Bebió el amargo brebaje de grano tostado y batatas secas que pasaba por café y bajó a reunirse con las muchachas. She was sick of all this nursing. This very day she would tell Mrs. Merriwether that Ellen had written her to come home for a visit. Much good this did her, for that worthy matron, her sleeves rolled up, her stout figure swathed in a large apron, gave her one sharp look and said: "Don't let me hear any more such foolishness, Scarlett Hamilton.
I'll write your mother today and tell her how much we need you, and I'm sure she'll understand and let you stay. Now, put on your apron and trot over to Dr. He needs someone to help with the dressings. Estaba harta de su misión de enfermera. Ese mismo día se había propuesto decir a la señora Merriwether que Ellen le había escrito pidiéndole que fuese a hacer una visita a casa. Ahora póngase la bata y vaya con el doctor Meade. Necesita que le ayude alguien a vendar heridos.
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Mother will make me stay here and I shall die if I have to smell these stinks any longer! I wish I was an old lady so I could bully the young ones, instead of getting bullied--and tell old cats like Mrs. Merriwether to go to Halifax! Eso es lo peor de todo. Quisiera ser una vieja para poder tiranizar a las jóvenes, en vez de ser tiranizada yo Yes, she was sick of the hospital, the foul smells, the lice, the aching, unwashed bodies. If there had ever been any novelty and romance about nursing, that had worn off a year ago.
Besides, these men wounded in the retreat were not so attractive as the earlier ones had been. They didn't show the slightest interest in her and they had very little to say beyond: "How's the fightin' goin'? What's Old Joe doin' now? Mighty clever fellow, Old Joe. All he had done was let the Yankees penetrate eighty-eight miles into Georgia. No, they were not an attractive lot. Moreover, many of them were dying, dying swiftly, silently, having little strength left to combat the blood poisoning, gangrene, typhoid and pneumonia which had set in before they could reach Atlanta and a doctor.
Sí, estaba harta del hospital, de sus odiosos hedores, de los piojos, de presenciar dolores yp ver cuerpos sucios. No, aquellos heridos no tenían nada de atractivo.
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The day was hot and the flies came in the open windows in swarms, fat lazy flies that broke the spirits of the men as pain could not. The tide of smells and pain rose and rose about her.

Perspiration soaked through her freshly starched dress as she followed Dr. Meade about, a basin in her hand. El día era caluroso. El sudor empapaba su vestido recién almidonado mientras, con un recipiente en la mano, seguía al doctor Meade. Oh, the nausea of standing by the doctor, trying not to vomit when his bright knife cut into mortifying flesh! And oh, the horror of hearing the screams from the operating ward where amputations were going on! And the sick, helpless sense of pity at the sight of tense, white faces of mangled men waiting for the doctor to get to them, men whose ears were filled with screams, men waiting for the dreadful words: "I'm sorry, my boy, but that hand will have to come off.
Yes, yes, I know; but look, see those red streaks? It'll have to come off. Hay que sacar todo esto Chloroform was so scarce now it was used only for the worst amputations and opium was a precious thing, used only to ease the dying out of life, not the living out of pain. There was no quinine and no iodine at all. Yes, Scarlett was sick of it all, and that morning she wished that she, like Melanie, had the excuse of pregnancy to offer.
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That was about the only excuse that was socially acceptable for not nursing these days. Faltaban la quinina y el yodo. When noon came, she put off her apron and sneaked away from the hospital while Mrs.
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Merriwether was busy writing a letter for a gangling, illiterate mountaineer. Scarlett felt that she could stand it no longer. It was an imposition on her and she knew that when the wounded came in on the noon train there would be enough work to keep her busy until night-fall--and probably without anything to eat. Había aprovechado que la señora Merriwether estaba ocupada escribiendo la carta de un montañés analfabeto. Aquello constituía una verdadera tortura.
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She went hastily up the two short blocks to Peachtree Street, breathing the unfouled air in as deep gulps as her tightly laced corset would permit. She was standing on the corner, uncertain as to what she would do next, ashamed to go home to Aunt Pitty's but determined not to go back to the hospital, when Rhett Butler drove by.
