There is also a scavenger hunt game, which is designed to get the whole family involved in collecting supplies for the kit.
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Visitors to the site can print out instructions on how to play the game with their family. Another section of the website educates children about weather events and unexpected situations, everything from earthquakes to tsunamis to terrorism. We needed a larger facility to be able to add physicians and support staff to meet their needs. Due to the prolonged economic recession, nonprofit health providers in general are coping with an influx of new patients who have lost their job and health insurance.
With federal health care reform, he also believes more patients will be looking for primary care homes and end up at community clinics. Right now, he said, many patients who may qualify for subsidized care in the future are coming in only when they are in dire need. In the future, he expects more patients will take advantage of preventive care. While the nonprofit health providers in City Heights are clustered in a relatively small area, they collaborate, rather than compete with each other. As a result, Mid-City Community Clinic is able to gain designation as a federally qualified health center that provides comprehensive services to underserved populations.
Katherine Konzen, director of urgent care for. Patients have great access to care from 8 a. All the providers make special efforts to hire employees who speak foreign languages, such as Spanish, Somali and Vietnamese, in addition to English. Some of the providers make use of telephone interpretation services when a patient speaks a rare language that nobody on their staff understands.
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La Maestra has a model for developing medically-trained cultural liaisons who serve as ambassadors in the community on health care matters and bring feedback on how to improve its serves to reach particular ethnic groups. All the nonprofit providers help patients without health care insurance apply for government health programs.
Because not all of their patients can pay, nonprofit providers rely heavily on public and private grants and fundraising to cover budget gaps. Se espera que el nuevo edificio esté terminado a principios del En la actualidad, dijo, muchos de los pacientes con derecho a recibir cuidados de salud subvencionados por el gobierno solo acuden a la clínica en caso de extrema urgencia. Sus servicios y horarios tienden a complementarse.
Como resultado, la Clínica Comunitaria de Mid-City ha sido designada por el gobierno federal como un centro de que provee servicios integrales de salud a las poblaciones marginadas. Los pacientes tienen acceso a una variedad de servicios desde las 8 a. Explaining health care reform, which entails deciphering complicated timelines, legalese and technical medical terms, can be daunting even for native English speakers. Members of the East African Healthcare Reform Roundtable are attempting to do all that and overcome language and cultural barriers for immigrants whose traditions focus on oral, rather than written, means of communications.
Funded by The California Endowment as part of its Building Healthy Communities initiative, the roundtable is intended to help the East African community understand federal health care reform. The group has been meeting once a month since January and is still in the strategic planning stage.
Facilitators are helping leaders collaborate and increase their knowledge. The roundtable is creating a shared vision and action plan for community outreach and advocacy. Hamud gave an example of what these efforts might look like in City Heights. Hamud anticipates doing one-onone outreach to people as well as larger trainings.
Meanwhile, the roundtable is looking at some unique strategies to disseminate information. Adam has lived in San Diego for nearly a decade and is the father of a young son. Contact him at award midcitycan.
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Grants enable La Maestra to expand medical and dental health services to more schools New mobile clinic to be added By Lindy Webb. The funding will allow La Maestra to purchase a new mobile clinic to provide medical, dental and other health and well-being services to about 9, more elementary and middle school students.
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The foot mobile clinic will feature two dental chairs and one exam room. The van will provide substantial savings for families because they will no longer need to miss work and school to drive to a clinic. La Maestra, which has been serving City Heights for more than two decades, established its first schoolbased health center when it took over the clinic at Hoover High School in Last year, through funding from its community partners, The California Endowment and Price Charities, the nonprofit health provider opened a second school-based.
It has since expanded to more schools, including Central Elementary pictured here. Photos courtesy of La Maestra. Plans for additional on-campus clinics in City Heights are underway. Vision, hearing and mental health screenings and referrals are also available. For 21 years, La Maestra has provided disease prevention, treatment, chronic disease management, and essential support services to more than , men, women and children in City Heights, National City, Lemon Grove and El Cajon.
Ofreciendo Servicios de Calidad a un Precio Asequible Todos los proveedores sin fines de lucro ayudan a los pacientes que no tienen seguro médico a aplicar en los programas de salud del gobierno. Como regla general, las clínicas comunitarias no le niegan sus servicios a nadie. For Julian Lopez, hard work equals success By Ashley Quintero As he enters his last year of high school, Hoover senior Julian Lopez maintains a sharp focus on both sports and academics.
He prepared himself for the upcoming year with one goal in mind: attending college. Julian has always been a strong student. During his years at Monroe Clark Middle School, academics was his priority, and he became one of the top students in his class. Not only did he excel in his classes, he was also interested in athletics. He brought the same commitment and drive to Hoover, where he ended his freshman year with a 3.
He trained during the summer with the team and did extra training on his own. He faced a major setback when the doctor said that he was not fit enough to play football. He took that as a challenge and pushed himself harder. Julian also participated in track and field and became a top hurdler.

During his sophomore year, Julian was recruited to the varsity football team and raised his GPA to 4. While others pushed him to get back on his feet, he felt like stopping because of the pressure from his peers and teachers.
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His motivation was not the same, but he did all he could to get back on his feet. He quit track and field and then managed to come back by apologizing and discussing his future with his coach. His junior year was not what he expected. It was a challenge managing time to study, do school work and play sports. He put his all into every football game and track meet. He has been involved in football and track and field all through the past three years and plans on doing the same this year. Not only have his peers noticed how good he has become but colleges have as well.
Lopez has been receiving letters of recruitment from the Air Force and multiple colleges. Although he has some time to think about where he will go, he already has his mind set on one particular university: Harvard. This is his dream school. He will continue to work hard to reach his college goal. This year he has more on his plate, as he juggles academics, sports, and a job to help his family.
He also feels like the man of the house because his father is not there. Although Julian has a portfolio full of medals, awards, and letters of recognition and recruitment, he remains humble and is doing everything to make his mother proud. Both his family and peers support him in every way. In anticipation of further state budget cuts, the San Diego Unified School District is studying the possibility of closing some schools in ten of its 16 high school clusters, including the Hoover and Crawford clusters in City Heights.
A cluster consists of elementary and middle schools that feed into a high school. District staff has held a series of community meetings throughout September to inform parents about the potential changes, which could include grade-level reconfigurations and program consolidations, in addition to campus closures. Additional community meetings are scheduled in October. To learn more, visit www. Bubble Up! With City Heights students at the helm, Ocean Discovery Institute celebrated its accomplishments and plans for growth at its annual Bubble Up!
Guests participated in student-led activities, competing to win prizes while raising funds to empower City Heights youth. Student ambassadors sat at each table with supporters, simultaneously gaining networking skills. Erick Ruiz was one of these student ambassadors, sitting with supporters from Bumble Bee Foods.
Through this event, Erick was able to share his dream of combining his interest in fisheries science with his passion for the culinary arts, and discuss ways that he can pursue that dream. Perhaps the most exciting part of Bubble Up! The funds raised at Bubble Up! The gala fundraiser was made possible by the title sponsor Gen-Probe.
To learn more about the Ocean Discovery Institute, visit www. United Way of San Diego County, the San Diego County Office of Education, and the San Diego UnionTribune have joined together for a campaign to recruit 4, volunteers to tutor, mentor, and support local students at a time when schools are grappling with severe budget cuts.
The campaign was announced on Sept. United Way and the Union-Tribune will track the local volunteer efforts to determine their impact.