Para otros usos de este término, véase Gay desambiguación.
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Consultado el 3 de mayo de Diccionario de la lengua española Madrid: Espasa. Consultado el 23 de mayo de Consultado el 14 de octubre de American Psychologist. Septiembre de Consultado el 7 de mayo de Porque todos estamos en un punto intermedio. We're all just looking for love to change the world.
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- Gay traducción en español: alegre, di.
Sólo estamos buscando amor para cambiar el mundo. What if the world stops spinning tomorrow.
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We can't keep running away from who we are. No podemos seguir huyendo de lo que somos.
If you fall in between. That's the best way to be. Esa es la mejor forma de ser. You've got so many options.
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Tienes muchas opciones. Every fish in the sea wants to kiss you.
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Cada pez en el mar quiere besarte. And we're all here in it together.
Una ley feroz, represión y prejuicios históricos: cómo es ser gay en la Rusia de Putin
Y estamos todos juntos en esto. We're one step closer to breaking down the walls. Why shift your perception? Simple - the opportunity to reap greater rewards from the experience of "making out" in the first place.
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Down in the city are the nice houses and the so-so houses and the lovers making out in dark yards and the babies crying for their moms, and I wonder if, other than Jesus, this has ever happened before. Supplier's declarations shall be used by exporters as evidence, in particular in support of applications for the issue or the making out in the Community of proofs of origin under the provisions governing preferential trade between the Community and certain countries.
It is also a bit of a shocker considering that almost a million acres of the Amazon forest have been wiped out in recent years, killing all sorts of plant and animal life in the process, when you realize that trees in forests actually talk to each other. Verification of reported greenhouse gas emission reductions and removals and changes in forest carbon stocks in relation to the national reference emission levels or reference levels established for actions referred to in paragraph 2 above shall be carried out in accordance with guidelines to be [agreed] [decided] by the COP.