Same-sex marriage in Jalisco - Wikipedia
However, some municipalities refused to marry same-sex couples until being ordered by Congress to do so, which happened on 12 May It did not legalize adoption and mandated that civil unions be performed with a civil law notary. On 13 September , the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation struck down the law on procedural grounds.
A female same-sex couple was able to become the first same-sex couple to marry in the state on 14 December The injunction was granted on 12 June and became the second ruling invalidating the Civil Code of Jalisco.
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They filed for an injunction in the Fourth District Court. The couple received the injunction, but still contested the constitutionality of Jalisco's Civil Code. On 26 January , the full Mexican Supreme Court voted unanimously to declare the Civil Code unconstitutional for limiting marriage to heterosexual couples. Since at least 8 of the 11 Justices ruled in favor of same-sex couples, the articles mentioned in Jalisco's Civil Code would be struck down once the ruling was published in the judicial gazette and a new gender-neutral text from the Court would override the existing text upon publication in Jalisco's state gazette and the federal gazette.
Following all three publications, civil registries in the state would be ordered to marry all couples.
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In March , Puerto Vallarta 's Civil Registry told the media that the Jalisco State Civil Registry Directory changed all marriage licenses to gender-neutral on 22 March and that couples could already begin receiving them. On 12 May , the Congress of Jalisco instructed all of the state's municipalities to perform same-sex marriages. The Supreme Court ruling also struck down the state's same-sex adoption ban. As of May , the municipality of Guadalajara had already received five applications of adoption by same-sex couples.
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While same-sex marriage has been legal since , the unconstitutional ban on such marriages has not yet been repealed from state law. From to April , 30 same-sex couples got married in Guadalajara. Of these, 14 married after city officials started marrying same-sex couples following the Supreme Court ruling.
By February , same-sex couples had married in Jalisco. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Legal status of same-sex unions. Israel Mexico 1. Civil unions and registered partnerships. Dicha resolución no afectó los actos jurídicos celebrados hasta ese momento por los ciudadanos, pero ya nadie pudo acogerse a los beneficios de este ordenamiento invalidado.
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A menos de dos semanas después del anuncio del Nobel, hubo manifestaciones en su contra, las cuales provocaron enfrentamientos étnicos y la muerte de 86 personas. Liderazgos empujan que la dirigencia nacional del partido para que recaiga en figuras externas como José Narro, con quien ya platican del tema.
La enorme afluencia de personas ataviadas la mayoría de blanco y con un pañuelo azul al cuello se concentró primero en torno de la glorieta Minerva y de ahí por la calle Vallarta se trasladó hacia avenida Chapultepec donde se hizo la concentración final y se leyó un manifiesto contra el aborto, en el que se criticó también a los matrimonios gay y se pugnó por evitar confundir a los menores en las escuelas con educación sexual desde prescolar.

En Guadalajara 92 por ciento somos católicos por encima de la media nacional dijo Cedillo. Al grito de: No somos uno, no somos 10, señores diputados, cuéntenos bien y No al aborto, sí a la vida , decenas de personas recorrieron la avenida México, en Tepic, Nayarit, hasta el Congreso local donde fueron recibidos por legisladores. En Chilpancingo, Guerrero, alrededor de personas se manifestaron contra la norma SSA, que permite que menores de 12 a 18 años víctimas de violación puedan abortar sin interponer denuncia contra el agresor.
Hubo contingentes de curas y religiosas de la diócesis Chilpancingo-Chilapa, encabezados por el sacerdote Benito Cuenca. Contacto Suscripciones Publicidad Aviso legal Aviso de privacidad.