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It remains difficult to provide an alternative framework to mere heterocentric assimilation. As a result, some prominent authors have recently begun to conduct research that is less comparative and defensive Clarke and Kitzinger, , Ceballos, ; Pichardo, The first qualitative studies were conducted in the s. These studies attempted to explain and offer solutions to the paradox of comparative studies raised by most quantitative studies.
They analysed the beneficial effects that could derive from the distinctive features of homoparenting, such as the more egalitarian relationships that the parents appear to practice in this type of family structure Patterson, From a critical perspective mainly based on lesbian theory, some studies Clarke and Kitzinger, have attempted to resume these discussions from a constructionist perspective and have generally addressed gay and lesbian parenting as presented on television.
The results of these studies show that the participating homoparents and supporting experts mount defensive and apologetic arguments orientated to the normalisation of this new family reality, reinforcing in an antinomic manner the legitimacy of the anti-homoparental agenda.
These studies suggest that comparative research on homoparenting and heteroparenting should be replaced by studies designed to answer questions like "Why and how are homoparents oppressed? These considerations form the basis of our interest in developing a qualitative approach that addresses three key questions:. How does research on an emerging social phenomena, such as homoparentality, approach the different dimensions of social intervention?
How does the audiovisual media construct, raise awareness of, and disseminate the homoparental phenomenon? What are the discursive bases of prohomoparental opinion, especially that of experts, and how do they address normalizing effects? These questions form the basis of the present study, which integrates various lines of research.
We review the results obtained from three studies that addressed these issues and carefully examine the implications of recent theoretical developments. These studies used a qualitative method based on discourse analysis DA Potter and Wetherell, The next section describes the basic aspects shared by the method used in the three studies. A qualitative phenomenological design was used because it is well-suited to understanding the specific meaning that any processes or phenomena acquire within their emergent social and cultural settings.
This approach provides a deeper understanding of the homoparenting phenomenon within the public spheres analysed. The three studies used a type of procedure that is heir to the concept of "theoretical or purposive sampling" developed in the context of Grounded Theory. Intentional sampling was used in the three studies. The materials used in the analysis were transcribed texts derived from discussion groups, audiovisual productions, and the document obtained from the session of the Comisión de Justicia del Senado Español Spanish Senate Judiciary Committee.
In general, the material comprised various publications, documentary reviews, fragments of social interactions, audiovisual productions, and so on, and whose literal transcription generated the analysis text. In the discursive approach, a detailed analysis of very specific materials is recommended. For this reason, intentional sampling was used. We did not attempt to obtain a representative sample in the positivist sense; instead, we used a sample of informants and specific documents that have a particular place within social discourse.
Based on this approach, particular attention was paid to semantic content rather than paralinguistic components. The analysis addressed the documents only as texts within a given social setting Cubells, Calsamiglia, and Albertín, The materials were analysed from a socioconstructionist approach, with a special focus on identifying the themes that the participants, documentaries, and prohomoparental experts used to talk about the sociocultural meanings related to homoparenting. A qualitative psychosocial method was used that combined discursive psychology with critical discourse analysis i.
The IRs include various related elements that the speaker uses to build versions of events, actions, cognitive processes, and other phenomena. The presence of a repertoire is often marked by certain tropes or figures of speech, which typically comprise a limited number of terms used in a particular stylistic and grammatical manner that is usually derived from certain key metaphors. Repertoires reflect the internal structure of the different narratives that come together to build certain representations of reality Potter and Wetherell, Therefore, rather than analyse and compare the content or positions of different social groups or categories, our objective was to identify the repertoires that drive discursive production through alternative logics.
The existence a given repertoire is recognized by the type of narratives that characterize it; thus, the transcribed texts contained fragments, paragraphs, quotations, or prevailing ideas that characterised one of the repertoires but not the others. The analytical procedure followed in the three studies comprised four main phases:.
This part of the process was independently conducted by each researcher. Discursive strategies are common lines of argument that speakers use to describe, explain, and, therefore, construct their own reality of the phenomenon in question. The set of discursive strategies form the different repertoires. In general, repertoires are discursive frameworks supported by the discursive strategies on which participants base their rhetoric. In this phase, the reliability of the studies was improved by controlling for data generation and the transcriptions of the documents and discussion groups, thereby maintaining homogeneity between researchers.
All analyses were conducted using Atlas.
