Welcoming in 12222: LGBT events to look forward to!
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Like in previous years, there are two different groups in Guadalajara organizing pride events on two different Saturdays in June. This march will take place on June 1 and the other June Both marches start at 2 pm from Minerva and continue on Av. Hidalgo to Plaza Liberación.
More information is available at the facebook page for Guadalajara Pride.
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Every woman, every fight! More information is available at the facebook page for the event or at the Mujeres Libres facebook page. Like in previous years, there are two different groups in Guadalajara organizing pride events on two different Saturdays in June: this event is June 15 and the other is June 1. More information is available at the facebook page for Marcha del Orgullo Gdl or at instagram.
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Hermosillo will gather in front of Ley Kino, Saturday June 15 at pm then will march together ending at Plaza Alfonso Vida at the cathedral and continue the party until pm to celebrate Sonora Pride. More information is available at the facebook page for Sonora Pride or at Sonora Pride twitter. Meet at a. More information is available at the facebook page for the pride committee.
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Meet 5 pm at Parque Cuauhtémoc and march to Paloma Malecón. More information is available at the facebook page for La Paz es Diversa. The 17th annual march in Mérida is Saturday June 8. It is a peaceful march open to everyone in the city asking for equal rights for the LGBTTTI community lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transvestite, transexual and intersexual.
We will meet at 4 pm at Parque de la Mejorada. Note this is a change of date, the date previously announced was June Mexicali will have their 10th annual pride march on Saturday Oct Details to follow.
Meet at 10 am at the Angel of Independence. More information is available at marchalgbtcdmx. For more details check the links.
More information is available at the page of the Movimiento por la Igualdad en Nuevo León or at movinl. Starting from Plaza Morelos caballito to the Playa de Armas. Playa del Carmen will have an international celebration with events from June 1 to 15 which incorporate activism, education, history, culture and tourism of the global LGBT communities. More information is available at www. The march will continue along boulevard 5 de Mayo to 7 Oriente to reach 16th of September and then the Zocalo. Puerto Vallarta will have a week long pride festival from May 20 to They will be offering arts and culture events, concerts, entertainment, a film festival plus a block party, lots of other parties and of course a pride parade which is on Thursday May More information is available at their facebook page or at vallartapride.
More information is available at the facebook page for the march. Artistic program will start at pm.
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San Luis Potosí will have their 8th annual pride parade on Saturday July 6. They will start from explanada del Parque de Morales at 5 PM and march on Av Venustiano Carranza to arrive at one of the principle square of the historic center. More information is available at facebook.
San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato will have four days of pride celebrations from August 8 to There will be parties, a parade, workshops, concerts and more. Saturday June 9 in Tepic, Nayarit we will celebrate 14 years marching for the rights of sexual diversity. This year's motto is "todas las familias, todos los derechos" all families, all rights. The march will start from Hermana Agua at pm.
The march begins at 5 pm. A festival will follow at 8 pm at Plaza Santa Cecilia outside of Ranchero bar. More information is available at the facebook page of the organizing committee or at the facebook page for the event. We will march at 5 pm from Parque Tomas Garrido. More information is available at facebook page for the march.
June 29, Detalles arriba. June 13, June 08, June 03, June 02, May 06, Carlos Andrés Hola amigos. Muchas gracias. April 29, February 24, Gay Mexico Map Nota que había dos marchas también en Monterrey en ! No es solo Guadalajara