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Not everything during this period was related to a political struggle, or at least, not exclusively. In , Barcelona became, once again, a pioneer city in Spain, due to the fact that it hosted the First Gay Carnival ever in Spain , which took place in La Paloma , one of the most popular clubs in Barcelona for many decades. The same year, anothermemorable club in Barcelona, the now non-existent La Cibeles, organized an important celebration to commemorate the legalization of the FAGC. Everything seemed to show that all the effort made by the Spanish Gay Rights Movement during the Transition was finally getting a reward and that the LGTB community could finally depart from years of hiding and demand visibility without being threatened by the repressive measures of the Government.
However, Barcelona witnessed a total involution only a year later. As a sign of protest, there was an extraordinary gay bar strike on December the 9th of that year. The residence allowed women to openly discuss their radical beliefs, including the concept of free love and prison reform. Little is known about lesbians during the Spanish Civil War, as they largely disappeared from history and their stories were bundled generally without lesbian context alongside heterosexual women.
It was less present in Republican-controlled cities.

Safety for women meant complying with hegemonic Spanish culture. Huelva was taken by Nationalist forces on 29 July , with full control of the province taking place by September During the Civil War, gay men and lesbian women behind Nationalist lines were often sent to Prisión Provincial de Huelva, one of the two most notorious prisons in Spain at the time.
There, they were tortured and received particularly harsh punishment. Some lesbians there may have been misidentified as merely women who defied social conventions about the role of women. During the Civil War, Kent initially assisted by procuring supplies for Republicans in Guadarrama and later by assisting child refugees fleeing Spain. Soon, she was appointed as the First Secretary at the Republican Embassy in Paris, where she continued her work in trying to secure passage for Spanish refugee children, attempting to get them into the United States.
In the immediate post War period, the government's primary concern was removing political and armed resistance.
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LGBT people were not and would not be a major focus until they had eliminated these threats, and were able to force a form of conservative Catholicism on the populace. The Ley de Vagos y Maleantes was used by the Franco regime until to criminally punish homosexuals. Lesbians who did find themselves in prison were often easy blackmail targets for guards. This was because a number of lesbians had sex behind bars for non-political prisoners.
Some of these relationships were non-consensual as female guards might use their power to force other women to have sex with them and rape them. While relatively open about their orientation in exile, they all tried to maintain levels of discretion about it. During the s, year-old Victoria Kent became involved with New York philanthropist Louise Crane , who was 15 years her junior, while living in exile.
Starting in , the couple published Ibérica: por la Libertad. The magazine was one of the most important publications among Spanish moderates living in exile.
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It only closed in It served to pressure the US Government to end its ties to Franco, even as the US sought to strengthen to combat the perceived communist threat. Because of the Franco regime's beliefs about women, including an inability to understand lesbianism, there was some underground culture available for lesbian women.
Where multiple men using public urinals was suspect, girls having parties without boys in attendance was viewed less circumspectly as it was assumed by many that they were being pure by not inviting boys. Their invisibility protected lesbians in ways that it did not protect men because many people believed lesbianism did not exist. Because beaches were gender segregated, it was often an easy place for lesbians to socialize.
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A Spanish literary tradition for lesbians would not start until the end of Francoism. The first lesbian organization in Spain would not be founded until in Barcelona, and lesbians would continue to maintain a lower profile in the LGBT community in Spain than their gay male peers. The Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory was founded in by Spanish journalist Emilio Silva after he successfully located the remains of his grandfather and eleven others in a roadside ditch.
Starting in , he began lobbying for historical memory to become law, which it did in with the support of the Zapatero government as La Ley de Memoria Histórica. By law, victims existed but perpetrators did not. This is questioned by some, who do not understand how finding and identifying the bones of Francoist victims will assist Spaniards in resolving their complicated past.
They do not have any larger legacy. Lesbian stories are harder to find as gay men had much more visibility as a result of more brutal punishment by the Franco regime. Lesbians, benefiting from lower visibility as a means to avoid repression, have a much harder history to document in the Civil War period.
While broad strokes are known, many of the individual stories are lost or forgotten so they cannot be remembered. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Homosexuality Bisexuality pansexuality polysexuality Asexuality gray asexuality Demographics Biology Environment. Social attitudes. Prejudice , violence. Academic fields and discourse.
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Queer studies Lesbian feminism Queer theory Transfeminism Lavender linguistics. Part of a series on the. Prehistoric Iberia.
Early history. Christian kingdoms. Hispanic Monarchy. Bourbon reformation. Nueva Planta Decrees Golden Age. Peninsular War. Reign of Ferdinand VII. Trienio Liberal Ominous Decade.