So where are all the bisexuals? The problem with bisexual visibility has a historical basis and has to do with the stigma attached to the label. Society thinks we are greedy, untrustworthy and probably too scared to admit that we are really gay or lesbian. This led to a backlash as it was claimed that bisexuals were invading lesbian and gay spaces. Meanwhile bisexual men were stigmatised as carriers of AIDS into the heterosexual population. Thirty years later we still face biphobia and a lack of acceptance as bisexuals even within the LG and queer communities.
With the arrival of queer politics in Spain, bisexuality has been labelled as retrogressive and accused of upholding the binary gender system even though the most widespread current definition of bisexuality is not binary and states that bisexuals are people attracted to more than one gender. Coming out as bi takes courage since these various forms of stigmatisation lead to it being difficult for people to accept or even acknowledge their bisexual feelings. The evolution and visibility of the lesbian and gay community has led to the emergence of a series of standardised lifestyles which provide it with a sense of belonging and support.
But there is no such thing as a bi lifestyle since the bisexual community is very diverse and not easily identifiable. We can retain our sexual identity while our lifestyles change dramatically depending on our current relationships.

The commercialisation of the gay scene and the alliances made in recent years between lesbians and gays and neo-liberal politicians interested in the pink vote and euro have led to a movement more concerned with civil rights than with the original goal of sexual liberation for all. The bi community offers a safe and welcoming space to trans people and other gender dissidents regardless of their sexual orientation.
Nevertheless our presence in the LG TBQI movement is uncomfortable because we all challenge homonormativity and monosexism. But the revolution will not be homo genised and the battles fought by our mainly trans sisters and brothers at Stonewall will not be won until everyone has been liberated whatever their sex, gender or sexual orientation.
However we should be able to accept that we are all different, be open to debate and even disagreement without losing sight of who the real enemy is. I see us all as allies within a multicultural coalition of biopolitical dissidence.
Situation of gays [VEN36239.E]
We have to make alliances and persevere in our demands in order to cause permanent long lasting changes in society. People gathered from all over Spain in a two day event including conferences, workshops and panel discussions. It was a great success despite having no funding. National and international bisexual conferences are the most important ceremonial pow-wows of the bisexual calendar and are celebrated in various countries in the world.
It was preceded by EuroBIReCon, two days of reports from bisexual academic researchers from all over the world including 3 from Spain, making the event a four day bi extravaganza with over 90 panels, workshops and presentations. Over people attended from 23 countries worldwide with a wide diversity of bodies, capabilities and genders. Subjects discussed included bisexual health, activism, religious attitudes towards bisexuality seen from Christian, Muslim and non monotheistic viewpoints , the problems faced by bi people of colour and bisexuality in film and media studies.
One of the most exciting decisions taken by spanish activists at the conference was to organise a World Bisexual Day as part of World Pride in Madrid As part of the World Bi Day I have been invited to carry out a ritual to heal rifts within the sexual liberation movement so we can learn to respect and support diversity. I hope this can help forge a truly representative movement with a progressive political agenda.
Its important to fight trans,bi and homophobia in our countries and to use our privilege to bring international pressure to bear on those countries where LGTBQ people are still punished with imprisonment or even the death penalty. On the last day of EuroBiCon I went to a Quantum Light Breath meditation workshop and through the tears that I shed copiously I suddenly saw beams of light connecting me to all my loved ones, dead and alive.
This is not to say that it is easy to love. Its a day to day struggle but that is what should inform our activism, that is what will take it beyond all the boundaries and lead to a true liberation of the body and spirit.
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And its a pansexual, polysexual, queer and bisexual love. Auto-bi-ografia — Soy un artivista bisexual y transgenero. Utilizo la performance y los rituales para realizar activismo presentando un mensaje político en espacios publicos y en los medios de comunicación. Trabajar de esa manera es arriesgado en una sociedad dominada por la hetero y homo-normatividad, y en el Reino Unido he sido amenazado y atacado, pero en el ambiente mas liberal de España sólo he sido mal entendido y presentado como un friki.
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Las opiniones expresadas son las del autor. El Orgullo y Otros Rituales. Los rituales son importantes para afirmar la identidad de las comunidades que los celebran. Tienen una importancia especial para las minorías ya que la exclusión social y la falta de aceptación de nuestra identidad por la sociedad pueden causar la alienación, la depresión e incluso el suicidio.
Cada año sin falta nuestra foto sale en la prensa local y nacional, así que aunque solo nos manifestamos con un pequeño grupo de amigos, tenemos un gran impacto en los medios de comunicación anunciando nuestra pan-bi-poli-eco-sexualidad al mundo. Sin embargo, tanto dentro del movimiento LGTB como en la sociedad en general es casi imposible encontrar personas que se identifican como bisexuales.
El problema con la visibilidad bisexual tiene una base histórica y tiene que ver con el estigma asociado a la etiqueta.
La sociedad piensa que somos codiciosxs, poco fiables y que tenemos demasiado miedo para admitir que somos realmente gays o lesbianas. Después de la euforia inicial que impulsó el movimiento de liberación sexual en los años 60 y 70, vino la época de la política de la identidad cuando diferentes grupos afirmaron sus derechos y espacios. Esto dio lugar a una reacción violenta en contra de los bisexuales porque se les acusó de invadir los espacios de lesbianas y homosexuales. Mientras tanto, los hombres bisexuales fueron estigmatizados como transmisores de SIDA a la población heterosexual.
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SOS homophobie se prepara para interponer apelación ante el. The organisation is preparing to file a case against a another school with the. Positive Life Force es un grupo social en inglés para hom br e s gay d e t odas edades. Positive Life Force is an English-speaking social group for positive gay me n of a ll ages. Cuando iba a México, siempre hablaban de la g en t e gay. When I went to Mexico, they always talked about gays.
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