On the other hand, HCMC farmers also have multiple advantages that rural farmers do not, such as proximity to urban consumers and easy access to new technology. The park is situated on an area of Besides the park, there are several hubs for technology and research, such as the Center for Biotechnology, Center for Exchange and Exhibition of Agricultural Products, and the Aquatic Center. With all the facilities, since the start of the five-year plan in , the Department of Agriculture has organized workshops and trainings for 27, participants , and issued a total of 10, billions VND of both investments and loans.
With technological and financial support, many agricultural products suitable for the urban population have been found.
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A good example of a successful urban crop is an orchid. Unlike paddy fields that require vast land and water, orchids need technology more than land. Having a limited land of square meters, farmer Nguyen Thi Thu Ha in the suburban district of Hoc Mon attended a short training on orchid cultivation and invested in around 3, orchid pots of different kinds.
To support farmers in shifting from paddy crops to urban plants like orchids, the department and other farmer unions have also been focusing on funding the initial technological investments for these farmers. In term of livestock, exotic animals like crocodiles and turtles are in very high demand from the urban population, and even from foreign countries. Again, these livestock do not require a lot of land. In the area of square meters, farmer Huynh Van Chinh raises turtles, which bring him the annual profit of millions VND.
Having been with the traditional crops and livestock for a long time without success, he invested in building cages and setting up facilities after being introduced to turtles. He is now encouraging his neighbor to shift to turtles with the aim to export. However, a definite next step to be done is stabilizing the outlet for farmers, which, strangely enough, includes clearer training for more farmers. That is why more economic and technological training is needed to make sure urban agriculture is really a good solution for urban farmers. Dhaka, 11 November — Dhaka is densely populated with an extremely populated city center, making transport in the city challenging.
In collaboration the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the new system is expected to move over 60, commuters per hour. Many struggle for housing at the city center but at the same time, cannot afford it. This project helps connect the outer city population to the city hub without having to fight the expense of living there.
See more. A remarkably rapidly growing city, Dhaka holds the dreams and aspirations of many. As portrayed in many movies and films, people from all over the country come to this city in hope that they might make a living for themselves as well as their families back home. This makes the city center overpopulated as well as expensive. In order to combat this problem as well as to distribute commercial growth and stimulate economic exchange all over the city, including expansions at the outer city limits, the government, with funding from the Japan International Cooperation Agency, designed the Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development project, which is expected to move over 60, people per hour.
Dhaka is one of the largest cities with approximately 15 million people , but the road infrastructure has not been designed to be compatible with this high, and increasing, population. The traffic congestion in Dhaka city is estimated to cause an economic loss worth about 2 billion USD and rising.
The Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project is proposed to combat this problem to help more than a half a million people as well as to commute considerable amount of goods by rail without having to fight through Dhaka traffic, which can be as low as two kilometers per hour of speed. The project team, with the beginning stages almost done, are ambitious about the potential and scope of this system and expect it to be partially running by , initially on a kilometer stretch but covering a kilometer one once it is fully running.
Six spacious and air-conditioned coaches will be operating every four minutes, and a commuting time of about two hours is expected to be reduced to 40 minutes.
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A total of 24 trains are aimed to be running and transporting about 60, passengers every hour, picking up and dropping off passengers from 16 points both in and around the city center, enabling smooth transportation within city and outer limits of city. This is much needed because the biggest problem that stems out of extreme levels of traffic congestion in Dhaka is the increasing distance between outer and inner city.
The boundaries of Dhaka city are increasingly blurring and outer city limits are spawning zones of poverty and require attention. The Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development project will not only combat traffic congestion but also provide an environmental-friendly mode of transportation.
However, overseers need to be sure the budget is properly routed to complete the project and not lost in endless bureaucracy. Otherwise, if implemented successfully, it will prove to be considerably helpful in fostering communication between the city center and the outer limits and consequently contribute to further economic growth and expansion of development. Photo: Asian Development Bank. Conheça aqui o trabalho do Terra de Direitos, que batalha para superar as fragmentações e promover, em todo o território, uma nova institucionalidade, que incorpore os princípios inclusivos da universalidade, interdependência e indivisibilidade.
Curitiba, 10 November — Curtiba's image of a "model city" may ring true within the capital limits, where it doesn't face socio-spatial inequality on a large scale; however, its serious segregation problems persist in the 28 municipalities that, with extending urban growth system, form what is called "Grande Curitiba. Como em qualquer lugar do mundo, o desenvolvimento na Grande Curitiba funciona como um organismo vivo, assumindo características distintas em determinados períodos.
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Curitiba is a reference city for urban planning in Brazil, but it does not seem to anchor an inclusion plan: the poor areas of the city are the peripheral ones — and the farther from the center, the less infrastructure. Like any place in the world, Grande Curitiba develops similar to a living organism, taking on different characteristics in certain periods.
