With films such as El sacerdote, Tomboy, Weekend in origian version,, among others. A partir del 22 de febrero inicia su gira por la Península en Alcorcón Madrid. Next Febrery 22 nd, starts its spanish tour in Alcorcón Madrid. Por cuarto año consecutivo, se presenta en la feria madrileña un espacio exclusivo dedicado a toda la oferta turística lgtb internacional.
Aunque sin duda, el gran reclamo, es participar en alguna de las carrozas de la gran cabalgata de estas carnestolendas internacionales del Sur de Gran Canaria. From 7th to 16th March- Maspalomas International Carnival,the Gala Drag and Tourist Gala contests are the main attractions for locals and LGTB tourists alike, although other great spectacles include the float that many take part in, as well as the great parade and international shrove pageant, down at the southern tip of Gran Canaria. La Convención pretende servir de altavoz y de plataforma para que el segmento LGBT se dé a conocer y comunique información de sus logros, aspiraciones y necesidades a los medios de comunicación, la sociedad, las grandes em-.
P This international 31 conventio-. The capital of Spain have been chosen, due to the wide variety of its tourist attractions, which will bring together around a thousand ex-. La presencia canaria se unen así a otros conocidos destinos gays nacionales e internacionales como Ibiza, Mikonos, Barcelona, Andalucía o Madrid, entre otros. The space will also feature, among other proposals debates, forums, lectures, panels and conferences, and give great prominence to mobile applications, web presence and social networks networking and media coverage.
Therefore Gran Canaria Gayfriendly stand will be joins with othesr partherHe joins other popular gay destination national e internationals like Ibiza, Ikonos, Barcelona, Andalusia and Madrid. This space, was the only in the fair which grew by Gaypride de Maspalomas, el primero de Europa Gaypride, first of Europe Cada mes de mayo, la primavera en Maspalomas Costa Canaria se convierte en epicentro del turismo mundial gracias a la celebración de su Gaypride, que tras 13 años se ha convertido en el evento turístico estrella de toda las islas Canarias.
El Gaypride de Maspalomas es el primero que celebra esta significativa fecha internacional al aire libre, bajo el sol en un espacio marítimo y de piscinas y que cuenta con un centro de ocio exclusivo para el turismo LGTB.
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P Without doubt this is the star event on the islands, with 13 years experience behind it. Gaypride manages to bring together over The Gaypride Maspalomas is the first to celebrate this significant international date in Europe, outdoors, under the sunand features a unique center for LGBT leisure tourism. BurlesKas es un evento dress code opcional inspirado en el New Burlesque, que contribuye a enriquecer la oferta de ocio, que cada año se programa con motivo de la celebración del Pride de Maspalomas. El pasado año, Burleskas salió de las islas y se dieron cita en un conocido club lésbico de la capital española..
Es una manera de demostrar que el mes de agosto la actividad Lgtb sigue activa en el sur de Gran Canaria.
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En él participa un nutrido grupo de alojamientos hoteleros gay exclusivos con sus espacios. P This summer festival was founded in , and was born out of the will to launch an event aimed at the LGTB community, similar to the well known Circuit de Barcelona. Dunas Festival will support by many gay resorts where pools party takes places, and also on the sea. P This is an international gay men-only event for those who are into fetishism and their toys, held at the Yumbo shopping centre and surrounding area, in the Playa del Inglés.
Its success at bringing in large numbers has made it the second most important event in the south of Gran Canaria. Festish Week is now days the second main gay event in Canary Island tourism destination. Un evento turístico internacional que suele congregar alrededor de 2. Un evento que nació en octubre de , e intenta cada otoño, promocionar el norte de la isla majorera y el destino turístico gay de Corralejo con sus incomparables playas y a la isla de Fuerteventura como desti-. Gran Canaria ofrece desde hace años excursiones exclusivas para el turismo LGTB, desde rutas de senderismo a viajes en jeeps, y otros deportes de riesgo.
Funciona como aloja-. P Gran Canaria offers exclusive trips for the LGBT tourist, including hiking tours, trips in jeeps and other risk sports, although it is the nautical routes that are the most attractive to this type of tourist group, as it offers open, free spaces for all to enjoy.
In May, during the Gaypride celebrations in Maspalomas, as well as the official Pride boat, there are many gay clubs, who come down from the Spanish capital to sail their boats, with an ever-willing public, to join in this international festival. Last summer in Fuerteventura, the Bubble gay club, a leading LGTB light in Corralejo, made several crossings on catamaran through the straits of La Bocayma for its clients and friends.
Canarias Gay is a recently founded company at the harbour in Pasito Blanco, offering excursions aboard a luxury sailing boat, at the. The route includes stop offs at coves and otherwise inaccessible beaches, such as Playa de Gui-Gui. It was the launch of a beautiful classic sailing boat, a truly unique example.
