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What about "Spanish Eyes" by Julio Iglesias middle of 's? I'm sorry, thank you so much!!! Hi all, last week I have been to some clubs in Barcelona. A lot of times a song was played I would like to know, but can not find it. I remember the following lyrics: "I came to spain Hi does anyone happen to have chart info on peak positions for Simon and Garfunkel or Paul Simon solo in the Spanish singles charts, Thanks. Marc, the song you're looking for is "Loca people" by Sak Noel.
Spanish Charter, Thank you so much! Do you have the Spanish charts from The Doors? Many thanks. I can find it on youtube but I need the full top 50 for the same period. I can help continued : 10 13 13 18 17 22 25 22 21 17 15 18 23 27 26 28 To Kate, The song you're looking for is "Me quedare solo" by Amistades peligrosas. Thank You in advance. Hola allí.
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I'm a frequent contributor to Wikipedia, and was wondering if anyone might have the album and single chart histories for the legendary Rock groups: Black Sabbath Deep Purple Led Zeppelin Gracias mucho. Was any Bob Seger single or albums in Spanish charts? Help me, please Could You help me?! THX a lot for any news!!!! No se si alguien pudiera ayudarme, pero me gustaria conocer los resultados de spice girls en España desde su primer single hasta el ultimo asi como de sus discos, asi mismo todos los singles y discos de sus componontes en solitario en España: Melanie C.
Melanie B.

Oh incluso por pedir que no qede si alguin tuviera absolutamnte todos los xarts que pido arriba y ademas todos sus radio chart seria incluso mejor, pero eso si distinguiendo entre los que son radio charts, singles charts y album charts, tambien digital charts y tv charts, pero solo españoles y diferenciandolos se que es mucho pedir pero no se si alguien tuviera esa informacion y la pudiera compartir conmigo.
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