It's not a technical hikkup or a flaw. The comments being filtered are specific and are not based on keywords. It has nothing to do with settings. I can still post, I just can't post anything that goes against the status-quo. I can post one comment on a video that is positive, pro-LGBT,etc. I can see it but nobody else can. Then, Right after that, post a comment with every curse word I can think of, including racial and homophobic slurs. Show up, every time!
Of course stating clearly that I'm only posting the comment to test spam filters to anyone unfortunate enough to read it. The bad comment shows up fine.
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EVERY time. I've tried this multiple times. It's not random. I can post off-topic comments for a week strait. The second I post about certain topics, it happens. As I said, I'm posting in relevant videos and threads. So other youtubers are discussing the same topics. Although it's clear mostly negative hateful comments are being allowed. As well as dominating the "top comments" section.
Shane Dawson
Whatever the issue is, it's clear Google is discriminating based on the content of my comments. If this is because my account has been flagged for a non-legitimate reason. I'd like it to be fixed.

I'll attempt to get in touch with the correct person who could do that for me I doubt this is the place. If you or anyone has any ideas how I could get a hold of the right person, that would be great. If google was to take a direction as you say; ghosting, then it would be an attack on freedom of speech, just like they filtering their content on searches etc.
Ive noticed some similar development in yahoo, aka censurship. Ever since the internet became popular some people want to controll and censur it to their "political thought" advancement. I dont like gay people too much lols, but if u do get ghosted where ur comments only show for u and not others, thats serious and people should know google operates like this.
That's actually impossible. Computer technology isn't far enough advanced to make moral judgements or even decide whether a specific comment is homophobic or not; to manually filter every single comment would require a staff of hundreds of thousands at the very least. I believe you when you say that comments are being inappropriately filtered, but your conclusion as to why simply doesn't make any kind of sense in the real world.
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What dominates the "top comments" which is no longer a separate section is based on a complicated algorithm. Comments are sorted not just according to popularity, but also according to who they're made by: comments made by people YouTube thinks you are likely to know will rise to the top. I can't offer you a good explanation as to why this is happening to your comments, except that the system is automated and complex.
It tries to learn what is acceptable and what isn't my looking at what types of comment tend to get deleted or reported. I guess it's possible that most people on YouTube simply suck, although I'm reluctant to believe that. You go from saying how 'stupid' for lack of a better word; googles filtering is, on to saying how complex googles systems are. This isn't your grandmothers abacus. Googles filtering systems have likely gone far beyond simple word and phrase filtering. Explain that. Regardless of why, it's clear.
My pro-sexuality comments are being wrongfully and deceitfully hidden.
Estos son los productores de contenido LGBT más queridos de la red social roja.
With no "strikes" on my account, no information, warning, or a simply apology from skynet--woops--I mean google. I also can not reply to top comments, as that might risk someone actually seeing what I post. Who is girl. Who has no gender. Who is not afraid. Who prefers a thousand times to be on a stage than anywhere else in the world. Travis Alabanza is a performer, writer and theatre maker.
Keiynan Lonsdale. Melanie Murphy. King Jedet. Maria La Caria. Mark Miller.
Sara y Atenas. Xuri Fenton. Yaiza RedLights. Alex Puticornio. Beli Klein. Koala Rabioso. But you are married. And straight? Yeah, no problem! Hope you find one you like! Time to ramble. Hey, so I do the whole youtube thing, y'know? All the cool kids do and I jumped on it cause why not? I like games, I like talking and I had a computer. So I did. I used to do it as a hobby, but more and more I want to do it as a real thing.
Estos son los 10 ‘youtubers’ gais más famosos de Latinoamérica
I think that we could make something unique in an otherwise very homogenized place. I think we do something interesting and hopefully entertaining. Like, minuscule. So, if you want to watch someone play video games with her boyfriend, sometimes talk about social issues, and mostly just comment on how pretty a game is, maybe give us a shot. And if you know anyone who would send them our way.
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But honestly, the biggest thing is that I want to build a community.