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Once installed, it will appear under all apps. The first same-sex marriage to be performed in the country following the ruling occurred on 24 May Colombia was the fourth country in South America to allow same-sex marriage. On 7 February , the Constitutional Court of Colombia extended several common-law marriage property and pension rights to same-sex couples. A couple is regarded as de facto after living together for two years.
A union can be registered through a public deed before a notary or a judge.
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If such a law had not been passed by then, same-sex couples would be automatically able to register their relationship with the same solemnity as heterosexual couples do through marriage. From February to August , at least 51 same-sex de facto unions were performed in the coastal city of Cartagena. However, on 19 June, a group of conservative senators broke party discipline in what is usually a routine vote on the final form of a bill and defeated the measure by in the member Senate.

About 80 LGBT rights advocates held a demonstration outside Congress the following day, protesting the bill's defeat. On 17 March , Senator Armando Benedetti introduced a civil union bill. The bill was re-introduced by Senator Roy Barreras on 30 July In , after the Constitutional Court ruling, four bills were announced in Congress to correct the disadvantage of same-sex couples, two bills used the word "marriage", two of them created civil unions.
In October , Senator Armando Benedetti introduced a bill legalizing same-sex marriage. The bill initially only allowed for civil unions, but the text was changed by Benedetti. The negative outcome was expected, as the two biggest parties made a commitment to kill the bill.
Days before the vote, Superintendent Jorge Enrique Vélez announced that if the Congress failed to pass the same-sex marriage bill before the 20 June deadline, the Minister of Justice would prepare guidelines for notaries and judges to conduct "solemn contracts" for same-sex couples. This was the first same-sex couple married in Colombia. In September , two civil court judges married two same-sex couples. A verdict was to be reached before 31 August On 30 July , Senator Benedetti introduced a same-sex marriage bill. He made the statement the day after a multi-country same-sex couple began an unprecedented legal battle to have their marriage registered in Spain recognised in Colombia.
Colombian government agencies began recognising same-sex marriages lawfully performed in foreign jurisdictions in March Same-sex couples married abroad are now entitled to the same visa, healthcare benefits, inheritance and pension rights as heterosexual spouses once they take a stamped marriage certificate and identification papers to the nearest designated office.
In March , a draft of a ruling, considered to be a minority opinion of the Constitutional Court , was published by Judge Jorge Ignacio Pretelt. The draft argued that marriage applied only to one man and one woman and that it was up to Congress to legalize same-sex marriage. On 7 April , the Court voted against the proposal. Presiding Judge Maria Victoria Calle told the court; "all people are free to choose independently to start a family in keeping with their sexual orientation The first same-sex wedding in the country following the ruling happened in Cali on 24 May On 12 July , the Constitutional Court rejected a challenge to the ruling filed by a conservative group opposed to same-sex marriage.
In Colombia, civil marriages are performed by notaries and judges. Up to April , there was no unified statistical report concerning the first year of same-sex marriage in Colombia. Nonetheless, notaries had been reporting partial data, leaving marriages performed by judges excluded.
Every marriage performed in Colombia has to be registered with the Registraduría Nacional de Colombia.