From 18 to 20 July 9pm , the same venue will welcome Philippe Quesne, with the Spanish premiere of La nuit des taupes, a surprising piece in which seven gigantic moles end up in a theatre when digging their burrows.
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El planteamiento de Orquesta de Malabares 12 de julio, Auditorio Pilar García Peña, h es trabajar con las orquestas y bandas sinfónicas de las ciudades que visitan. En este caso, la Banda Sinfónica Municipal de Madrid. Una pieza de circo elegante y poética, muy sugerente. An elegant, poetic and very intriguing circus act. Un baile de luces en el cielo de Madrid con el que esperar al próximo verano.
There will also be fashion shows, games for children, film, an outdoor Animal Party… and a whole lot of fun! Gay Pride España.
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On Friday the 5th, the winner of Mr. Gay Pride España will be chosen on the stage in Puerta del Sol. Over 20, people will attend the event, now in its 12th edition. The most eagerly-awaited moment is always the Gay Pride Parade, which will be held on Saturday the 6th. It will depart from Atocha 5. The floats, each with their own music and shows, will liven up the streets with a fantastic atmosphere.
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The partying is expected to go on until midnight. And there will be a lot more of that happening. Este año las fiestas empiezan con actividades especiales que recuerdan que en este se cumplen 50 años de los disturbios de Stonewall, en Estados Unidos, que dieron paso a la primera gran protesta por la reivindicación del colectivo y a importantes manifestaciones en Nueva York.
Party at Teatro Barceló from the 5th to the 7th , featuring star performer Eleni Foureira, and the WE Party from the 3rd to the 7th at various venues. Entre las que no hay que perderse, Baila Cariño! Party en el Teatro Barceló del 5 al 7 , con la actuación estelar de Eleni Foureira, y la WE Party, del 3 al 7 en diferentes localizaciones. Algo por lo que también apuestan otros eventos que tienen lugar en la ciudad, como la sesión Electro Queer, en Matadero Madrid el día 7 con motivo de Veranos de. Plaza de Ramales, en los propios autobuses y en www.
Plaza de Ramales, on our buses and at www. In July, music will fill every corner of Madrid. Major series and festivals featuring top national and international artists will make the summer nights even more lively. This edition of Mad Cool will kick off with a spectacular Welcome Party on the 10th that will feature, among oth-. On the 11th the headline act will be Bon Iver, who have achieved an incredible feat: creating experimental music while managing to pack stadiums.
Orgullo Gay - Gay Pride Spain
The headline acts on the last day will be The Cure, who have been performing their hit songs onstage for 40 years, and Prophets of Rage, a band made up of bona fide music legends. La segunda parte del festival comienza el día 16 con las actuaciones de LP, que presenta Heart to Mouth, y Charlie Winston, que regresa tras una breve retirada. Quality music, a natural setting and careful integration of the festival into its environment make it a key summer event.
The second part of the festival will kick off on the 16th with performances by LP, who will present Heart to Mouth, and Charlie Winston, who is returning after a short break. Para todos los gustos. Así es esta nueva edición del festival que tiene por sede el Teatro Real. Abren la programación Los Secretos, que presentan sus nuevos temas día 5.
This festival, with something to suit every taste, will be held at Teatro Real opera house. It will open with Los Secretos, who will present their latest songs 5th. Abre el cartel el día 4 el rapero y compositor puertorriqueño de trap, rap y hip-hop Bad Bunny. Third edition of this eclectic, fun and danceable festival.
This year will feature 16 participating artists, performing on either of the two stages. The first act, on the 4th, will be Puerto Rican trap, rap and hip-hop artist and composer Bad Bunny. Among others, the main acts on the 5th will be Love of Lesbian, with over 20 years of hits under their belt, La Pegatina, renowned for being the life of the party, and Jorge Drexler, who will charge the night with emotion. Johannes Vermeer, Vista de casas en Delft, conocida como La callejuela detalle , h.
Gift of H. Focusing on late 16th- and early 17th-century Dutch and Spanish painting, this exhibition reflects on the pictorial traditions represented by Spain and the Netherlands. La exposición vincula la creación del diseñador de moda Cristóbal Balenciaga con la tradición de la pintura española entre los siglos XVI y XX.

Las referencias al arte y la cultura española estuvieron siempre muy presentes en su trabajo. This exhibition links the creations of fashion designer Cristóbal Balenciaga to Spanish painting tradition from the 16th to the 20th centuries. References to Spanish art and culture always featured heavily in his work, and the simple lines of religious habits and the architectural volume of their cloth are a constant in many of his pieces. Santa Casilda, hacia Disfruta de estos planes con el Programa de Fidelización de la Ciudad de Madrid. Before he became a painter who was able to extract poetry from the rough streets of Madrid, Ceesepe, who died in , was a precocious, tenacious and brilliant cartoonist.
