While the United States may have Caitlyn Jenner all over Twitter and popular media, giving visibility to trans people worldwide, Venezuela elected a trans-woman to congress in December, granting political representation to a community that seldom gets any respect or even recognition. Not all is good.
Homosexualidad en el trabajo
Latin America and the Caribbean are also home to some nasty forms of homophobia, also like the United States. Progressives in the United States were horrified that openly homophobic town clerk Kim Davis refused to grant marriage licenses to gay couples and then met with the Pope, but in Guatemala, an openly homophobic former comedian, Jimmy Morales, who rejects same-sex marriage , became president.
En muchos sentidos, Estados Unidos solo se puso al día en con algunas naciones de la región como Argentina, Uruguay y Brasil, que ya habían legalizado el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo antes de la histórica decisión de la corte. Y en cierto modo, Latinoamérica superó a Estados Unidos con algunos hitos políticos. No todo ha sido bueno.
Significado de LGBT en el Diccionario Cambridge inglés
Latinoamérica y el Caribe también albergan algunas formas desagradables de homofobia, al igual que Estados Unidos. A los progresistas en Estados Unidos les horrorizó que la abiertamente homofóbica secretaria del ayuntamiento, Kim Davis, se hubiera negado a conceder licencias de matrimonio a parejas homosexuales y luego se hubiera reunido con el Papa, pero en Guatemala, un excomediante abiertamente homofóbico, Jimmy Morales, que rechaza el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, fue elegido presidente.
Las siguientes son las 10 mejores historias sobre los derechos e injusticias hacia los LGBT en de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Se especializa en temas de la calidad de la democracia en América Latina. En el publicó un informe sobre la situación de los derechos LGBT en la región. Liberal or rogue? Trying to Catch Up.
Argentina made headlines that year when the congress voted to legalize same-sex marriage and adoption rights. Jamaican Pride.

Jamaica, often considered one of the most homophobic nations in the Americas, held its first gay pride celebration in Kingston. The week-long celebration was held without any harassment or violence, remarkable for a country plagued by violence and LGBT-directed hate crime. Even Obama expressed some Jamaican Pride.
In April, U. What normalization? Church Hope. Church Divisions. Family Values, Ups and Downs.
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Lawmakers in Ecuador passed bills extending all rights and obligations of marriage to people in civil unions. In Chile, the congress passed a law legalizing same-sex civil unions. The Mexican Supreme Court ruled that any civil code upheld by a state establishing marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman was unconstitutional. In Colombia, the Constitutional Court granted adoption rights to homosexual couples.
In contrast, the Peruvian congress voted down a civil unions bill, and the Salvadoran national legislature approved a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. The Equal Marriage Act also sanctions institutions and entities that refuse to lend and rent spaces to same-sex couples for religious reasons. This law guarantees that the process to obtain a marriage license and then to celebrate it in the municipality is the same for couples of the same sex and of the opposite sex.
The state of New York was one of the first in the United States in which the initiative of equal marriage won. That is why, for a long time, until it became legal in the rest of the country in , New York became the epicenter of gay marriage, as many same-sex couples were going to get married in this state. According to a report from UCLA, almost 50, of the 64, gay couples declared in the United States are married by the beginning of this year. This would mean that the numbers of gay marriage increased since it became legal in several states. So, since gay marriage is relatively new, couples are still dealing with gay divorces.
Jesse Green says in his text From 'I Do' to 'I'm Done' that given the recentness of gay marriage, same-sex divorce is still not well defined and legislated, so it is similar to the heterosexual divorce of the last century. Thus, although equal marriage is legal throughout the United States, there are still some legal gaps regarding gay divorce that include issues such as custody of children, spousal support, etc.
These aspects to be decided during a divorce are in many cases due, in the case of heterosexual marriage, to gender roles that can not be defined in a same-sex couple. Thus, while in some states such as New York and California there are clear laws on gay divorce, in others there is a legal vacuum although equal marriage is legal.
"gay" en inglés
To get back to happier topics, getting married in New York State should not be difficult. Although you may not have a wedding surrounded by the most glamorous celebrities and the most divas of drag queens like Marc Jacobs, you can have a wedding with your same-sex partner in an easy way. To process it, just fill out the application online or go to fill it at the City Clerk. It will take some time but, depending on the day, you can have it soon. The license has a validity of 60 days and a wait of 24 hours to make the union valid. The municipality of the State of New York does not admit any type of reservation, since it offers its service certain times according to the order of arrival.
In this way, this state is the ideal to elope. In addition to these few dollars you will need, you must also carry your identification and a witness. The ceremony can last up to less than five minutes, so do not be surprised if you see a long line. As stated above, the equal marriage act guarantees that no heterosexual couple has any advantage or privilege over a gay couple.
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So, you do not have to be Marc Jacobs to have the right to marriage in the state of New York.