some cases easier to confirm, such as if the neighborhood experiences damaged infrastructure, an epidemic, school dropouts, poor households, and other cases. Based on this information, related government offices could take appropriate actions.
E-SapaWarga, therefore, goes beyond collecting aspirations; it can also act as a means of monitoring development activity in the region. Citizens can submit a complaint if there are indications of irregularities in the existing projects in the neighborhood, for example. This information will be directly accepted by related authorities and the followed up on.