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Tras una larga parada, ha vuelto a la Sala 33 Cabeza, 33 con energía renovada y Vruto a los mandos. Las barbas,el ambiente calentorro y el techno. Entrada con dos consumiciones, 18 euros. Su ubicación habitual, en la calle Regueros, 9, y Fulanita Vip Club, abierto hasta las 6 h. Esta fiesta se ha consolidado como una de las apuestas seguras los domingos de ambiente y tras un breve exilio ha regresado a su ubicación original en el Teatro Barceló Barceló, El que sea capaz de aguantar este triatlón de eventos puede comprar una entrada combinada para todos por euros.
El domingo 7 regresa a su sede habitual en la sala Tirso Tirso de Molina, 1 con un show que homenajea a Priscilla: reina del desierto. Es decir, brilli brilli y purpurina para todes. Se pueden encontrar entradas para ambos eventos desde 10 euros. Asistentes a la Plaza Pedro Zerolo. La Prohibida. Conforme a los criterios de. Large studies at tourism level, for example, always place the gay collective as DINK double income no kids , ok, perfect, but what happens? In Spain and in other countries, advanced legislations allow marriages, not only a couple, as he is my partner, she is my girlfriend, with thechildren they adopt, then this changes interview held in EAGAL seat, Madrid, February 4 th , In spite of this, the festive environment perceived on the street during the Pride parade which lasts between four and five hours and the varied numerous activities held in Madrid during these days have a great power as touristic assertion.
Moreover, the separation between activism and business entrepreneurs shall be problematized and not only because of what has been exposed so far: most of the interviewed entrepreneurs that participate with a float in the parade stated they do as activists. Even though Alfonso Llopart, founder of Shangay magazine and promoter of the first float that paraded, declared:. If the first part of the parade disappeared, nothing would be lost, if the second disappeared there would be four again.
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None goes to the parade out of assertiveness… commoditized pride? Well yeah Interview in the seat of Shangay magazine, Madrid, February 28 th , These elements aspire to remember at all times that we witness a self-assertive act. Even so, in the bosom of activism frequent are the debates on the limits of market and protests produced by a contested demonstration, but it also provides them with a powerful argumentation: that of visibility, mediated by its convening power.
About four or five years later —the information received is not conclusive— it was proposed to turn such parade into a State Demonstration in which activist collectives from all over Spain participated. Not the only associations.

Many entrepreneurs were and are activists, others not. Even though in many cases the impetus to create these associations has come from activism —to facilitate interlocution between these spheres that work close to one another not only in the Pride parade, but in other sensitization campaigns, information on HIV, among others—, the tensions between them are on the rise. Intersections between activism assertion and authenticity of the Pride , business identities vs market niche and city branding do not allow easy solutions and question how we build nowadays identity categories and also which the present and future strategies and alliances of the grassroots identity social movements are and will be.
Diverse are the questions stated: can activism and enterprise still be presented in dichotomous terms? Is it possible to conjugate assertion and market? We gradually added wills in Madrid and not only LGTB, but men and women from all over Spain… So important have been the collectives in many parts of Spain and as the meeting places because while we fought we had to socialize… by the way, gay and lesbian entrepreneurs which for years put their shoulder to the wheel when there was not a single collective and it was the only place where you could socialize and in which the entrepreneurial intension was more activism than profitability.
What is the problem? Activism supported by SFLGTB thus advocates for the complex articulation between activism and entrepreneurship, and justifies it because it has produced a formula for assertiveness, that of demonstration in Madrid, whose success and turnover is unique, giving great visibility to the LGTB cause, at the same time that it equalizes visibility and social power Toni Poveda, SFLGTB former president. I lived the time when we were outsiders and 40 people went into the street. We have surpassed it and many social movements are imitating the Pride model.
Maybe it is not floats, but are imitating the Pride model. Ever since there is Pride, 15M, unions, try to enliven the festivities, make them more vivid. I have no complex, but even if we speak of the identity and essence of this revolution, this revolution starts in a bar, and from there it comes, but it does not start in bar by chance, it was there where LGTB people socialized in a clandestine manner, illegal or whatever you call it, but it begins there interview held in S FLGTB seat, Madrid, February 5 th , Many interviewed activist leaders distinguished that it is added value that an enterprise participates in the Pride, because with it they seem to be close to the LGTB assertion.
The discourses that oppose this articulation —individual or in critical expressions— follow an authenticity logic that faces the assertive logic with commercial logic. They drink from a tradition in which militancy was considered contradictory with going out to bars and other places of the scene, which were considered ghettos, not spaces for liberation Eribon, Rodríguez, FAGC spokesperson.
Why do enterprises have to participate in a demonstration? I go to many others such as May 1 st , or March 8 th and there are no companies benefitting from nothing. The rights of lesbians and gays, trans, bisexuals, intersexual, queers are not business, and neither are those of any discriminated group.