Caminando a buen paso, se dirigió a la calle Peachtree, respirando el aire puro tan profundamente como se lo permitía su corsé, excesivamente apretado. Se detuvo en la esquina, insegura sobre lo que debía hacer. En aquel momento pasó Rhett Butler conduciendo un pequeño carruaje. Scarlett was furious with embarrassment and indignation. Why did he always notice women's clothing and why was he so rude as to remark upon her present untidiness?
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You get out and help me in and drive me somewhere where nobody will see me. I won't go back to the hospital if they hang me! My goodness, I didn't start this war and I don't see any reason why I should be worked to death and--". Déjeme subir y lléveme a cualquier sitio donde nadie me vea. No vuelvo al hospital aunque me ahorquen. Yo no he provocado esta guerra y no veo por qué tengo que trabajar hasta matarme, y You help me in. I don't care where you were going.
You're going to take me riding now. No me importa adonde vaya. Sólo quiero que me saque de aquí por un rato. He swung himself out of the carriage to the ground and she suddenly thought how nice it was to see a man who was whole, who was not minus eyes or limbs, or white with pain or yellow with malaria, and who looked well fed and healthy. He was so well dressed too.
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His coat and trousers were actually of the same material and they fitted him, instead of hanging in folds or being almost too tight for movement. And they were new, not ragged, with dirty bare flesh and hairy legs showing through. He looked as if he had not a care in the world and that in itself was startling these days, when other men wore such worried, preoccupied, grim looks.
His brown face was bland and his mouth, red lipped, clear cut as a woman's, frankly sensual, smiled carelessly as he lifted her into the carriage. Aquel traje estaba nuevo, no desgarrado ni con agujeros que permitiesen ver partes de piel desnuda o piernas llenas de vello. Dijérase que Rhett no tenía preocupación alguna en el mundo, algo que ya de por sí era extraordinario en aquellos días en que todos los hombres estaban tan disgustados e inquietos y con un aspecto tan sombrío.
Su cara morena presentaba una expresión jovial, y su boca, de labios rojos, tan bien formada como la de una mujer, y francamente sensual, sonreía distraídamente mientras ayudaba a Scarlett a subir al carruaje. The muscles of his big body rippled against his well-tailored clothes, as he got in beside her, and, as always, the sense of his great physical power struck her like a blow.
She watched the swell of his powerful shoulders against the cloth with a fascination that was disturbing, a little frightening. His body seemed so tough and hard, as tough and hard as his keen mind. His was such an easy, graceful strength, lazy as a panther stretching in the sun, alert as a panther to spring and strike. Como siempre, la sensación de su gran robustez física impresionó a Scarlett reciamente cuando él se sentó a su lado. Miró los hombros de Rhett, rotundos bajo la fina ropa, fascinada y hasta un poco temerosa.
El cuerpo del hombre rebosaba energía y dureza, tanto como sagacidad su mente. It would be just my luck for Grandpa Merriwether to come out of his store and see me and tell old lady--I mean, Mrs. Sólo me foliaría que el abuelo Merriwether saliese ahora, me viera y se lo dijese a la vieja, quiero decir a la señora Merriwether. He touched up the mare with the whip and she trotted briskly across Five Points and across the railroad tracks that cut the town in two.
The train bearing the wounded had already come in and the litter bearers were working swiftly in the hot sun, transferring wounded into ambulances and covered ordnance wagons. Scarlett had no qualm of conscience as she watched them but only a feeling of vast relief that she had made her escape. Rhett fustigó la jaca y el animal trotó vivamente a lo largo de Five Points y atravesó la vía férrea que divide la ciudad en dos partes. Había llegado el tren lleno de heridos y los sanitarios trabajaban activamente bajo el sol ardiente, transportando heridos a las ambulancias y a los furgones cubiertos.
It's all General Johnston's fault. If he'd just stood up to the Yankees at Dalton, they'd have--".
La culpa es del general Johnston.