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The process was divided into two distinct nonsequential phases: textual level and conceptual level. The software was used in the first phase textual level to identify text segments citations during code construction, and in the second phase conceptual level , to establish the relationships between codes in order to identify the repertoires. This process was supported by a review of the IRs by three external researchers two Spaniards and one Argentinian with expertise on this topic and type of analysis. Different techniques were used in the validation process, such as searching for coherence and new problems, and identifying issues in the analytical process that may be relevant to similar future research.
In each of the studies, the researchers used a triangulation approach to ensure the credibility of the analysis and the results, thus obtaining a consensus report of the IRs.
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Regarding the first question, we thought it would be of interest to link the study of the social construction of homoparentality to our qualitative teaching research project on the emergence of new contemporary social phenomena conducted with students following a social work degree. Our aim was to involve these students in the study so that they could increase their social awareness and action towards this reality while learning the use of qualitative methodology to study this phenomenon. The students not only worked on issues related to homoparental family diversity, but were also provided with the skills needed to be able to make a deep analysis of this reality.
Thus, a research project was designed with students to analyse how social discourse toward homoparentality was constructed. In more specific terms, we sought to identify the discursive strategies employed to legitimize and construct this discourse in the academic world. The study participants comprised teachers, researchers, and students in the academic setting. The sample comprised 21 members of the academic environment.
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Intentional sampling was used to select the sample. Homogeneity criteria were: being a member of academia, familiarity with the social environment, and the same educational level or occupation. Heterogeneity criteria were: sex, age, and being students, teachers, or researchers from different courses. Inclusion criteria were: being a member of academia and agreeing to participate in the study. Exclusion criteria were: not being a member of academia and refusal to take part in the study. Data were collected through discussion groups, which comprised seven participants grouped by age and educational level or occupation.
A script was used to guide group activity. The script was developed ad hoc from a theoretical review that allowed us to establish the main themes to be discussed. The groups comprised the same social work students involved in the research project. Group meetings lasted between 60 and 80 minutes. Five interrelated repertoires were identified: "Love makes a family", "We have made progress in rights but have we actually made progress? A strong commitment to normalisation was observed, as shown by the discourse being subordinated to a mainly heterocentrist reality when talking about homoparenting.
As a consequence of the dynamics of the debate and our objectives to raise and spread social awareness of this topic, we decided to identify the types of active materials that are being used to educate, inform, and increase visibility from a prohomoparental perspective. These considerations motivated the second study. The construction of homoparentality found in audiovisual productions. The media has been influenced by intense activism associated with raising awareness and increasing visibility, which developed following the same-sex marriage law.
It offers a wide range of audiovisual means of expression that makes the homoparental experience accessible to the public through the news, newspaper articles, documentaries, "talk shows", forums, and websites. We analysed the production of different audiovisual documents that seek to increase the social visibility of homoparental families. This medium or route is used as an educational tool to help the public understand the plurality of family relationships. We analysed how the homoparental experience is constructed in relevant media channels such as audiovisual production.
The materials comprised a range of prohomoparental audiovisual productions. Intentional sampling was used to search for documentaries supportive of gay and lesbian parenting. Six documentaries were chosen from a total of the 63 that were reviewed. The selected documentaries were: "Mis padres son gays", "Queer spawn", "Homo baby boom", "Dos padres, dos madres", "Right 2 love", and "Familias por Igual". These materials were located by searching various channels: for example, film festivals specialized in these types of documentaries, materials available in associations and institutions, national and regional television media archives, and university audiovisual archives.
Inclusion criteria were: Being widely available during the long period covering the debate, the approval process, and the first years of the same-sex marriage law. The materials covered a wide range of topics, explored questions about identity, parental roles, prejudices, the future sexual orientation of their children, and the evolution of these families within the legal and social framework authors.
Regarding homogeneity criteria, all the documentaries had to deal with legal and social aspects, and those related to family dynamics. Heterogeneity criteria were diverse according to the organisation or association that produced the documentaries and the countries involved mainly European and Latin American. It was found that these documentaries make efforts to defend equality against the risk of homophobia and attacks on family diversity.
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A social reality is revealed of prohomoparental approaches that are legitimized by a political and social discourse based on normalisation strategies. Thus, the homoparental phenomenon is assimilated within the experience of parenthood in heterosexual relationships and the presence of differential elements that may be uncomfortable are minimised authors.