So Thermas was worth a visit. When you are not too shy to play with escort boys, you will find there all you wish. The atmosphere is ok. Disturbing is only the smoke and the weed in certain corners. But for real sauna sessions you will have to go elsewhere. La sauna tiene de todo como tiene que ser la sauna. Estuve hace un par de días, y me sentí seguro, hay un vigilante negro de casi 2 metros que cuida de los clientes en todo momento. Los chaperos son tremendos, con cuerpos lujosos y cuerpos de escultura.
Hermoso sitio para el disfrute de sexo seguro. Grandes y gordas pollas, sin fimosis, como a mi me gusta chuparlas. La parte de la piscina jacussi es enorme y la comida bien. Recomendable ir tranquilo y sin prisas, se puede disfrutar de varias maneras.
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Debería haber una madamme en cada turno con autoridad para que los clientes no tuvieran que vivir las situaciones tan desagradables que se pueden llegar a vivir en esa sauna. Ahí debería haber alguien que controlara, te vas a sentir solo, desprotegido y vulnerable cuando alguno, no todos te timen.
Mala experiencia con chicos violentos y agresivos. A evitar este sauna donde no hay ningun control de la parte del dueno. Have being visiting Thermas sauna in Barcelona four or five times a year for over 20 years. Never had a problem. Full of mostly straight handsome young men who will be willing to get sucked, or fuck you, for a price. Great place; the best of its kind in Europe.
Will be back in Barcelona Cant wait to visit Thermas again x The choice of lads here is amazing!!! I resented this and returned to the locker room and changed into the rest of my clothes and began to get ready to leave. Based on your review of the sauna, it seems the problem is with you rather than with the sauna.
Barcelona Gay Bathhouses Saunas
Sauna Thermas in Barcelona is a fun place that has been around for years. A somewhat cute Eastern European guy assisted me; afterwards I thanked him. I smiled and ignored. I continued my walking and observing; no one caught my eye or interest. A few clients and "boys" conversed. I observed. During the time that I was putting on my street clothes, I noticed some guys who interested me, one being the Eastern European guy who had assisted me earlier. He was sporting the most "gorgeous" uncut cock which would have been just so "ripe" for both my mouth and tight "chunnel," for I was in need of being ravaged while on holiday.
Will I ever return? I do not know, for I am not a "towel guy" or a "robe man" during these current years of mine! With regard to the previous evaluation of the sauna, let me say: We have only one side of what happened with the client that wrote a review claiming he was ripped off by a hustler in the sauna.
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Even the client admitted that his first visit to the sauna was enjoyable. Then the client said he had "Big communication issues" that caused him to not like the sauna anymore. First rule of being in the sauna is agree on amounts and what will take place BEFORE going to a cabine with a hustler. Trying to negotiate after the session has begun is dumb. Beware, guys! Big communication issues caused me to be hustled, gypped and swindled today at this so-called "fabulous" sauna.
Visited 3 times. First time rentboy was enjoyable. Next two visits were the visits from HELL. Today's Thermas rentboy delivered nothing but demanded payment of 50 euros when I ended the session after 5 minutes. Received nothing but aggravation and intimidation Not recommended. We were here for a week in August and in general we had a bad experience, Some of the guys are nice but some of those who were not chosen were rude and unpleasant. They started pushing in the corridors and insulting us, The worst guys were the Brazilians: very arrogant and violent.
In Brazil there are fantastic saunas and never happened to us to be treated this way. Maybe it was only an unlucky Monday It was 20 o'clock and unfortunately at the entry the guy try to send me away, he said that this is a sauna only for Escort and I have a too beauty face to go in I was wondering about his words I was driving fast 45 minutes to go there and I was surprised about the situation.
Grupo Pases - saunas Masculinas
Than I decided to go to Sauna Casanova, there I had a lot of fun. I'm curious to know if it was only a special day or it works all the time so.

Please give me a feedback. The cheapest day is Thursdays, they call it "clients day". Obviously very busy. I played "triangle", by visiting shower-dark room and Jacuzzi in that order. Hot guys everywhere, and more important, all willing have fun.
U lost my towel on my way and someone kind returned it to reception. So I got told on my way out. Vivo en Holanda Maasthich y me vengo a Barcelona para disfrutar de esta ciudad preciosa, global y por supuesto de su ambiente gay. De la sauna Thermas, decimos los mayoría de los europeos, que es la séptima maravilla. Lo tenemos a un par de horas con avión, y no nos hace falta ir a Río de Janeiro para encontrarnos con chicos hermosos.
Para los que somos amantes de chicos y solamente de chicos con cuerpazos, este es un sitio de visita obligatoria dentro de toda la planificación de rutas turísticas. Ahí se pueden encontrar grandes trofeos Bueno, hablando en serio, pues me quedé con un detalle que para mí fue suficientemente destacable.
Como ya se sabe, es una sauna de chicos de alquiler. Para mí, es un sitio espléndido y puedes estar tranquilo, sin forzarte a hacer nada si no das tu consentimiento. Lo normal es pasarlo bien, aunque depende también de la actitud que lleves y como vayas. Recomiendo ir con amigos. La idea de ir a una sauna a disfrutar de los chicos es algo que me suponía gran esfuerzo a nivel de mentalización.
sauna on
Hay millones de sitios y de lugares donde se puede estar tranquilamente con alguien pagando. De rebote no fue como acabé yendo, sabía bien lo que estaba haciendo.
Desde el momento que crucé la entrada, ya me di cuenta enseguida que me lo podía pasar bien. Como si fuera ya alguien con experiencia, me mostré seguro a la vista de todos, aunque temblaba incluso para poner la llave en la taquilla. Me puse la toalla y empecé a andar con paso firme hacia no sé donde, pues me perdía y volvía al mismo sitios de partida. Fue entonces cuando decidí entrar a hacer una sauna no tenía ganas para disimular un poco.