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W helan. Amino transferase. Methyl transferase.
Carboxyl- và cacbamoyl transferase. A cyltra n sfera se 2. Vamos falar um pouquinho sobre revisões? Even if one is in a barren desert they wuden feel lonely as they put their trust in Allah when they have switch on tat button. There is always gadgets for us to instancely communicate with people but there is a gap a void tat is in urself tat made u feel lost, lonely, feeling sometink is missing.. The only thing tat will fill tat void and tat emptiness tat is within u, is by the remembrance of Allah.. This connection between our heart to Allah is not a one way connection..
7,073 posts
Dont think I worship Allah all my life and then tats it. There was a master who has a slave.. He saw her praying and as the third quarter of d nite kicked in..

He said its ok ill wake up in awhile u go ahead.. And she walked away.. He said in awhile and the slave again repeated d same thing..