Personal ads allow an individual a great deal of freedom, selection and mobility, increasing the ability for secrecy or discretion while also allowing someone to arrange for an encounter on the go using a phone to set up a casual encounter over a lunch break. A willing individual could have free time at lunch, post an advertisement and arrange the hook up with little fear of arousing suspicion from a wife or partner.
This present study sought to capture more information on men who in their personal ads specifically requested that their hookup be a married man and attempt to gather information on their sexual preferences, sex roles and level of discretion desired as well as interest in safe sex and drug and disease free encounters. Such is an area that has received little attention in previous research. The authors believe that men seeking married hook-ups are more likely than their counterparts not seeking a married hookup to be open to all sexual activities, mention safe sex in their advertisements, request a disease and drug free DDF hookup, and be more open with regards to a time frame to meet for the sexual encounter.
The authors also believe that men seeking married hookups are more likely than their counterparts not seeking a married hookup to also be married. METHODS A large portion of the previous research on men seeking men for sexual encounters involves advertisements on websites that are exclusively for personal advertisements or finding sexual partners. The data used in this study come from the analysis of personal advertisements of men seeking men on a traditionally non-sexual classified advertisement website, even though ads are placed in the personals section.
As a result, it is believed using a traditionally non-sexual classified advertisement website for this study examines a new dynamic not examined by the previous research on MSM. It differs from previous work in that this is a general bulletin board website that is easier to get to and does not require sub-cultural knowledge. Users of this non-sexual website are free to post non-sexual and sexual advertisements and respond to advertisements at no cost to the user and membership is not necessary.
For purposes of this study, the males placing advertisements on this traditionally nonsexual classified advertisement website are called seekers whereas those responding to advertisements by the seekers or those seekers hope will respond are called hookups. Seekers have the opportunity to place any information they desire into their advertisements. Other information, such as if the seeker wanted to use a condom during the encounter, the time frame the seeker preferred the encounter to occur morning, lunch, afternoon, evening, late night , and the marital status of the seeker as well as for the hookup were also found in some advertisements.
These variables are examined in this study because it is believed that these are topics that are especially important for married males who are being sought out for sexual encounters by other male seekers. The data used in this study came from the analysis of personal advertisements of men seeking men on a traditionally non-sexual classified bulletin board website. For this study, MSM sexual advertisements from four geographically dispersed cities across the United States were used from one common bulletin board website.
For the Midwestern and Northeastern cities, all advertisements posted from September 1, through September 30, were used.
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Moreover, for the two Western cities, all advertisements posted from October 1, through October 31, were used. The random selection of twenty-five advertisements per day e. As a result of the four cities having a different number of cases, a random selection of cases out of the cases from both of the Western cities was utilized in order for each city to have a total of cases; therefore the total number of cases used in this study was 3, Advertisements were then coded and entered into SPSS. Descriptive statistics were used to compare married and unmarried posters of advertisements.
Age of Seeker Many of the seekers stated their age in their advertisements. The ages ranged from 18 to 75 and age was coded as a continuous variable. The mean age of the 3, respondents was For the 5. For the respondents seeking a married hookup, the ages ranged from 18 to 56 with a mean age of For the respondents that did not specify a marital status for the hookup or requested an unmarried hookup, the ages ranged from 18 to 75 years old with a mean age of Time Frame Desired for the Sexual Encounter Many of the seekers stated that they were only available at specific times of day in their advertisements.
Each of these time frames were coded 1 for yes and 0 for no. In this study, there were a total of 81 men wishing to meet in the morning 2. Among those seekers requesting a married hookup, 3 3. Those seeking a married hookup were found to be significantly different than those seekers without a specified marital status for the hookup with regards to being open to meeting the hookup at any time of the day or night.
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For example, those seeking a married hookup had significantly higher percentages of not specifying a time to have the encounter compared to those who did not specify a marital status for the hookup Drug and Disease Free Seeker Seven hundred and ten Among the seekers desiring a married hookup, 38 Those seeking married hookups were found to report significantly higher percentages of being drug and disease free compared to those seekers without a specified marital status for the hookup Was Safe Sex Mentioned in the Advertisement?
There were a total of 8. Moreover, 21 When comparing seekers requesting a married hookup to those seekers without a specified marital status for the hookup, those seeking a married hookup had significantly higher percentages of mentioning safe sex in their advertisement compared to their counterparts The common sexual roles included Top, Bottom, and Versatile.
