Explore Gay Events and Parties in Barcelona | Pride Ticket
And here she is. Jueves 6 de junio Thursday 6th of June.
Con DJ, Barbacoa Buffet y bar al aire libre, todo incluiído en el precio. The Catamaran can host up to 80 guests. Will you be Tarzan or Jane? Enjoy the hottest GoGos and the best music in Sitges. Al finalizar, fiesta en el local designado After the main act, party in the stablishments. Viernes 7 de junio Friday 7th of June. Vístete de Blanco y haz tu donación en establecimientos, bares o fiestas blancas participantes.
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- Orgullo Gay: Las mejores imágenes del Pride de Barcelona.
- Contact Pride Barcelona;
Dress Up in white and make a donation at participating shops, bars or White Parties. The 2nd Pool Party!
Orgullo Gay: Las mejores imágenes del Pride 12222 de Barcelona
Full details coming soon. All Trans Group de Bardelona ofrece un impresionante show Burlesque con una diferencia. All new to Sitges Pride. DJ Mr. Al finalizar fiesta en el local designado After the main act, party in the stablishments. Sitges Gay Pride En la Galería Agora 3. DWNN regresa para un show completamente diferente de su actuación de la semana.
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- Horario y recorrido de la manifestación del Pride Barcelona 12222!
Great songs and a wicked sense of humour make this a show to remember. Un impresionante homenaje a la gran Tina Turner con una actuación de 10 personas en el escenario.
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The theme is Kink in keeping with the 2 after parties. Gay Pride Sitges On Friday, a video posted on social media showed a homophobic incident at a fast-food restaurant in Barcelona on Thursday night, with one young man verbally abusing another for the way he is dressed: "I'll make you heterosexual with a beating," the man threatens. It's ironic that this should happen the same day as the Pride address ," said the accompanying message.
Todo el apoyo frente a esta agresión homófoba.
Barcelona es una ciudad orgullosamente diversa y defenderemos la libertad de género y sexual de todas las personas. Barcelona mayor Ada Colau condemned the attack on social media: "Barcelona is a city that is proudly diverse and we defend everyone's gender and sexual freedoms," she tweeted, encouraging people to turn out for the Pride celebration planned for Saturday in Barcelona.