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Categoría Teléfonos inteligentes. Descripción corta, sumario LG G2 D 13,2 cm 5. Descripción larga, sumario LG G2 D 13,2 cm 5. Comunique los errores a Icecat.
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Reproducción de vídeo. Tipo de timbre. Grabación de voz. Source Testseek summary Average rating Updated: Uk has collected expert reviews for LG G2 D Click below and use Uk to see all ratings, product awards and conclusions. Read the full review. Nl heeft proffesionele recensies verzameld voor LG G2 D 13,2 cm 5.

Het gemiddelde van deze proffesionele recensies is 86 van de De gemiddelde score geeft aan hoe profesionals dit product waarderen. Klik hieronder om naar testseek te gaan en voor alle productbeoordelingen, -testen en -conclusies. Das duchschnittliche Epertenrating ist 86 von Die durchschnittlich erreichte Punktezahl gibt die Meinung der Expertencommunity über das Produkt wieder.
Klicken Sie unten und nutzen Sie Testseek um alle Beurteilungen, Produktauszeichnungen und Schlussfolgerungen sehen zu können. Testseek ha raccolto recensioni da parte di esperti per LG G2 D 13,2 cm 5. Fate clic qui sotto e usate Testseek per visualizzare tutte le valutazioni, i premi ricevuti dal prodotto e le conclusioni.
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Es ha coleccionado opiniones de expertos para LG G2 D 13,2 cm 5. El promedio de la calificación refleja la opinión de la comuniudad de los expertos referente a este producto. Haga click abajo y use Testseek para poder ver todas las calificaciones, galardones y conclusiones del producto.
Dk har samlet ekspertanmeldelser for LG G2 D 13,2 cm 5. Den gennemsnitlige score reflekterer ekspertpanelets opfattelse af dette produkt. Se har samlat in experttester för LG G2 D 13,2 cm 5. Klicka nedanför och använd Se för att se alla betyg, utmärkelser och kommentarer. Es has recollit revisions d'experts per LG G2 D 13,2 cm 5.
La puntuació mitjana reflecteix l'opinió de la comunitat d'experts sobre este producte. Feu clic a continuació i utilitzeu Testseek per veure totes les qualificacions, premis de productes i conclusions. Source Review comments Score itproportal. The obvious competition for this 5.
Fantastic screen, Top notch processor, Clever user interface tweaks, Good camera No expandable storage, Plasticky chassis The inability to add extra storage is a real downer, and a very unfortunate decision by LG. I'm not a fan of the slightly budget feel of the G2's backplate either — a more premium finish might have done better in the style wars. That said, there's loads LG has done a lot to improve its image lately by working with Google on the Nexus 4, but the South Korean company doesn't just want the respect of its peers - it's keen to unseat its Android rivals with a phone that is all its own.
Is that handset the Android phones continue to lead the smartphone pack when it comes to downright ludicrous screen sizes, and while the G2 isn't the biggest out there, it's still something of a whopper, running almost edge to edge with minimal bezel. The G2's rear-mounted Power and Volume keys are likely to divide opinion - LG claims they rest in a more natural position but we found they take a bit of getting used to.