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Money back and we do my algebra, we do so you master the art can be. Find information, pick a spanish - 2. Veo que septiembre viene calentito Sí, un día de frío y otro de calor : Sí, en ese post es algo intelegible, no prentendía que la entendieran, solo tuve unas irrestibles ganas de que completen las dos o tres palabras complementarias de la oración ;. Pero me equivoqué. People who are against it, won't say it because of "group think" and don't want to be outcasted.

Excellent link, Esperar. Thank you. Gracias, colega. But I take I cannot write all the letters I'm not liberal or conservative, to be honest, I don't really like either side much.

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Group think is very interesting. I feel it myself, but I say what I really think anyway. I have controversal opinions, but I won't say them here.

Not because I'm afraid, but because I want to continue learning Spanish, and not to be harassed. This is very oppressive language, even if you don't mean it to be. Whether you mean it or not, what you are saying here is that people who don't agree with it are somehow bad, or their opinion is bad. This will trigger off "group think. I agree with that. If you want people's REAL opinions, act as non judgmental as possible. While I agree with you in theory, in practice it's generally easy to see who is just "accepting" the status quo. In addition, the very act of damning same sex marriages as "bad" or "wrong" or any of the terms people usually use is extremely judgmental.

In a society where people are supposed to be equal again, this is an ideal, it is obviously not practiced , that means a man has the same rights as a woman, and vice versa. Thus, a man has just as much a right to marry a man as a woman does. Trying to prevent this is judging the people involved as less than worthy of marriage. It can be paraphrased to suit this topic: "This isn't about being for or against drugs [gay marriage]. It is about freedom. If you live in a free country you have the right to put anything you want into your own body [or marry whoever you want].

I did this without judging the religions involved. They are perfectly allowed to have their own opinion on the matter. As the saying goes, "I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. However, having an opinion about it does not mean they can justly try to prevent gay marriage any more than it means I would be allowed to enter their churches and picket for gay rights. Taking it one step further, my opinion is that believing strictly in any religion is probably a mistake; that even if God exists, I doubt that any of our human religions accurately reflect his opinion and expectations of us.

Does that give me the right to try to ban any religious ceremonies from the country? It certainly doesn't. Freedom of religion is one of the ideals the US flourished upon 1st amendment, if I'm not mistaken. Another of these was the ideal that all men are created equal, and that they have an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Arguing that the state shouldn't allow same sex couples to marry is not just bigotry -- it is unconstitutional, whether it be on religious grounds or not.

So, you'll have to forgive me if I don't feel bad for using terminology that might be considered "judgmental". Actually, I take that back.

Spain's parliament legalises gay marriages

The truth is, you don't have to forgive me any more than I have to forgive people who want to ruin the lives of others. And I don't, so I wouldn't expect yours in return. I'm an atheist, and I really don't like conservatives. It's not religious reasons I oppose gay marriage in theory, I oppose it because I think marriage is a foundation for families, and children need a mother and father. Gays already have equal rights regarding this anyway, there's nothing stopping a gay man from marrying a woman, or a lesbian marrying a man.

Also, your analogy of taking drugs, and gay marriage is faulty. Not being able to take drugs legally is a violation of one's freedom with their own body, the state refusing to marry gays is not stopping them from doing anything. Gays and lesbians can still have a marriage ceremony if they want, it just won't be recognized legally. Also, bear in mind that if you change the definition of marriage to include gays, you are changing what marriage is, and taking it away from those who are already married.

This has nothing to do with bigotry, I've known gay guys who are against gay marriage and say it makes no sense.

Translation of "matrimonio homosexual" in English

It is bigotry, pure and simple. I'm going to stop myself here before I write the response that is deserved. Liberals can abuse "group think" to the extreme. I don't like that at all. I just call myself independant when someone asks what I am. Call me whatever you want, I don't really care. Give me your biggest insult. I don't respond to thought terminating clichés, I think they're weak. This unprovoked attack of me is exactly why people won't give their true thoughts in public.

It's all oppressive, and it's all hypocritical.

I'm So Humble

I wasn't posting it as an insult to you, although it's interesting that you take it as such. I was pointing out to you an accurate description of the views you are taking. It is axiomatically bigotry to be intolerant of what other people do based on your own opinion. You saying that they shouldn't be allowed to marry is being intolerant.

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Thus, it is bigotry. If you are offended by the term, that was not my purpose. It was a description of the point of view you are forwarding, not an attack on your character.