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Catalan separatists, Spanish unionist, Autonomists and other characters will pursue their goals and play the cards the best they can to add up points and substract from the adversary. Because politics behaves like a game, my cards, yours and luck. Help us make the game a reality and give the final yes to the printer. This game is based on different political roles. Each one has a goal. Catalan separatist wants to add up for independence, Spanish state wants to subtract points to Catalonia, Catalan autonomist wants forces to draw so that everything remains the same.
It is a game with additions and subtractions in which you need ability, slyness and to be clever. The game is made from a Catalan perspective. Players will ally and negotiate. Between round and round, any political fact can happen: Along the game creation process we participated in several events and we tested it with casual players, hardcore players and game creators experts in board game area, adjusting and modifying things to make it dynamic, fun, but above all a challenge for those more demanding ones. At this moment the game is ready with its illustrations and design.
Final prototype has been accepted by the manufacturer. We just need your support and will give the final yes! We ask for your support to be able to do our first order to the printer. We have the game translated to other languages you can ask for the instructions pdf and we will look for the way to close the support for an international edition.
“Whore and little Ramona - Catalan politics card game” — Verkami
As we announced initially, this is a satirical game but at the same time it brings a very explicit message. With humor it is possible to reflect not reality but a certain idiosyncrasy in catalan way of doing politics. Then, as a ping to the politicians responsible to bring us to independence, we want to send game copies to the parliament, one for each member.

We would like this to be a shared action. Catalan Games is a small game editor which started in with the initial idea of producing this game. Its goal is to make games with an invariably genuine style. Catalan culture is rich and can give place to games critic with its society and fun for friends. Catalan Games give the chance to new creators which align with these values.
At the same time, we want to highlight an international projection. Translate the game into English can be a good way to explain Catalonia to the world in an amusing way. You can find more information in the game webpage laputailaramonetaeljoc.
Putas medievales
You can also follow our Facebook and Twitter. We will send your question to the author of the project, who will be able to reply directly to your user email address. If you are already a sponsor, please Log in to comment.
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Bona tarda Vaig fer una aportació i encara no he rebut el mail Per enviar el joc al domicili Salutacions Pere. Hem enviat un mail a tots els mecenes amb un enllaç a un formulari web on podràs omplir totes les teves dades. Bona tarda Ja fa uns dies que va acabar i es va assolir la xifra. No m han enviat cap mail per preguntar-me on enviar el joc.
Hola Tristany. Gràcies per l'interès. Ajuda'ns com a coproductor. Gràcies per la pregunta LLuís. Al final del Verkami ens posarem en contacte amb cadascun dels mecenes per conèixer les adreces on volen que els enviem el joc. Tot i que molts de vosaltres encara no teniu el joc amb vosaltres, la nostra intenció és que a finals de setmana tots hi pugueu estar jugant. Per fer-la, ens agradaria que tots i cadascun de vosaltres es fes una fotografia amb el joc i ens l'enviés a info catalangames.
Ens acomiadem, que tenim molta feina Finalment, tot i els petits retards que hi han hagut els mesos d'estiu sempre resulten complicats ja tenim els jocs produïts i les recompenses a punt per a distribuir-les.
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A partir de dimarts dia 20 d'agost, aquells mecenes que van escollir passar a buscar les seves recompenses per la botiga de Vilaweb a Barcelona veure adreça , ja podran passar-hi tot indicant el seu nom juntament amb un document oficial d'identitat vàlid. Aquells mecenes que van omplir el formulari de disponibilitat d'enviament, rebran la seva recompensa en el primer enviament que coincideixi amb les seves preferències, començant per la setmana següent 4a setmana d'agost. Sabem que alguns de vosaltres esteu ansiosos per rebre ja les vostres recompenses i poder tenir el joc. No ho estigueu pas Si no hem donat senyals de vida des de dimecres és perquè hem pensat que valia més la pena centrar tots els nostres esforços en engegar la producció del joc el més ràpid possible.
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