Cali, 9 April — Solar energy has been out of reach for low-income homes, but the plummeting cost of solar panels and the creation of innovative financial models may change this fact. Cali is taking advantage of government subsidies to create a pilot model that would bring solar panels to the lowest-income households in the city.
Los elevados costes iniciales, y el lento ritmo de recuperación de las inversiones iniciales han excluido a las viviendas de menores ingresos del acceso a la energía solar. En Cali, como en el resto de Colombia, existe un sistema de subsidios cruzados, mediante el cual los barrios con mayores recursos económicos pagan cuotas adicionales en beneficio de los barrios menos acomodados. La disponibilidad de estos recursos hace posible explorar la posibilidad de utilizar energía fotovoltaica, que sigue sin ser rentable por sí sola en este tipo de viviendas.
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En este sentido la empresa municipal de energía de Cali parte de las Empresas Municipales de Cali: EMCALI ha lanzado un programa piloto para explorar la posibilidad de incluir la generación de energía fotovoltaica en viviendas de estrato 1 las de menores ingresos. Las instalaciones realizadas cuentan con la capacidad de enviar energía a la red en el caso de que se produzcan excedentes. De tener éxito, los usuarios de estrato uno podrían pasar a ser generadores netos de energía. Si los resultados del piloto tienen éxito, se lanzaría, en colaboración con el Ministerio de Vivienda, un proyecto de instalación de paneles solares en 4 viviendas.
En Colombia la generación de energía eléctrica depende fuertemente de la generación hidroeléctrica.
La diversificación de las fuentes de generación es por tanto crucial, y la energía solar presenta una alternativa a otras fuentes mas contaminantes. Otra iniciativa interesante de EMCALI fue la introducción en de un sistema prepago , mediante el cual los usuarios pueden realizar pagos anticipados del suministro eléctrico. Este sistema evita onerosos cortes y suspensiones, y ya ha sido utilizado por mas de dos mil hogares caleños.
Solar energy generation is a particularly interesting solution for equatorial cities like Cali that enjoy an average of more than sunny days per year. However, high initial costs and the slow rate at which these costs are recovered have made the installation of solar panels in low-income housing practically impossible.
But the plummeting costs of solar panels, fueled by mass production in China, and the development of innovative financial models such as subsidized leasing of the equipment have begun to change the equation such that solar energy is becoming a more feasible prospect for low-income households.
In addition, Colombia is highly dependent on hydroelectric power generation. This dependence takes on a considerable risk during draught periods. The situation can be particularly dramatic when the El Niño phenomenon sets in and rainfall drops sharply. When this happens, the cost of energy rises sharply and rationing even becomes necessary.
Thus diversification is a strategic step for Colombia, and solar energy must be part of the equation. Cali, like all other major cities in Colombia, has established a cross subsidies system by which the higher income households pay a surcharge on their utility bills that is applied to lower the cost for lower-income households. Furthermore, the Ministerio de Industria handles the utility company's subsidies to allow for affordable energy distribution in lower-income neighborhoods.
The availability of these funds allows for the exploration of innovative ways by which to make the installation of solar energy panels in lower-income households feasible, removing the heavy initial financial costs that put them out of reach for such households. The energy company has launched a pilot project geared toward studying the feasibility of solar panels in houses located in Estrato 1 areas the lowest-income households. The pilot will determine if it is possible to use some of the subsidies allocated to these houses for the leasing of solar panels.
These panels would be installed at no cost to the families, who would continue to enjoy the energy supply as they currently do. Once the cost of the panels is paid off, the subsidies would stop, thus bringing substantial cost benefits to the ministry. So far, five solar panels have been installed through the pilot program.
The houses still have access to the grid, so energy supply will be guaranteed at night or during cloudy days. The installations include a bi-directional meter, so when surplus energy is generated, it can be accepted by the grid. These meters will be critical when determining whether or not the program is a success.
If it is, Cali will extend it to approximately 4, houses, in collaboration with the Ministerio de Industria. EMCALI has launched other innovative solutions to guarantee the energy supply to households located in Estrato 1 areas. In it launched a pre-payment system that has dramatically reduced costly cuts and suspensions due to late payments; more than 2, families are benefitting already.
Surabaya, 26 Maret — Jarang ditemui perkotaan memiliki system pengetahuan dinamis yang bisa digunakan sebagai landasan pengambilan keputusan oleh Pemerintah. Namun Surabaya memilikinya. Dengan open source platform bernama Ayorek! Surabaya, 26 March — Cities rarely have a dynamic knowledge system that can be used as a platform for the government to make decisions.
However, Surabaya has one — an open-source platform called Ayorek!
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Come on, guys! Proses Urbanisasi membawa arus manusia memasuki dan memadati wilayah perkotaan. Tahun saja, jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang tinggal di perkotaan mencapai 54 persen, naik dibandingkan tahun sebesar 49,8 persen. Fenomena yang sama terjadi di Surabaya. Bertambahnya penduduk sebenarnya bisa berdampak positif.
Namun demikian tidak banyak kota yang mengantisipasi urbanisasi dengan menyiapkan infrastruktur yang memadai sehingga meningkatnya jumlah penduduk kerap menjadi bencana ekologis yang mengancam kota itu sendiri. Untuk itu Rujak Center for Urban Studies Rujak berusaha mendorong penciptaan kota ekologis dengan membangun dinamika pengetahuan perkotaan yang hasilnya bisa dimanfaatkan dalam penyusunan kebijakan perkotaan.
