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A great addition to my work station. Had the pleasure a couple of months ago of shooting some friends for a lovely interview and cover photos for Visions Magazine Germany. Christian Wiensgol did such a wonderful job with this interview, and I hope you all check it out if you can speak German or get it translated, haha.

Sharing the photos I was able to get that day, either for use or just some extras, now that the issue has been published. This was such a blast, and not a bad day for a last minute gig with only about 15 minutes to grab pics on the way from the interview across the street back to the Hot Water Music show.
Looking forward to more of this in ! Great times as always. We might just have enough cabs to pull this off. Resultados inmediatos, antes y después de LaserPicosecond. Agenda tu cita y dependiendo de la necesidad de tu piel, te recomendamos las sesiones que necesitas La belleza viene de adentro hacia afuera Por fim, mas igualmente importante, o zinco é capaz de agir como fator de crescimento de desenvolvimento dos seus cabelos, podendo trazer benefícios para aqueles que sofrem com a queda dos fios.
O NEW CAP da Vitaminlife concentra o que tem sido de produzido de melhor em nosso país, trazendo apenas o melhor dos produtos desenvolvidos especialmente para os cabelos da mulher brasileira. Oceanne es una marca Colombiana de mascarillas faciales con ingredientes como frutas y plantas, ademas tienen una amplia variedad. Son fabricadas en Corea del sur y no contienen parabenos o sulfatos. Es la materia prima en la síntesis y la reparación del cartílago.
De noche y de dia tengo la misma armonía! Have a meal with me to be happy. No one dares to say his peacefulness all life. Legend has it that Cao Ba Quat used his poetry talents to sharply insult a village mayor who always take advantage of the poor:.
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With the head, tail and trunk all in place. But there is something missing still He gave the man a pair of parallel sentences as follows:. Thien thiem tue nguyet, nhan thiem THO. The more months and years fly away, the older people get. Spring is all over the universe, good fortune is with all families. Thien thiem tue nguyet, nhan thiem. The more months and years fly away, more people live. Spring is all over the universe, good fortune is full for the family. One day, Tu Duc King thought of a couple of parallel sentences:.
Tu nang thua phu nghiep. Than kha bao quan an. Children should follow their parents. Subjects must be grateful to the King. The King was very pleased with these sentences, and requested to write them and hang up in Can Chanh palace in Hue citadel and showed them to mandarins in the court. Tu Duc King heard that and was very angry.
The King asked him to correct the parallel sentences, so he immediately rearranged the order of these words and had new parallel sentences:. Vien trung oanh chuyen "khe kha" ngu. Da ngoai Dao hoa "lam tam" khai. Tu Duc King was so proud of the 2 strange poetry sentences that he composed himself that he was taken aback by Cao Ba Quat.
Bao ma tay phuong huech hoac lai,. Huenh hoang nhan tu thac De hoi.
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Vien trung oanh chuyen khe kha ngu,. Da ngoai Dao hoa lam tam khai. Xuan nhat bat van suong lop bop,. Thu thien chi kien vu bai nhai. Khu kho thi tu Da nhan thuc,. Khenh khang tuong lai van tu tai. People grandiloquently come back. In spring but there is no clapping dew. In autumn, there is only sprinkling rain. Foolish poems, many people know. The poem was completely recited, and the mandarins looked at one another in surprise. So repressed and deposed, Cao Ba Quat wrote a couple of parallel sentences and hung up in front of his door:.
An empty house with 3 rooms. One teacher, one woman, one female dog. Several students. Half human, half idiot, and half ape. Aparte de varios poemas individuales, panfletos y ensayos, sus tres obras principales son:. Su influencia en la construcción de la moral y el sentimiento patriótico se hizo sentir mucho tiempo después de la derrota militar de la resistencia popular.
Y ahora. Los cañones del enemigo retumban a través del país; el cielo conoce. Para recordarles:. Ustedes conducen una vida dura y solitaria.
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Con mucha preocupación y pobreza. Extraños a los arcos y caballos, y al campo de batalla, ustedes sólo. Lo hacían bien al escardar, arar y sembrar, pero nunca posaron sus. Rumores de guerra habían continuado por diez meses; las noticias. El día que ustedes vieron a las tiendas de campaña mostrar su. El sol y la luna ardían brillantes,. Ustedes no eran milicianos ni guardaespaldas, entrenados en las. No podían esperar ser entrenados en las dieciocho disciplinas de.
Todo lo que tenían era un trozo de tela, pero no esperaban un. Con trenzados fardos de paja, prendieron fuego a la casa de un. No es necesario que los oficiales toquen el tambor, ustedes superaron. Rompieron filas y huyeron, abandonando los barcos de hierro y de. Creyeron en su corazón que los buenos y los fieles vivirían mucho. Un sueño del campo de batalla significaba buena fortuna; no sabían. Pero sus pensamientos fueron estos:.