If directed at you, you have angered somebody mightily. Directing this word at somebody else is another story: use it at your own risk because in Puerto Rico, unlike neighboring Mexico it has an unfriendly meaning where your spouse might be cheating on you and you are a lesser person for it. You can say it, but you might be missing teeth later as you have wounded someone's pride and honor. Be quiet in its presence as it is very easily frightened.
Never attempt to pet, feed, or photograph this bird with a flash as it is very sensitive and a symbol of the island that the government is trying to save from endangerment.
- hombre - Wiktionary.
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- Puerto Rico: Important Phrases.
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Echar un polvo--Normally used by men. He is up to no good and is not interested in being un caballero a gentleman. Me cago en tu mai pai --This is a vulgarism usually said during traffic by taxi drivers or sometimes average citizens. Though its exact meaning will not be translated here, it does involve defecating on someone's parent. If this is directed at you, you might be going too slowly in your car: double check your speed and that you have obeyed traffic signs. Tip: All of your saved places can be found here in My Trips.
Phrases in alphabetical order
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Translation of "gay bastard" in Spanish
This article contains a discussion by TripAdvisor members concerning the above topic. Please note that the discussion was closed to any additional postings as of Nov 1, and, as such, some of the information contained herein may be outdated and cannot be commented on by travelers at this time. Please take this into account when making your travel plans. Below are some common phrases to help you get through if you get lost.
Translation of "gais" in English
Good Luck! Habla inglés? Do you speak German? What street is this? Es la primera vez que vuelvo desde que tenía 17 años y necesitaba hablar sobre mis cosas gais.
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It's the first time I've been back since I was 17 and needed to talk through all my gay stuff. No me importa si son gais o bi o transexuales. I don't give a shit if you guys are gay , bi, tranny. Y hay muchas librerías para gais en un barrio de heterosexuales. And there sure are a lot of gay bookstores for a straight neighborhood.
Si todos los gais pudieran hacer lo mismo, estarías listo. Now, if every gay man could just do the same, you'd be set. Tu padre ha averiguado lo de los bares gais. Your father found out about the gay bars. Yo sabía lo de los bares gais. I knew about the gay bars. Han espantado a mis gais guapos. They chased off my hot gay guys. Algunos son gais , pero alegran la vista.
gais - Translation into English - examples Spanish | Reverso Context
Some of them are gay , but they're all fun to look at. No, no éramos amantes gais. No, we were not gay lovers. Prejuicios y estereotipos homofóbicos han marginado a las personas lesbianas, gais , bisexuales, transgénero e intersexuales. Homophobic prejudices and stereotypes have marginalized lesbian, gay , bisexual, transgender and intersex persons. El matrimonio entre gais ya no se considera alternativo.
Gay marriage is barely considered alternative anymore. Nos dijeron que los dinosaurios se extinguieron porque un meteorito les hizo gais. They told us dinosaurs went extinct because an asteroid turned them gay.

Dijo que le dijeron que no son gais. He said you guys told him you're not gay. Algo que diga que somos gais y republicanos.