Proses pengumpulan pengetahuan di Surabaya dilakukan melalu open source platform bernama Ayorek! Pada tahun , Rujak bersama dengan para pemuda di Surabaya dan dua kota pilot lainnya menjalankan program bernama Dinamika Pengetahuan Perkotaan DPP yang bertujuan membangun dinamika-pengetahuan knowledge dynamics perkotaan dengan cara melakukan produksi bersama pengetahuan perkotaan dan mendorong hasil produksi tersebut untuk dijadikan landasan bagi para pengambil kebijakan perkotaan.
Program ini menghasilkan sebuah mesin crowd sourcing online bernama Ayorek. Ayorek sendiri merupakan platform yang menjadi media agar warga kota Surabaya dapat berbagai cerita, tindakan, pertanyaan, gagasan, trik, tantangan dan solusi tentang Surabaya dan kehidupan kota. Media yang bisa dikirimkan warga pun beragam mulai teks, foto, ilustrasi, audio dan juga video. Beragam informasi yang terkumpul diharapkan akan mampu membangun sebuah pengetahuan dinamis mengenai Surabaya dan mendorong proses dialog antar warga yang lebih kaya, dinamis dan variatif. Cerita yang dikirimkan warga bisa bertema tentang kota kehidupan di urban, infrastruktur, kampung, sejarah dan cerita lintas kota ; tema budaya budaya lokal, membahas buku, music dan film ; tema kerja mengenai beragam profesi pekerjaan, tempat kerja dan sumber penghidupan masyarakat Surabaya; tema desain; tema kehidupan tentang gaya hidup, kesehatan, kuliner,pasar dan jalan-jalan.
Ayorek tidak hanya memuat cerita tapi juga direktori dan peta praktis. Ketersediaan platform ini sangat menarik sebab tiap individu warga dapat berpartisipasi sehingga muncul rasa memiliki dan keinginan untuk terus berkontribusi untuk membuat dan menyebarluaskan informasi mengenai Surabaya. Ayorek juga menjadi ruang publik yang menjembatani dan memfasilitasi dialog antar individu yang sebelumnya tidak saling kenal. Selain itu diharapkan platform ini dapat menjadi sumber ilmu yang bukan hanya berisi karya popular tapi juga tulisan akademis mengenai Surabaya dalam berbagai format dan media.
Tantangannya adalah pada bagaimana menjaga kualitas informasi Ayorek serta terus aktif melakukan advokasi ke masyarakat luas agar tidak lelah untuk berbagi cerita dan events serta diskusi di Ayorek sehingga informasi yang ada kian solid dan dapat dimanfaatkan secara luas. Tantangan selanjutnya adalah pada bagaimana mendorong pemerintah Kota Surabaya memanfaatkan gunung informasi yang tersedia di Ayorek sebagai landasan pengambilan keputusan perkotaan sehingga kebijakan yang diambil selalu dinamis layaknya kota Surabaya.
Urbanization means that Surabaya is growing every day. The population growth can have positive effects, but many cities have not anticipated urbanization's impact on infrastructure during ecological disasters. The Rujak Center for Urban Studies Rujak therefore strives to push the formation of an ecological city by building dynamic urban knowledge. The collection process in Surabaya is done through an open-source platform called Ayorek!
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The project aims to build the knowledge dynamics of the urban city by producing urban knowledge, and pushing the products to be platforms for urban planning. This program results in an online crowd-sourcing platform called Ayorek. Ayorek acts as a platform for citizens of Surabaya to share their stories, actions, questions, ideas, tricks, challenges, and solutions about Surabaya and urban living.
Content can be shared through text, pictures, illustrations, audio, and video. The collected information is hoped to build a dynamic knowledge base about Surabaya and encourage a stronger, more varied and dynamic dialogue between citizens. The stories shared revolve around the theme of the city urban living, infrastructure, neighborhoods, history, and stories ; cultural themes local cultures, book reviews, music, and film ; work themes professions, the workplace, and livelihoods of Surabaya's citizens ; and design themes lifestyle, health, culinary, markets, and travel.
Ayorek does not only share stories, but also directories and practical maps. There are individual maps and communities with stories that contain knowledge about Surabaya through the perspectives of an individual, local figures, communities, and places of historical importance in Surabaya. There are also maps with public spaces for gathering and other information such as café locations, community centers, galleries, libraries, learning centers, museums, parks, studios, restaurants, and shops.
A calendar indicates interesting events taking place in Surabaya such as arts and culture, sports, film screenings, music, markets, fashion shows, discussions, and workshops. The provision of this platform is interesting as individual citizens can participate, creating a sense of belonging and willingness to continue contributing to make and spread information about Surabaya.

Ayorek also becomes a public space to facilitate dialog between individuals who previously did not know each other. In addition, the platform serves as an information source, not only for popular knowledge, but also for academic writings about Surabaya, in different formats and media. The challenge is how to ensure the quality of information on Ayorek, and how to keep it active so that the general public can continue to share stories and events.
Keeping the discussion on Ayorek means that information becomes more solid and can be widely utilized. The next challenge is how the Surabaya government will use the collected information as a platform for decision-making, so that policies and strategies can better reflect Surabaya's reality. Mumbai, 20 March — What happens when numbers come alive in colorfully graphic ways? Although transport data sets might be enough to make most people's heads spin, these numbers actually tell vivid stories about our daily habits, choices, movements, and needs.
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Bus ridership data, for example, can help municipalities devise strategies to ease congestion during peak times or map out gaps in transport systems. But making the numbers speak to people in ways that have both meaning and impact requires creativity — a task EMBARQ decided to take on. The contest asked urban planners, designers, data scientists, and civil society to help better visualize how people move about in Indian cities.