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Start your review of Los crímenes del jorobado. Jul 03, juan carlos rated it really liked it.
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De nuevo Edogawa Rampo, creo una historia original dentro del género policíaco y thriller. Debo decir que deben aprovechar este titulo, ya que es la primera vez que traducen al español esta historia que fue prohibida en Japón. Para leer acerca de personajes grotescos como siameses pegados, contorsionistas, duendes, jorobados, gente con caras deformes.
Para jugar al detective con nuestro narrador y De nuevo Edogawa Rampo, creo una historia original dentro del género policíaco y thriller. Para jugar al detective con nuestro narrador y descubrir las pistas que nos llevan a conocer el origen del mal y la causa de los asesinatos.

Abarca el tema de obsesiones con el amor y la homosexualidad. Por eso 4 estrellas o 9 de calificación. View 1 comment. Los crímenes del jorobado son un batiburrillo de novela de intriga, de misterio, de asesinatos, con elementos circenses, islas con tesoros y amores homosexuales. Toma ya. Creo que Rampo en esta novela ha hecho una especie de ensalada con todo lo que ha encontrado en la nevera. Ha introducido demasiados elementos, tantos que llega un punto en que ya no te crees la trama. Opino que ha pecado de entusiasta, que ha querido hacer tantos homenajes a tantas novelas y a tantas historias que se le fue de Los crímenes del jorobado son un batiburrillo de novela de intriga, de misterio, de asesinatos, con elementos circenses, islas con tesoros y amores homosexuales.
Opino que ha pecado de entusiasta, que ha querido hacer tantos homenajes a tantas novelas y a tantas historias que se le fue de las manos. Es parte del encanto de las novelas por entregas: como se iban leyendo semana tras semana el lector tendía a olvidar parte del grueso de la historia y necesitaba carnaza para engancharse. Sin embargo, a pesar de todo esto y del toque de excesiva inocencia de la narración resulta verdaderamente interesante como parte de evolución del género en Japón. Edogawa Rampo leía y conocía a numerosos autores occidentales, y eso se aprecia en la obra.
Jun 05, Ghiomara Beov rated it really liked it Shelves: lecturas Genial, una. Una de las cosas que me gusto fue que las referencias a los libros, fue admiración pura del autor, se nota el amor a la lectura de novelas negras y de investigación de Hirai Taro. Otra de las cosas que me partieron la cabeza es que es una novela fue publicada entre y parte de la historia es sobre un amor homosexual. Eso me deja con la Genial, una. En fin un libro recomendadisimo.
Mar 07, Mariano Hortal rated it really liked it Shelves: genre-noir-hardboiled-detective , japanese-literature. Este libro es una buena muestra de la versatilidad de Edogawa, es un libro ciertamente atípico si lo comparas con el que he comentado anteriormente ya que se centra en aspectos muy distintos; el título induce a pensar que estamos ante una novela policiaca pero esto solo ocurre en el primer tercio.
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El caso es que se disfruta como siempre aunque me imagino Este libro es una buena muestra de la versatilidad de Edogawa, es un libro ciertamente atípico si lo comparas con el que he comentado anteriormente ya que se centra en aspectos muy distintos; el título induce a pensar que estamos ante una novela policiaca pero esto solo ocurre en el primer tercio. View 2 comments. Jul 20, Ruben rated it really liked it. Feb 25, Fonch rated it really liked it. I have otherwise the big honor to comment other novel was printed by the spanish publishing Quaterni.
I am in debt with the publishing Quaterni for the big treasures that they are showing to the western readers from Asia, especially Japan. Thanks to the publishing Quarter as the replicant had said I have seen things that I had never believed in theirs. Thanks to Quaterni had the undeserved luck that the Japanese writer entered in my life.
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I could enjoy to her acclaimed tetralogy of Tokyo. The I have otherwise the big honor to comment other novel was printed by the spanish publishing Quaterni. The thing which I was conquered by this writer a part of her dexterity to write Miyuki Miyabe wrote so good that she produced the misleading effect that writing is easy.
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The thing that I love of the Miyuki Miyabe universe is his tidy universe, and the goodness, and honesty of their characters. Made me the impression why in the western society we have given up wondering for the questions that Miyuki Miyabe wondered in their novels?. Indeed one of the best thing that the publishing Quaterni had done consist in doing a present of classics of diverse literary genres. Detective Novel, it was a demonstration that the Japanese detective novel in my humble opinion is much better than the Norse boom, and the south American magical realism.
For this thing all people who love crime stories or the Detective genre have an eternal thanksgiving with the publishing Quaterni. Quaterni has touched the humor genre the novel that today I wrote could belong to this genre , but perhaps the genre in which publishing Quaterni triumphs, perhaps it was the historical novel genre. The thing, that more surprised to me. In my opinion wrote historical fiction is really difficult, but Ryo Wada did something unpublished in the literature at least I have never seen previously.
Not only, had he taken an amazing historical period of the Japanese story. I refer the period of the civil war called the Sengoku period, which concluded with the unification of Japan by the Tokugawa guild. Neither the surprise was to choose and fascinating historical character Oda Nobunaga in words of Evelyn Waugh he was the precursor of the unification of Japan , although the topic of the Japanese pirates is not well known in western history.
It was not enough amazing. The thing totally new is the writer inserted the historical dates in the text, without spoil the narrative plot. In Europe is usual that the author at finally wrote an appendix, where he wrote about the bibliographical books, or documents that he had used it to write the historical novel.
A part of this Ryo Wada in his last one hundred pages of the volume was published by Quaterni describe scenes of the battle wonderful. Lawhead for saying some of them. Quaterni has the brave to publish this novel originally published in the Japanese daily Asahi Shinbon.
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Something similar it happened with this novel. I have to recognize that the main reason, which I have read this novel it was that upon Quaterni one of the favorites writers of Edogawa Rampo perhaps the most well-known detective novel that I existed in Japan he took his name of the American writer Edgar Allan Poe. Chesterton my favorite writer, sharing this honor with Edgar Allan Poe. Chesterton although he felt fascinated by Asia. One of his favorite novel was the pseudo-chinese stories were played by Kai Lung was created by the English novelist Ernest Bramah. Chesterton wrote the prologue settled in China.
However I felt enormously surprised G. Chesterton, perhaps was with the blessed Cardinal Newman, and Arnold Lunn the best catholic apologetic of the world, but although he felt fascinated by Asia. He was so critic with the eastern religion especially with the Buddhism, he was very popular in England. For this reason I felt nicely surprise that G. Chesterton was one of the favorites writer of the Japanese detective master Edogawa Rampo. They try to read the short stories were written by Edgar Allan Poe. The own narrator Minoura recognized this novel could not be defined as a detective novel.
At least they did not follow the structure of the Detection Club clubs rules, where the reader has to try who was the criminal.
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Although there were moment, where the narrator main character exaggerated the novel is surrounded by the horror, and the evilness. The murderer whom I do not revealed his identity. The murderer is in the half way between the madness, and the evilness of the villain of the comics.
The murders are terrible, and chilling. The second murder looked an artistic creation forged in the infernal workshops. Other virtue is the pincher atmosphere involve to the main characters that Edogawa Rampo imitate brilliantly to his master Edgar Allan Poe.