Los 5 secretos del cruising gay en Mallorca que van a cambiar tu fin de semana

The saunas are large, spacious and run professionally. This is where all the gay bars and clubs are located. Book your hotel as early as possible. Saunas are popular meeting spots for guys interested in hooking up for sex. Be aware that many male escorts will use the Saunas as venues to elicit payment for sex. Check out the Sauna guide for more. We recommend that you stay in the Eixample area where possible.

Hotels like this are rare in the city.

Bares y Clubes

Opulence abounds! Great location close to all of the bars and clubs.

Bares y Clubes de Cruising Gay

Perfect location right in the heart of the city with sun terrace and spa. Books out often so grab a deal now! Right in the heart of the gay district with rooftop pool, great service and a warm welcome every time.

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With our partner Booking. Great news, we've signed you up. Sorry, we weren't able to sign you up. Please check your details, and try again. View More…. Gay Cruising Bars in Barcelona Browse the bars below, or filter them by type.

Que Lavabos/lugares de cruising son para vosotros los TOP?

Bacon Bears bar attracts bear and there admires from all over the world. Berlin Dark is a hard core fetish men only cruising club in gay Barcelona.

New Chaps is one of the older Bears bars on the gay Barcelona scene. Night Barcelona - Esquerra Eixample. Boyberry - Sant Antoni. Bacon Bear Bar - Esquerra Eixample. Añadir mi negocio.


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Siendo limpios y educados se puede llegar muy lejos. Por tu salud, por la de tus compañeros de aventuras sexuales, cuídate y protégete.

Poblaciones donde practicar cruising en Barcelona

Así es el cruising gay en las playas de Barcelona. Acepto los terminos y condiciones y la política de privacidad. Cambiar Navegación. Los 5 secretos del cruising gay en Barcelona que van a hacer inolvidable tu fin de semana.