Un recorrido desde el siglo XVII hasta el momento actual, a través de escenas protagonizadas por mujeres dramaturgas que se enfrentan a la tarea de escribir en el momento que les ha tocado vivir. A journey from the 17th century to present day, through scenes featuring playwrights who face the task of writing in the specific time they are living in. Minority rights are in danger and gender equality is slow, but inevitably, in a utopia, poverty spreads across the planet… A comedy that analyses the current social and political reality.
That desire for everything to just be over with already, when you nonetheless are unable to detach yourself the way you would like to… The stars of this play know this all too well, and live out their daily lives with an intensity more commonly seen in times of war than in normal relationships. Novicia Calle Espíritu Santo do C. A Gta. Daoiz Pl. O Rodríguez San Pedro musicals and the largest production ever staged in e Spain: over 75 million people have seen it worldC. Alburqu erqu wide.
Meléndez Valdés pile Pl. Calle Olavide Calle. Pero, sobre todo, un canto al primer amor. Ambientado en el Berlín de , Cabaret es el musical de Broadway que todo el mundo debería ver, con míticas canciones con Willkommen o Money Money. Cristina Castaño es la elegida para meterse en la piel de Sally Bowles. Welcome to the Kit Kat Club! Set in Berlin in , Cabaret is the Broadway musical that everyone should see, featuring legendary tunes like Willkommen and Money, Money.
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Cristina Castaño has been chosen to step into the shoes of Sally Bowles. This musical is a comedy about the transition from adolescence to adulthood, about friendship, awakening, the right to change, and how to go your own way and be yourself. Over a century of performances woven together by a common thread: the story of Thomas Baker, the precursor to the musical genre, a hilarious character who will leave no one indifferent.
This year the common theme linking the different projects together is the sun, understood not only as a source of inspiration but also as a vital element in decoration. Over one hundred interventions will be featured in establishments, window displays and façades around the neighbourhood, which will also host antiques markets and pop-up accessories shops. Calle de la Alameda will transform into a picturesque Street of Fabrics, while the recently restored Santoña Palace, located in Calle de las Huertas, will be the venue for multiple activities, including debates, workshops, meetings with specialised bloggers and courses.
El Barrio de las Letras acoge una nueva edición de la gran feria del interiorismo de Madrid al aire libre. Este año el tema elegido para articular todas las propuestas es el sol, entendido no solo como fuente de inspiración, sino también como elemento vital en la decoración. Entre ellas, debates, talleres, encuentros con blogueros especializados y cursos.
En esta ocasión, con motivo del cuarto centenario de la muerte de Cervantes, todo gira en torno a la literatura. On this occasion, to mark the th anniversary of the death of Cervantes, everything revolves around literature. The Café Gijón, Palace of Linares, Lope de Vega House-Museum and Cervantes Institute are just some of the places you can visit, and there will also be a number of special activities on offer most of them free but you need to book in advance.
Una gran fiesta de las letras al aire libre, en la que los lectores pueden conseguir la firma de los escritores del momento en sus ejemplares adquiridos. Una forma diferente de experimentar la primavera. El Retiro Park plays host to a great openair book fair.
The Paseo de Coches is lined with stalls where booksellers and publishers from all over Spain present their latest works and where readers can get their new books signed by the writers. A different way to experience spring in the city. With an calendar packed with food and wine tasting sessions and pairings, MBW has established itself as a unique event in terms of disseminating experiences, training and gastronomic culture relating to beer.
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More than 75 establishments will participate in the event. Activities of particular note include the Vallehermoso Beer Market, the beer production workshops and the Meet the Brewer sessions.
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A different and original event that gives visitors the chance to not only learn about the sustainable offers and initiatives of green entrepreneurs, but also to enjoy endless experiences. Ahora regresa en el marco de su gira internacional, One to One, para interpretar durante tres horas canciones de The Beatles y de su carrera en solitario. He will be accompanied by a magnificent selection of artists in a truly American-style production.
He returns on his international One to One tour to give a threehour-long concert comprising songs from The Beatles as well as own tunes. Ahora reviven con entusiasmo aquella experiencia con los mismos temas de entonces. Uno de los nuevos, y grandes, talentos del panorama nacional. The Real Madrid Foundation has organised this charity concert to honour one of the greatest tenors of all time, who turns 75 this year. These acts will be followed at a later date by artists like Patti Smith, Wilco, Mariza and Gloria Gaynor, among others. Su ubicación, lindando con el monte de El Pardo, es perfecta para pasar una mañana de domingo al aire libre de forma diferente.
Deporte, naturaleza, apuestas… y mucha emoción. The spring season continues at La Zarzuela Racecourse. Its location, bordering El Pardo Park, is the perfect place to spend a Sunday morning outdoors doing something different. Sport, nature, betting and a whole lot of excitement.
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There will also be night-time races held on the last day of the month from El Meeting Madrid , encuadrado en la IAAF World Challenge, brinda una nueva oportunidad de ver atletismo de gran nivel, disfrutar con las estrellas de este deporte y presenciar emocionantes pruebas. Meeting Madrid falls within the Framework of the IAAF World Challenge and brings together the finest athletes from around the world, giving us the chance to watch the biggest stars take part in exciting events. The Cirque des Sens ideas laboratory presents this show for all ages, which immerses the audience in an entertaining and magical story interspersed with dazzlingly difficult circus numbers.
Una fabulosa experiencia para recordar. Ara Malikian aims to make music a fun and educational experience for children by explaining and dramatising the sonnets that Vivaldi composed for these concerts. A fabulous and memorable experience. An entertaining show starring two naughty imps who act as secret helpers to the Brothers Grimm. Marvel at the smallest insects and the largest mammals.
Montañas rusas impresionantes, emociones de altura o sustos en The Walking Dead Experience. Con amigos o en familia. Come along with friends and family and be prepared for heart-stopping roller coasters, vertiginous heights and the spinechilling The Walking Dead Experience. Tren de Cercanías: Pinto.
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Feel like a film star for a day, experience the risky task of Hollywood stunt people or have your photo taken with your favourite cartoon character. From Paseo de Rosales to Casa de Campo and back. The Royal Palace, Almudena Cathedral, the chapel of San Antonio de la Florida and much more, with a recorded voice describing everything you see en route.
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Luis Coloma escribió un cuento con el Ratón Pérez como protagonista para calmar al entonces niño Alfonso XIII, que acababa de perder un diente de leche. This much-loved character used to live right here, where a museum now delights youngsters from far and wide. Desde el Paseo de Rosales a la Casa de Campo o al revés. A 40 metros de altura, el Teleférico de Madrid propone un recorrido diferente y especial, con todo Madrid a nuestros pies. El Palacio Real, la catedral de la Almudena, la ermita de San Antonio de la Florida… Una voz en off explica todo aquello que vamos viendo.
Apodac GÉ interiorismo, diseño yaarte de Europa. Daoiz arquitectura, Pl. Velarde Dos de60 Mayoespacios ló diversa natuEste año acoge de muy e c r C. Ba a C M lofts, raleza majestuosos salones, viviendas tipo C.