Reglas del foro. Solo se borran mensajes 1 post a partir de los 10 mil colones. Tema: Sauna Hispalis.
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Herramientas Versión para imprimir. Hay tiempo para presentar las declaraciones Dv2 y la D ante Hacienda. También le ayudamos con utilidades en D y proveedores en la D WhatsApp Asesoría Tributaria. Alguien que cuente sus aventuras en este chante????? De fijo uno se liga algo, o no?
Iniciado por caradebarro. Hatillense Ver perfil Ver mensajes del foro Mensaje privado. Yo si he ido Pues yo si he ido y tengo q decir que Hispalis es un chante muy tuanis. El lugar es aseado, atienden muy bien. Tal como leíste en el artículo es grande y tiene diferentes espacios No es cierto que solo vaya gente mayor y pocos maes guapos.
Hispalis, Gimnasio, Spa & Sauna
La verdad es que hay de todo, si llegan señores mayores algunos mucho pero tambien gente joven, maes ricos, medianamente ricos, pasables y alguno feillo jaja Lo del peligro de contagiarse de algo es por la manera en que vivas tu sexualidad, nadie lo va a agarrar obligado o algo así, en el lugar te regalan condones si los solicitas, así que es responsabilidad de cada uno con quien liga y si se protegen La verdad la mejor manera de hacerse un criterio es ir, ver, disfrutar y pasarla tuanis. No es solo un lugar para coger aunque de fijo la gran mayoría hemos ido a eso también se conoce gente, se conversa tuanis, se relaja y si quiere hasta se come o toma algo Suerte y si va nos cuenta.
- Cómo llegar a Sauna Gay en San José en Autobús o Tren | Moovit;
- Daily Xtra Travel's Complete Map of San Jose. Find Gay Bars, Hotels, Saunas, Shopping and More..
- Hispalis Sauna.
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- Gracias a todos los que me visitarón en algun momento!.
Y en este chante uno de fijo culea o es relativo???? Cuales son los mejores días para ir??? Llega mucho extranjero???
Diario Extra - La Migra limpia Chepe de bichos
Gracias por la información tengo muchas ganad de ir pero me da miedillo a andar paseando se medio chingo por todo lado ji ji!!! Nunca he ido a un lugar así y tengo ganas de hacerlo There is a new bath house opening this week I also know the place where it is going to open but not the exact location and I am going to drive over place to see if I find it It is suposse to be much better than the rest of bath houses in san jose. If you guys want to be up to date with the news just let me know and I will try to find out everything about the new place..
August 04, Costa Rica Gay Map Thanks for the update and offer to help visitors! If you have any info on places opening or closing or changed please let me know at info costaricagaymap. The new sauna is already listed on the map here. If anyone has been yet and has a review please leave a comment on that page! Would love to know about it and the location. My friend and I are coming down on Tuesday, August Thanks, Len. It will be almost empty and very high chances you won't have a happy ending.
The place is pretty ok, but don't expect the quality of American or European saunas. The facilities are becoming old, but look reasonable clean. July 28, Texas Boy Went last night for naked night Overall, I had a good time but it does not take much for me to really enjoy myself.
I arrived about 9pm and it was not popping at all Every site says the rush is from so maybe I missed it..
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Who knows, anyways since it was my first time I was taken a back by all the nakedness and luckily Rudi the bar tender was at the front and spoke some english and was super sweet! Drinks were strong as well as I had 2 to loosen up.

I played a little here and there and was impressed with how huge this place is! However, the creme of the crop was no where to be found. I settled and had threeway with 2 guys that got the job done.
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I am more than planning to go back on naked night Wednesday to hopefully see some difference from Friday. It is really what you make of it and while I do not suggest everyone settles do not play and dabble too long.. Guys clear out quick after they cum. June 14, I just overheard a conversation of a couple of locals that there is a new bathhouse coming to San Jose.
Supposedly run by some locals and Americans and will be the hottest new thing to hit the town. Supposedly it is near all of the nightlclubs downtown.
La Migra limpia Chepe de bichos
Cannot wait as Hispalis is tired looking. February 23, I went there 3 times in mid March. It was not as packed as some people try to make us think, and the average age is more towards than early 20's.