The floats carried casts of characters, some wildly dancing with plenty of touches of cheekiness and the risqué.
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The crowds were showered with a mixture of sweets, flyers and condoms being thrown to the four winds, with people cheering and hurriedly scooping up the booty. A float supporting the gay bars of Calle de la Virgen passed by with a legion of dancing figures some half naked some in cool costumes and all having lots of fun.
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Down below a crew of crazy characters whisked by with balloon tentacles of bright yellow, purple and blue attached to their backs and pointed to the heavens. The parade snaked along the streets all the way to Plaza de Rey where it ended with a declaration for equal rights.
This was followed by a moment's silence to remember all those in the world who are suffering from homophobia and transphobia, with a special mention of the recent attack in Orlando. Audio no disponible. Preparando audio para descarga.
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Una sesión de cortometrajes especiales para comenzar con el Ibiza Gay Pride 12222
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