Michael K. Conley, M. Lansing, Michigan John K. DiBaise, M. Folker, M. Board Certified Otolaryngologist Mark L. Griswold, D. Marc Himes, M. Lansing, Michigan Joyce E. Honorof, M. Keplinger, M. American Board of Surgery Karl B. Kern, M. Licensed Psychologist Ethelbert Lara, M. Diagnostic Radiology James H. Mering III, M.
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Terminology for Health Professionals, sixth edition, focuses on successful learning by applying information in the context in which it is used in the medical environment. The following features are integrated throughout the text to assist you in learning and mastering medical terminology. Reflect on the relevance of the Physical Examination quote in relation to the chapter material. The objectives tion, you should be able to 1.
Identify and define the components of such reports. Spell and abbreviate the names of frequently used diagnostic tests. Describe other reports based on the medical history and physical exami- nation. Compare and define the source oriented and problem oriented medical record. Identify and spell commonly used abbreviations.

The Medical History and Physical Examination report is a key document associated. This can be done as part of an office visit or in preparation for a hospital-based episode of care. The introduction provides you with an overview of A complete medical record has several important purposes. It is the founda- tion on which planning and evaluating patient care and ongoing treatment is based. The medical record protects both the patient and physician and helps to estab- lish a factual database for use in continuing education and research so vital to the medical profession and, ultimately, patient care.
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