Descargar enola gay mp3
Uno de los mejores discos del synthpop, una joya. Escuchen Insomnia los viernes de 8 a 10 de la noche en Exa Fm coatzacoalcos. Me gusta. Principales opiniones internacionales. I bought this album when it was first released, and was very disappointed, as I rated it against their totally brilliant debut album, and it was always going to come off second best!
Enola Gay was the single released from this album, and I probably expected the album to be just as poppy and full as the single, but none of the other songs on Organisation were like that, which probably led to my disappointment. However, thirty five years later, I bought the CD to give it another try, and realized how unfair I had been first time around. It's pretty different to the first album, and certainly not as good, in my opinion, but it's still a top album in its own right, hence the four stars.
This is another fab album by my most favourite group ever OMD. This was their 2nd album that came out at the end of and has the famous hit of theirs "Enola Gay" on it that peaked at 8 in the UK charts back in This album also features 6 extra bonus tracks on including This is a must have if you love OMD and 80s music like me!!
The LP opens with the other sore thumb, the hit single 'Enola Gay', which is a breezy, melodic slice of synthpop that would later be referenced on the great 'Let's Pretend We're Bunny Rabbits' by the Magnetic Fields. I guess the title and the lyrics are quite dark, nodding to the atom bomb and the plane that delivered Little Boy to Hiroshima? Organisation feels very much like an LP in one tone, more so with the addition of 'Enola Gay's b-side 'Annex', though the other bonus tracks feel different.
These include the Dindisc re-recording of 'Electricity', which is fine, but slightly pointless in that the original remains fantastic and four tracks recorded live tracks 11 - 14 , which are more akin to the sound of the debut LP. I was initially skeptical when I approached this vinyl and set it up, especially as my old man was so disappointed after listening to it upon its release. I've been a big OMD fan for many years, but this is one album that for some reason I have never come across the CD is surprisingly hard to track down elsewhere.
Getting straight to the release, this is a major step-up out, admittedly, ageing vinyl. The dynamics are absolutely superb and give a real warmth for the synthesisers that swirl around in every track. It was also nice to hear some sounds in the mix that were not present on the vinyl, and therefore provides better definition of the original recordings.
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Have they 'corrected' anything? It doesn't sound so, although the synth pads used for 'Statues' sound so much cleaner. I've met Andy McCluskey a few times he lives near by and it was surprising that he doesn't rate this album highly. Perhaps he was just being modest, but I think it offers a fair share of wonderful tracks, if not as consistent as say 'Architecture and Morality'. Y sucumbimos a la presión, porque firmamos un contrato tan malo que no teníamos dinero.
Vendimos millones de discos y no veíamos un mango. No es que lo gastamos en aviones y yates: lo que entraba se iba en grabar, hacer giras y filmar videos carísimos para tratar de entrar al mercado norteamericano. Parece increíble, pero en diez años nuestra plata se fue en eso. Entonces, paramos. En , tanteamos el terreno con una serie de conciertos y fueron tan bien recibidos que comenzamos a pensar en ser OMD otra vez. Es una respuesta larga, lo sé.
Pero es complicado de explicar, ja, ja.
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Hay dos bandas que aparecen seguido en tus entrevistas: Kraftwerk y Oasis. Kraftwerk cambió nuestra vida. No digo que Noel Gallagher no escriba buenas canciones: es un buen compositor, hace melodías, frases pegadizas.
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Enola Gay (, Vinyl) | Discogs
Pregunto porque la longevidad parece llevarse mejor con el rock que con el pop. Je, je. No sé: me parece que hay mucha vitalidad en el pop. Lo estamos conversando con nuestro management, porque hicimos un par de conciertos hace poco en México y no teníamos idea de que éramos conocidos en Latinoamérica.
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Así que decidimos ir por nuestra cuenta y averiguarlo. Sabemos que hay mucha gente que nos quiere ver y solo necesitamos alguien que nos llame y garantice los conciertos. Nos encantaría. Tenemos dos buenos nuevos discos para mostrar y nos rehusamos a ser solo un acto de nostalgia. Los comentarios publicados son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y las consecuencias derivadas de ellos pueden ser pasibles de sanciones legales.
Los veteranos OMD presentan en España su disco "The Punishment of Luxury"
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