If we distract, in this context of privatizations of the public space, they will privatize the demonstration! Between both stances, which seem incompatible, it is worth wondering if commoditization and publicity are the only means to be visible nowadays, since visibility is outlined as a key element regarding a large turnover:. For me the objective is the celebration of an assertive date to continue with our self-assertion.
Collaboration with entrepreneurs, at present, seems unpredictable to me. Translated from Catalan by the author. Indubitably, it has to do with the constitution of gays and lesbians mainly the former as a market niche and the tradition of collaboration between activism and enterprises which has been referred.
However, this collaboration has to remit, according to the most critical people. March 8 th is convened by Evax? No, and it does nothing impressive for women. It is the same to me that an enterprise that serves gays is convening. This case exposes the difficult articulation between identity, protest and market. The tension between identity and difference is intrinsic to these social movements Bourdieu, , being LGTB movement the quintessence of identity movements owing to its implication in the cultural transformation of society, and the acquisition of rights and its identity consequences.
Commoditized —and assimilable— identities become false universals and aspire to be universalized. Moreover, they are built as opposed and incompatible with protest and self-assertion. We shall incorporate new identity models into our analyses in order to redefine those limits and consider practices, desires, sexual experiences and lifestyles linked by the market or by facing it, as well as their political expressions. All the activist agree on these when appealing to diversity and the integration of every perspective.
The Spanish legislation regarding LGTB reality is more advanced than ever and it is indubitable that assimilation strategies adopted by Spanish and international activism have been fruitful. Even if capitalist globalization supposes the adoption of new demonstration models —much more commoditized than in Spain— in many places, it also favors emancipation in places where otherwise would not be possible, such as Poland Binnie and Klesse, Criminalizing the entrepreneurs seems to be a dead end, not only because of its historical and recognized role, but also because in virtue of the floats the parade summons a large amount of people.
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It is as well to oppose protest and market or diluting the self-assertive content into the entrepreneurial, as it has occurred in many places. Opposing protest and market is sterile. The limits of identities, assertions and identity issues shall be redefined in a non-excluding nor exclusive, but inclusive manner. The very definition of LGTB nowadays is hybrid Hall, ; García-Canclini, , sexual practice not only produces identities —practices, desires, experiences— but bodies of consumption, for consumption and bodies of consumers.
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The celebration of the Pride —as an act of visibility and protest— is the central event that provides LGTB associations with legitimacy, therefore, its evolution will influence our definition of LGTB identities, activism and political action. This case reveals the urgency of questioning how we build identities nowadays and problematize the idea that market leads to their disappearance. Even so, we keep on building new dichotomous and excluding models. Nowadays, it is possible to think of hybrid identities that conjugate elements related to the market without the groups being solely and exclusively constituted by market niches and for the market.
We need new identity models that face such complexity from modularity and transformation. Mobilization, visibility and power are closely linked nowadays with the capitalist logic and collective and political action. Tensions and conflict are inherent to LGTB parades and are crucial to define both the identities and strategies of the movement Ghaziani, Conflicts and dissidence can be productive, produce new ways of organization and protest.
The Spanish case is peculiar in a global context in which Pride parades are totally commoditized or else are forbidden: Madrid has the chance to find the intermediate road, a hybrid model that overcomes the old essentialisms which are not useful any more. The challenge is to redefine identities and protest so that the latter does not restrict the former, nor it disappears, while clear alliances are established with entrepreneurs and institutions so as not to turn identities into a mere spectacle without a content.
Arditi, Jorge y Hequembourg, Amy , "Modificaciones parciales: discursos de resistencia de gays y lesbianas en Estados Unidos", en Política y Sociedad , vol. Bell, D.
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Bernstein, Mary , "Celebration and suppression: The strategic uses of identity by the lesbian and gay movement", en The American Journal of Sociology , vol. Bourdieu, Pierre , La dominación masculina , España: Anagrama. Butler, J. Calvo, Kerman y Pichardo, J. Calvo, Kerman y Trujillo, G. Chasin, Alexandra a , Selling Out. Collier, John Jr. Duggan, Lisa , The Twilight of Equality? Enguix, Begonya , Poder y Deseo. Enguix, Begonya b , "Espacios y disidencias.
Eribon, Didier , Identidades. Reflexiones sobre la Cuestión Gay , España: Bellaterra. Feijoo, Diego , "Un concurso de fotos sobre el Orgullo Gay, contra la extravagancia". Foucault, Michel , Historia de la Sexualidad I.
Fox Gotham, Kevin , "Theorizing urban spectacles: Festivals, tourism and the transformation of urban space", en City , vol. Fox Gotham, Kevin , "Theorizing Carnival. García Canclini, Néstor , Culturas híbridas. Estrategias para entrar y salir de la modernidad , España: Paidós.
García, Daniel , "Orgullo es decisión, la manifestación del 28J en Madrid". Ghaziani, Amin , The Dividends of Dissent. Hall, S. Herrero Brasas, Juan A. La Construcción de una cultura queer en España , España: Egales.