The eerie coda to this frightening tale? Local campers later "found pieces of Segways" strewn about. It's not clear if Selena Gomez is alive and well or if she's currently running through old-growth redwoods dressed in tattered, stained rags and shrieking for help that will never arrive. Oh well, at least she's not touring Australia.
In a now-deleted Tweet from earlier this week Lindsay Lohan lodged the most polite robbery complaint in history: "It was great to be in China and I want to thank everyone for their hospitality, however someone has stolen my computer at the airport. In addition to Lohan's trove of lurid Lohan-based erotica, the laptop also allegedly contained "private correspondence" between Lohan and her famous friends "including Woody Allen and Lady Gaga.
My guess is they just send animated. Anyway, yeah, if you know what happened to Lindsay Lohan's filled-to-the-brim-with-nude-pics laptop, please contact her as she's offering a reward in the amount of "whatever it takes. Do you like to smile? Then back away from the computer and internet because we need to talk about something Beyoncé did to a couple of fans in Miami on Tuesday night and it's going to make you smile. According to Miami New Times , Beyoncé and her longtime personal assistant Kelly Rowland barged into the private karaoke room and began dancing with the two girls and then photobombed a third girl who was passed out cold on a nearby bench.
The security camera image of this incident at the link is especially hilarious. Among the things that makes Beyoncé amazing aside from her music, personality, brain, and face , is that she has a long history of pulling stunts like these for fans. I watch that last video so much and it makes me happy every time. Don't you like to think that if you were mega-famous you'd do stuff like that also? You totally would, cause you're a good person. Beyoncé is just being reasonable, to be honest. They've been spotted on ski vacations, in NYC gay bars, and now in the most romantic place of all: Rite Aid.
But before you jump to conclusions about Styles' and Jenner's relationship, please keep in mind what this eyewitness told E! There is no other reason why Kendall Jenner would be letting Styles drive her car. That is an intimate stage of friendship if there ever was one! She gave him full access to her radio presets and phone charger? No way are they "just friends," sorry. Oh, and by the way, that Rite Aid visit?
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