Un beso lésbico , a lesbian kiss. Common slang terms for lesbians include lenchas and tortilleras , tortilla makers. Skip to content The usual word for homosexual in Spanish is gay , pronounced as in English.
A home-cooked meal, Mexico City Like any subgroup, gays have their own vocabulary, only some of which is understood by the general public. De ambiente Ambiente means environment , so the euphemism de ambiente refers to the gay scene or lifestyle, especially in mixed company. Obvio Obvio refers to someone whose homosexuality is visible. Is he obviously gay? Se me hace que es gay. He strikes me as gay.
El uso de "Guys"
He seems gay to me. My gaydar goes off around him. Buga Buga refers to straight people: una fiesta buga , a party of straight people. Pareja As with straights, boyfriend is novio , although the neutral word pareja is also common, especially if the relationship is serious. For a gay guy , you're awfully ignorant. Para ser un chico gay , eres bastante ignorante. You can't tell a gay guy by his appearance.
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I knew this gay guy once. Conocí a un tipo gay una vez.

He looks like something a gay guy designed in a laboratory. Parece algo diseñado por un tipo gay. Yeah, you know, it usually takes a gay guy to put together a place as fashion-forward as yours.
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Sí, sabes, usualmente se necesita un homosexual para montar un lugar tan progresista como el tuyo. Which also includes recently throwing myself at a gay guy. Que también incluye que recientemente me lancé sobre un chico gay. Age-appropriate gay guy in a mile radius. Chico gay de la edad en un radio de 20 millas. I'm just gettin' done by a gay guy. Elegir traducción. Traducción en Espanol. White shirt now red, my bloody nose.
Camisa blanca ahora roja, mi nariz sangrienta. Sleepin', you're on your tippy toes.
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Creepin' around like no one knows. Think you're so criminal.
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Piensas que eres tan criminal. Bruises on both my knees for you. Moretones en mis rodillas por ti. Don't say thank you or please. No digas gracias o por favor.
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I do what I want when I'm wanting to. Hago lo que quiero cuando quiero. My soul so cynical. So you're a tough guy. Así que eres un chico duro. Like it really rough guy.
Just can't get enough guy. Simplemente no puedes tener suficiente chico. Chest always so puffed guy. El pecho siempre tan hinchado, chico.