This also addresses another very serious issue for developing countries. They do not have the infrastructure to support their increasing population and consequently produce a high number of vehicles which leads to traffic gridlock, irresponsible driving, difficulty to regulate traffic control rules, and higher rates of pedestrian accidents. A suitable approach to address this is to advocate for better walkability, not only to ensure safety for the people who do not have any other mode of transportation but also to encourage more people to choose walking over vehicles that pollute the environment and cause congestion.
The current situation in Dhaka in terms of footpath availability, footpath quality, safety of pedestrians and facilities for disables and pedestrian amenities is poor and policymakers lack much needed enthusiasm for reform. Rather, there are policies to punish those who do not use foot-over bridges that require people to take two long flights of stairs to make the lives of drivers easier than pedestrians. WBB took on initiatives to work on the results and promote walking as well as improve the overall pedestrian environment. It staged public campaigns to encourage people to choose walking as their mode of transport more often.
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The plan includes accommodating pedestrians without vehicles as an obstruction and reduces pedestrian-vehicle intersections, increases shade cover to provide protection from the sun as well as rain by planting long-leaf or broad-leaf trees , ensures visibility of pedestrians at night by putting LED lights in short intervals, and eliminates mobility barriers for pedestrians with physical disabilities.
If implemented more broadly, this project has immense future potential to help improve the road situation in Dhaka. It is environmentally friendly and ensures greater safety for pedestrians, consequently increasing the number of walkers and decreasing the number of pedestrian accidents in the city, thus making the city safer and more livable. Curitiba, 19 April — Well-known in Europe, the car-sharing model, is just taking shape in Brazil, and, because of a project in Curitiba, is ariving in the city via clean energy. In this article, get to know about Ecoelétrico, a program that has already prevented the emission of more than ten tons of CO2 and promises to take about private vehicles out of circulation by the end of the year.
Now, however, it is seeing its public transport shrink. It's now the "motor capital" of the country. The issue is not restricted to traffic, but is an ecological one, inconsistent with the sustainable ideal of the city. As the city invests in collective solutions, such as building more exclusive lanes for buses and a subway , the government is also trying to renew the role of individual transport. Inaugurated in by the city in partnership with the hydroelectric plant Itaipu Binacional , with the Renault-Nissan Alliance and the Center for Excellence and Innovation in the Automotive Industry CEIIA in Portugal, Ecoelétrico earned the capital the largest national fleet of fully electric cars and micro-buses.
These vehicles have logged more than 80, kilometers while at the service of the Municipal Guard, the Municipal Transit and Curitiba Tourism Institute, avoiding the emission of more than ten tons of CO2. In a new phase of implementation, the initiative is now in the process of directly benefiting the general population througha car-sharing system.
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To this end, a public call notice was launched in late , by which any person or entity, national or international, can present projects and technical studies to participate in the tender. After a winner is chosen, which is scheduled for next month, the contract model will be set through public-private partnership or concession. By the end of , 80 cars shouldbe available for lease, taking up to private vehicles out ofcirculation. According to the plan, they will be offered in strategically located car parks and may be rented and returned at any of the parks throughout the city , after the payment of daily, weekly or monthly plans, considering the time of use or distance travelled.
In addition to electroparks and multifunctional recharge totems thatconcentrate valuable service to the people, such as wi-fi signal, shared bicycles and information centers, the project predicts the full integration of the electric vehicles with other modes of public transport by the end of The idea is that the model is not only more economical and viable for residents than private vehicles, but that it also strengthens and disseminates the multimodal character of the local mobility system. Well-known in Europe, car-sharing is just taking shape in Brazil, and it is interesting that this start is already linked to a project that proposes zero CO2 emissions.
It will not solve the transport or ecologic problems of Curitiba definitively, but it fosters the debate around innovative solutions and puts the car in check not as property, but as a common service. Although it is too soon to know what his actual, long-term policies will be, he has already take some steps in implementing some of his ideas.
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His first initiative has been to create a network within his administration to foster the use bicycle-based public transportation among municipal employees. A pesar del abandono en que muchas de ellas han caído desde su creación, estas vías destinadas a los ciclistas se convirtieron en un orgullo para la ciudad, e incluso se han constituido en un atractivo turístico. Se estima que diariamente se producen viajes en bicicleta en la ciudad.