Of the 83 seekers looking for a married hookup, 4 4. No significant differences were found when comparing seekers requesting a married hookup and those seekers who did not state specific marital status in their hookup request. Activity Sought by the Seeker In the posted advertisements, various activities for the encounter were requested or desired by the seeker.

Of the respondents in this study, 6. In addition, Among the 83 seekers desiring a married hookup, 0 0. In addition, 18 Significant differences were found between seekers desiring a married hookup and seekers without a specific marital status for the hookup with regards to the type of activity desired during the encounter.
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For example, seekers requesting a desired hookup reported significantly higher percentages of being open to all activities Marital Status of the Seeker This variable was based on if the seeker stated he was married. These were all coded 1 for "yes" and 0 for "no. Seekers that were requesting a married hookup were significantly more likely to be married than those seekers without a specific marital status desired for the hookup It also alludes to the fact that MSM is not a gay culture phenomenon but encompasses men of all sexual orientations and sex roles Humphreys, ; Tewksbury, , , One could also argue that it also adds insight to the idea that marital sexual transgressions occur outside of what is seen as a traditional "affair," and that the internet provides a medium to find a mutual partner for a variety of sexual encounters.
Seekers that were requesting a married hookup were significantly more likely to be married than those seekers without a specific marital status required for the hookup. This could be due to the understanding of a "no strings attached" encounter or similar circumstances of having to meet when a spouse is not around. Moreover, those seeking a married hookup sought out encounters at different times than their counterparts who did not request a married hookup and were more likely to be open to the time frame for the encounter.
This could be due to the nature that married hookups are more limited to the times they are available for the encounter. Leaving the time frame open for the encounter allows more flexibility for the married hookup so as to not be caught by their spouses. As noted by Grov , the prevalence of bare-backing or uninhibited sex tended to be low in ads placed on a non-explicit specific website. One could also conclude that men who are looking for those activities seek them out in places where they are more likely to be well received or replied to Grov, ; Tewksbury, , Those seeking married men were more likely to report that they were looking for safe sex as well as that they were drug and disease free.
Not surprisingly, married men may be concerned about bringing a disease home to their wife and family, not only to prevent the spread of disease to their family but also because contraction of a disease would indicate that the individual had been unfaithful. Due to the belief that married men may want to engage in sex with men but are more likely to want to do so in a way that is safe, by using protection, those looking for married hookups may be more likely to place this information in their advertisement in order to have a married hookup respond to their advertisement.
In regards to desired sexual activity during the encounter, those seeking married men were more likely to be open to the type of activity than those who were unmarried or did not state a marital status. This may be because they care more about having an encounter with a married man and do not have a particular activity in mind. Moreover, married men may see certain activities as not cheating on their wives, such as a mutual hand job because this is a sexual activity that is simply not an option with their wives; consequently, by being open to activities during the encounter, the seeker may be more likely to have a married hookup respond to his advertisement.
There are several limitations to this study. First, this study utilized self-report data or data entered by a person to project a certain appearance. As is the case with all self-report data, it is unknown if the respondents are being completely honest with their answers. Consequently, it is unknown if the users of the free bulletin board website were being completely honest with the information posted in their advertisement. It should be noted that this is common on most personal ad websites as well.
For example, some males may have said they were married when they truly were not. Moreover, because the site used in this study is free, this may cause an increase in those who are curious about seeking males for sex. Therefore, it is unknown if users posting advertisements were serious about seeking males for sex or if they were posting advertisements to see if they would receive a response to their advertisement and what type of person responded e.
Another limitation of this study is the possibility of repeat advertisements or males posting advertisements daily. Although the attempt to avoid repeat advertisements or repeat posters was utilized, there is a possibility that all of the repeat advertisements may not have been deleted.
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An additional limitation is the advertisements can be easily removed at any time. Therefore, it is unknown if all of the advertisements posted were observed for each of the cities during the specified times of data collection. However, it is believed that an adequate sample was obtained that represents the majority of the advertisements posted during the month of September for the Midwestern and Northeastern cities, and October for the two Western cities.
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It would appear that a small proportion of men are seeking out sexual encounters specifically with married men. This analysis found that the personal advertisements of these seeking hookups with married men were different than that of those who did not report they wanted an unmarried hookup or did not specify a marital status for the hookup. I want a man: Patterns of attraction in all-male personal ads.
Journal of Men's Studies, 8 3 , Benotsch, E. Men who have met sex partners via the internet: Prevalence, predictors, and implications for HIV prevention.