Con 70 piezas que incluyen sus primeras obras, sus trabajos sobre migración, sus obras en ciudades italianas y campañas publicitarias. This retrospective aims to showcase the work of the Chinese photographer known for using chameleon-like methods to immerse himself in different environments.
ODARKO (SleazyMadrid GayPride - An Extreme Measure)
The exhibition comprises 70 pieces, including his initial works: projects on immigration, photographs taken in Italian cities and advertising campaigns. An exhaustive overview of the career of the American artist, whose work constitutes some of the most captivating North American photography from the first half of the 20th century.
La exposición pone en perspectiva la ejecución de algunas de las principales obras de Picasso al contextualizarlas con su historia personal junto a Olga Khokhlova.
La exposición desvela el aspecto menos conocido de la obra de Matisse: su relación con el grabado y el importantísimo papel que este desempeñó en el proceso creativo del artista. Entre ellas Black Waves, proyecciones de efecto inmersivo donde el agua, el medio natural y la vida juegan un papel protagonista. The exhibition comprises three large installations including one titled Black Waves, which is made up of various projections with an immersive effect that revolve around water as an essential part of the environment and life.
Antes de convertirse en el pintor que extrajo poesía de las malas calles de Madrid, Ceesepe, fallecido en , fue un precoz, tenaz y brillante dibujante de historietas. Este es un proyecto de la fotógrafa y editora canaria Sheila R. Una aproximación a niños y niñas trans para retratarles en sus lugares favoritos, con sus amigos y amigas, jugando a sus juegos predilectos.
Verles como son, como se quieren mostrar. A project by Canarian photographer and editor Sheila R. Melhem, offering a portrait of trans boys and girls with their friends in the places they love, playing their favourite games. See them as they are, as they want to be seen. La exposición viene motivada por los años del Manifiesto Futurista.
Y tiene como leitmotiv mostrar aquellas obras de la colección del Museo que muestran la influencia de los postulados futuristas en diferentes artistas. Autómata anticlaro de luna. Espacio 5. The acclaimed retrospective on the history and career of one of the most innovative and influential rock bands of all time has landed in Madrid. In his first retrospective exhibition, the artist creates his own visual poetry as he explores how hegemonic narratives, both in political-economic and in sociocultural contexts are generated. Eager to capture all of the fleeting moments that drew his attention, Sorolla painted tirelessly on small boards and cardboard that he carried with him when painting outdoors.
A tribute to the great master of wit, Antonio Mingote, on the th anniversary of his birth. The museum will exhibit over one hundred original drawings created for the book Historia de Madrid desde la prehistoria hasta la muerte de Cervantes, published in This is the first retrospective in Spain on William Klein New York, , who revolutionised the history of photography. The artist laid the foundations of a modern aesthetic that persists even today, in direct contact with a post-war society that had yet to be rebuilt, imagined and envisioned.
La exposición estudia los inicios del Renacimiento florentino en torno a y , con especial atención a la figura de Fra Angelico. Él fue responsable de los primeros grandes logros artísticos alcanzados en Florencia en esta época. Treated and then displayed in public, the heads of vanquished enemies were exhibited as trophies. This exhibition examines the early days of the Florentine Renaissance in the s and s, focusing in particular on Fra Angelico. He was one of the artists responsible for the important artistic achievements in Florence during this period.
Elina Brotherus is a Finnish artist whose work ranges from meticulous art history research to autobiographical projects. In Playground she follows instructions or event scores and interprets them by means of photography and video. Una selección de publicaciones -fotolibros y revistas, junto con otros documentosque recorre la gran eclosión de la tipografía, el fotomontaje y el fotolibro en la Unión Soviética entre y A selection of publications —photo books and magazines, as well as other documents— provides an overview of the emergence of typography, photomontage and photo books in the USSR between and Durante este tiempo, el autor ha explorado, acompañado y convivido con el glaciar, que actualmente se encuentra en un estado de conservación delicado.
Diana Markosian es una artista armeniaestadounidense cuyo trabajo explora la relación entre la memoria y el lugar. This exhibition is the product of over ten years of fieldwork by the artist at the Maladeta Glacier in the Pyrenees. During this time, he explored, coexisted with and acted as companion to the glacier, which faces an uncertain future. Diana Markosian is an Armenian-American artist whose work explores the relationship between memory and place.
For this exhibition, Letinsky and Core have created 12 images in which they present their work by means of traditional still life depictions.