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Niveau goût j'avais un peu peur, mais finalement c'est plutôt bon! They are so good! Always prepared for the day with my almonds for a snack! My Keto Spread lol Cooked in coconut oil, chicken, turkey bacon, spinach, and egg. I eat this every morning. Sometimes, I save my Collagen Peptides for my coffee though. I put about a half of a cup of Almond milk any milk of choice will do , 2 tbs. Then refrigerate overnight.
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The only things you really need in it is the Chia seeds and the Almond milk. After , that you can add in whatever you have a taste for to flavor it. I put a few jalapeños and some white queso with it. The total extraction volume of green matter of the 66 medicinal species that are traded is The marketing of medicinal plants in Ayacucho city for use in traditional medicine has great demand with an important cultural and economic value and with a concern impact extractive and socio-economic impact.
Key words: Biocommerce, Economical botany, traditional knowledge, medicinal plants, ethnobotanical value. Llacanora, en la provincia de Cajamarca es un distrito turístico de típico ambiente andino, poseedor de un valle fértil y pintorescos paisajes, uno de los menos poblados de la provincia, en su mayoría rural. No existe documentación científica que recopile y revalore el uso, lo que podría perderse con el paso de los años.
El objetivo del trabajo fue recolectar y estudiar las plantas medicinales utilizadas en el distrito de Llacanora, seleccionar aquellas de mayor uso a las que se les realizó el estudio farmacognóstico, cortes histológicos de la s droga s que permitieron determinar los constituyentes químicos; plasmar en los escritos gran parte de la sabiduría y cosmovisión del lugar.
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Fueron realizadas 58 entrevistas semi-estructuradas dirigidas a la curandera del lugar y reconocida por la comunidad; así mismo se participó de vivencias durante la cura de pacientes, actividades familiares y comunitarias. Fueron colectadas, herborizadas y clasificadas taxonómicamente 53 plantas. Las especies fueron colectadas en los viajes al interior del lugar, guiadas por la curandera y miembros de su familia, del mismo modo aquellas que se encontraban en zonas muy alejadas y de difícil acceso fueron proporcionadas por lugareños.
There are fertile valleys and beautiful landscapes. Most of people are rural and use traditional medicine to cure their ills, so the consumption of medicinal plants is broad and varied to different diseases. There is no scientific research to save this valuable information and revalue its use, so it is concerning to loose this information over the years because the transmission of knowledge is just oral.
This could be harmful because traditional medicine has many species that could be very useful for the search of new therapies and drugs.
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The main goal of work was collecting and studying the medicinal plants used in the district of Llacanora, as well as selecting the most used. It was done pharmacognostic studies and histological cuts of the drug which helped to determine the chemical constituents. It was possible to put in words a big part of the traditional knowledge and environmental vision of its inhabitants. Also, the data collected from the field and laboratory for later scientific studies can validate the use of traditional medicine in Llacanora.
Part of this study was made in base of 58 semi-structured interviews to the healer recognition of the community, as well as the participation in the treatment of patients, and family and community activities.
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Around 53 plants were collected, herborized and classified using taxonomy methods during some trips to the town, guided by knowledgeable person and members of his family. In the same way, some native species from remote and inaccessible places were supplied by local people. The most quoted botanical families were Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae and Solanaceae. The most representative secondary metabolites were the phenolic compounds, triterpenoids, steroids and alkaloids. Para hacer viable este emprendimiento como tesista de arquitectura de decidido plasmar en planos arquitectónicos un diseño concreto, funcional y estético que satisfaga los requerimientos de los usuarios.
En consecuencia se plantea un Centro de Investigación de Plantas Medicinales. Para rememorar la montaña se dispone que las viviendas se ubiquen en la parte posterior y se hace uso del techo verde para dar el confort térmico, vital en los recintos de los científicos. A esta zona se le permite tener privacidad a través del paisajismo que se plantea. Cuenta con un patio de maniobras y se halla aislada del resto de espacios por la seguridad y cuidado que requiere. To investigate nematicidal activity against the root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus coffeae, the methanolic extracts were obtained from 5 medicinal plants in Vietnam.
Methanol extracts of the 5 samples were screened for nematicidal activity against Pratylenchus coffeae in vitro. The remainder of the plant extracts was followed by Cinnamomum camphora Concentration of 0. Also, at 3 days after exposure to T. Hatch was inhibited by The mortality rate and hatch inhibition increased with increasing incubation time for crude extract of T.
Pratylenchus coffeae. Medicinal plant. Total of 66 medicinal plant species belonging to 61 genera, 40 families were recorded through semi-structured interviews, group discussions and from guides of field trips who are knowledgeable about medicinal plants. In generally, fresh medicinal plants are mainly boiled or decocted for drinking and leaves are parts most commonly used.
Hochland Vietnam. Indigenous knowledge. Highland Vietnam.