The vessel has two double cabins and capacity for six people, and can be used as accommodation, moored on the jetty of Puerto Calero. Lanzarote businessmen have put together a route around the seven islands, where clients can do water sports and nudist bathing, or go on nights out around the most select establishments in the Canaries. The boat specializes in private excursions and takes part in official regattas and speed races as well as adventure tourism with trips to places like Madeira, Agadir or the Hayes Ilands.
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The new store Sotre Code, a beauty and bright modern space located in the commercial area of Mesa and Lopez , Pedro Espino canary designer, specialized in lingerie and swimwear from leading brands like EScollection, Addicted, Modus Vivendi, and his own signature bath W: au, which garnered much success last summer with fun designs with primary colors. In the opening party, in addition to dedicated fans of thesebrands, Code Sotre had the presence of several young models, dressing in underwear.
La aprobación de la ley del matrimonio homosexual ha convertido al destino Islas Canarias en punto de mira de muchas parejas LGTB para celebrar su ceremonia de bodas. Incluso hay capillas en los hoteles que ofrecen este servicio. Tras la ceremonia lograron reunir a un grupo de cincuenta invitados en invitados en un conocido restaurante del centro comercial Yumbo. La joven pareja confiesa que por ahora se ven obligados a sacrificar su viaje de luna de miel, ya que dejan la Isla para emprender una aventura empresarial.
Abrir una tienda de ropa interior masculina en Torremolinos. P Since the legalization of homosexual weddings, the Canary Islands have become a leading light for many LGTB couples looking to hold their wedding celebrations. In fact, the Canaries are now the fourth Spanish region for gay weddings, and there are even chapels at hotels now offering this service. In Maspalomas are pending this year authorization Costs for weddings in certain south beaches.
On 13th December at La friends, and ceremonia se everything celebró en la has generaCasa Condal lly gone reade San lly smoothly, Fernando.
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The young couple are to skip their honeymoon, as they are set to leave the island to embark on a business venture: a male underwear clothes shop in Torremolinos. Con alfombra roja, una maniquí vestida de tiros largos y mucho glamour, el estudio de belleza G-sus, de Ciudad Alta, quiso despedir el año con una divertida fiesta de agradecimiento a la fidelidad de su clientes habituales y amigos. El evento contó con el apoyo promocional de las firmas Redken Skeyndor y la Biosthetique P With red carpet, mannequin dress long and glamorous beauty studio G-sus, ciudad alta, wanted off the year with a fun party thanks to the loyalty of its regulars and friends.
Glass of champagne, canapes, were distributed throughout the day of 31th, while the team of professional stylist Jesus Medina perform their work aesthetic:. The event was supported by promoEquipo de profesionales en tional firms del salón belleza and Redken G-Sus.
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Skeyndor and Biosthetique. Gama activits in yace en esta reforma un protest.
Su visión absolutamente paca tan bien organizada. Un manmo uno de los pilares esenciales de tra del activismo es que hay que lunuestra ideología, como es el caso char por alcanzar los derechos y, del movimiento lgtb. A todas worst at that, of the indignity with y todos nos afectan estas políticas which the Partido Popular Goarrasadoras del estado de bienes- vernment is running this country.
This reform is set out within a whole host of violations of essential rights which this government has been carrying out since coming to power. The right to a dignified public health system for all, an efficient social services system, employment with fair pay and effective recognised workers rights, to a fair pension system.

We are also an especially vulnerable collective, as we are not sheltered by the rights that are meant to protect us, due to the LGTB phobia which is still present in the DNA societ. With the influx of more than a thousand people during the weekend. This Festival has become an example of respect and freedom, open to all tastes, ages and orientations , entering through the front door on the international party circuit aimed at the LGBT community.
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La adolescencia es el momento en que la mayoría de las personas descubre su identidad sexual, y por tanto también cuando muchos padres conocen que tienen un hijo gay o una hija lesbiana. En algunos casos, estos progenitores reaccionan de forma positiva y saben cómo ayudar a los jóvenes, pero no siempre es así y muchos se sienten perdidos, desconcertados y a veces hasta enfadados. En el fondo de todo ello a menudo lo que se esconde es miedo. Sé de lo que hablo por propia experiencia. Archived from the original on 9 January If officials in a given state repeatedly appeal amparo cases to a federal appeals court and lose five times in a row note that since no court in Mexico is allowed to rule against same-sex marriage , and if the appellate court then forwards the results to the Supreme Court SCJN , the SCJN can then force the state legislature to repeal its ban.
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Gift the garden of newlyweds with the palest of pink-white blooms, held aloft on entwined carpels, which inspired its name. Ver: El baile de los cuarenta y uno en Wikipedia. How to Cut Dense Cakes. To avoid touching the cake with your hands, use a cake stand with a cutting board mat for grip. Using a knife with a thin, long blade, cut your cake in half. Next, cut your halves in half, leaving you with four equally sized sections. A divided Supreme Court ruled that.