El peculiar sistema de gobierno municipal de Colombia impone que cada mandato comienza con la elaboración de un plan de desarrollo, que debe ser aprobado por el consejo de cada municipio. En este sentido, se puede destacar la creación, por parte de la Alcaldía , de la Red de Movilidad Sostenible. El proceso de elaboración del plan de desarrollo contiene también algunas iniciativas interesantes.
Por ejemplo, se utilizan las webs del distrito para recabar iniciativas de la ciudadanía. Esta iniciativa se engloba dentro del Mayors Challenge, una competencia creada por Bloomberg Philanthropies. However, as far as sustainable transportation goes, his biggest accomplishment was the addition of km to the bike route system launched by his predecessor Antanas Mockus.
Even though many of these ciclorutas have suffered problems since, such as lack of proper maintenance and high crime rates, they are a source of pride for the city, and have even attracted tourism. It is estimated that every day about , bike journeys traverse them.
His idea is to create an above ground metro system, studies for which have already begun. The peculiar Colombian political system requires each new administration to create a Plan de Desarrollo, roughly translated as a general development plan, which includes the major infrastructure initiatives to be undertaken in the next four years.
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This plan has to be approved by the full council. The process usually takes several months before final approval. Only when the Plan de Desarrollo is finished, will the details of the transportation policy be fully known. In particular, it will be necessary that a substantial number of car drivers switch to the public transportation systems.
It will also be necessary to optimize existing resources. This network is entrusted with providing information to over 50, city employees on how to use alternative forms of transportation to the private vehicle, such as bicycles or the different forms of public transportation. This network will also help each administrative unit in designing and implementing a sustainable transportation plan for their employees. In addition, it will be in charge of organizing and implementing the monthly day without cars, which will be compulsory for city employees, although optional for the rest of the Bogotanos.
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The idea behind these initiatives is not only to have a direct impact, but also to serve as an example to the general population. The development of the Plan de Desarrollo has been opened to input from the public through websites and other means. One of the areas in which user participation is being sought is in school transportation.
Data from the city suggests that every day children under 13 require , vehicular trips. Improving this situation will not only result in an improvement in the quality of life for the children and their families, it will also reduce air pollution. This initiative is part of the Mayors Challenge, a contest sponsored by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Bangalore, 15 April — Increased number of vehicles on road leading to congestion, longer commute time, extended implementation time for metro services on one hand whereas existing railway track, lesser commute time and implementation time, and benefits for suburbs in terms of affordability and increased economic activity have all given impetus for commuter railway services in Bengaluru.
The Silicon Valley of India, Bengaluru, is a land of opportunities for everyone. The city is home to many industries, including information technology parks, and evidence suggests that the labor workforce will live close to the workplace in neighboring towns-suburbs. Some reports also suggest that Bengaluru is already saturated. With the growing commercial market, the housing is no longer affordable to many. Given the significant commute between the commercial centers and the suburbs and suburban towns viewed as the best options for setting up industries to release growth pressures on the city to absorb new migrants and to relocate some people from the city there is an impetus to use and develop the commuter railways transit system.
The number of vehicles in the city has grown, by 17 times in the last decade. Several measures were taken in Bengaluru like road widening, increasing frequency of public transport, construction of metro rail network to ease the burden. But, each of these options is laden with problems of cost, time taken for construction, nuisance to public during implementation, and shorter reach in terms of travel distance covered. The commuter rail service CRS , aka Namma Railu, therefore is a best possible solution connecting suburban growth centers within an approximate one-hour travel distance to Bengaluru.
Since then, the movement for action over CRS in on-going. With the recent Karnataka State budget announcing a Rs.
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The proposal is to connect seven suburban towns Mandya, Ramanagaram, Tumkur, Dodballapur, Chikballapur, Malur, Bangarpet and Hosur with the cities which are approximately km apartand catering to 16 Lakh people who are not currently served by any means. However, when compared to other modes of transport being thought of and some already under implementation, CRS scores well over them. CRS covers total network length of km as compared to km for metro, 60 km for monorail or 35 km for high speed railway line.
CRS when compared in terms of cost involved is much lesser i. And lastly, CRS is going to benefit the neighboring towns by increasing the economic activity, by providing affordable transport service and also lesser commute time to work. While doing so, team from Praja-RAAG is also aware that land is a big challenge as some new land may need to be acquired.
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