Currently, it induces industrial expansion in the metropolitan area that intensifies commuting — about , people already circulate daily between cities — reverses its flow, and causes environmental, transportation, and housing problems, among others issues. Hence, the importance of planning changes in an integrated manner and following them closely: it is the only way to ensure most perverse facets can be avoided. Formed mainly by lawyers and a press office, the association also promotes civil society joint spaces, investing in leadership training, and strengthening the collective struggle of social movements.
Among its main areas of expertise are socio-spatial equity, equality in the distribution of resources and infrastructure, the right to urban and rural land, and territorial rights for traditional people. It was Terra de Direitos that, at the beginning of , fostered Mobiliza Curitiba , a major joint mobilization of unions, organizations, collectives and citizens to follow, propose, and monitor content for the Master Plan , a government instrument that guides the growth of the city and, consequently, the growth of the neighboring municipalities, that is now being approved by the city council.
Demanding inclusive policies — they even delivered their own playbook of amendments and proposals to the government — the group was essential in the discussion of ZEIS, Special Zones of Social Interest aimed at affordable housing in the capital , managing to show its potential to prevent the expulsion of families for the purpose of land speculation.
In both cases, the institution works to formalize the settlement of occupied areas.
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Its project for land marking, "Rights and Citizenship," was also awarded through the "Innovare Award," which recognizes good practices within the legal field. Photos: 1. Cali, 9 novembre — Jamundí, una ciudad dormitorio ubicada a 23 km de Cali, ha duplicado su población en cinco años. Este crecimiento explosivo ha supuesto un deterioro considerable en los medios de transporte que existen entre las dos ciudades. Cali, 9 November — Jamundí, a dormitory city located 23 kilometers from Cali, has doubled its population in just five years. This explosive growth has put enormous pressure on the transportation systems that link both cities.
In order to tackle these problems it is necessary to create a regional entity that could look at the metropolitan area as a whole.
Jamundí es una población ubicada a unos 23 kilómetros al sur de Cali. Su ubicación, dentro del valle, la convierte en una de las zonas de expansión natural de la capital del Valle del Cauca. Esto se ha visto reflejado en un crecimiento explosivo de su población, que se ha duplicado en apenas cinco años, pasando de habitantes en a en Una parte significativa de las familias que hasta el momento se han instalado en Jamundí son de clase media y media alta, y disponen de vehículo propio.
Las distintas propuestas adoptadas han jugado un papel importante en las elecciones a alcalde que se celebraron en octubre. Muchas de las propuestas pasan por la ampliación de las carreteras y la construcción de una circunvalar en la zona sur de Cali. En la actualidad a penas han comenzado las obras en un tramo dentro de Cali, y se espera que se licite la segunda parte en breve.
Sin embargo, no hay todavía una fecha exacta para la ejecución de la infraestructura ferroviaria. Por iniciativa del alcalde Rodrigo Guerrero se ha creado una asociación de 11 municipios conocida como el G11 , y que conforman una Región de Planeación y Gestión. La gravedad y urgencia de los problemas que el acelerado crecimiento de las ciudades que rodean a Cali harían aconsejable la creación de un ente regional metropolitano con una autonomía y capacidad de acción suficientes.
Foto credit: Luis Alveart. Jamundí is located 23 kilometers south of Cali.

Its location, in the same valley as Cali but close to the cooler mountains, makes it an ideal area for expansion. In fact, its population has doubled in a little more than five years, going from 60, inhabitants in to , in It is one of the fastest-growing cities in Colombia, and its growth is expected to continue at very high rates. Several development initiatives are in the works, including the building of Zonamérica , a massive free trade zone near Jamundí, which is expected to create thousands of jobs.
A significant percentage of the families that have settled in Jamundí are affluent enough to own cars. Since it is primarily a dormitory city, there are constant traffic jams to and from Cali at peak hours. It is estimated that about 40, cars move through the corridor that links both cities every day. Often the commute time is close to one hour.
The solution to the transportation problems is highly complex. The situation is only likely to get worse, as Jamundí's population is expected to grow an additional 50 percent in the next five years. This issue has been a central point of contention in the local elections that took place in October. Most of the proposals contemplate the building, or expansion, of roads, even a major Cali bypass, and the possibility to finance the projects with new tolls. Perhaps the most far-reaching proposal is the creation of a rail system to link the northern and southern suburbs with Cali.
The Corredor Verde project already contemplates building such a network using a set of currently abandoned rail tracks.
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This project is advancing very slowly: work just began in a small section, all within Cali, and a contract to start work on a El País de Cali y second section will be awarded soon. There is still no date set to start construction on the new railroad system, and it is still under discussion if it should be a light metro or a tramway.
Once in operation, and if it is combined with a bike lane, it will be able the most effective solution to traffic congestion. But, this is unlikely to happen in the short or medium term.