I hope to hear from you soon! Social benefits such us guiding you into the best bars and roof terraces are included! I am chinese native speaker, with fluency C1 in spanish and english, looking for a native french. Hi, everyone! I can help you with your Spanish too. Do you agree? Hi everyone! My name is Carlos and I'm I'm here to find someone to have regular language exchanges with.
I don't use English very often since I don't need to use at work and don't have any English-speaking friends.
I'd like to improve my fluency when speaking the language as I'll need to use English at work in the future. So if you're available to have a friendly intercambio, please contact me! I live near metro Bilbao and Tribunal so it'd be nice to meet around the centre. Just finished my degree in the UK and now I want to mantain my level. In exchange, I can help you out with your Spanish over a beer or coffee.
I live in the center and I love socializing, so I'm always up for meeting up. If you're interested, feel free to text me. If you are interested please contact me at My name is Mailan and I'm from United States. I am looking to practice Spanish and get help on pronunciation in exchange I can help you with English homework, conversations, etc..

We can meet up for a drink, coffee, tapas, whatever you would like! Hi my name is Autumn and I'm a native English speaker looking to learn some Basic French I'm a complete beginner but I'm a quick learner. We can do Skype or meet in a cafe as you prefer. I can help you with English and I also speak Spanish too. Hello, my name is Lynnette. I am originally from Houston, Texas. I have lived in Madrid for 5 years and I am looking to do a language exchange with someone fluent in Italian. Now I am an active learning and I pick up languages really well by listening and in a casual environment.
In exchange for English classes to brush up. I have free time on weekends and some Fridays afternoon.
So, please, only write to me if you are serious and your availaibility coincide with mine. My name's Emilio, 40 years old. I'm native Spanish speaker and I have flexitime so you can ask me for time availability no matter the location in Madrid city. Estoy buscando por un intercambio cerca de Santiago Bernabeu, Nuevos Ministerios, Cuatro Caminos en los mananas hasta Lunes, Miercoles o Jueves. Con un cafe o desayuno. Puedo ayudarte con tu ingles. Me avisas por whatsapp. Soy Samira y soy de Estados Unidos. Me gustaria quedar con los nativos de Madrid para hacer intercambio. Si te interesa envíeme un mensaje por email.
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Busco gente para perfeccionar mi inglés. Si entiendes esto ya, estas a mitad de camino para hablar espanol! Espero tu mensaje! Me llamo Elena soy madrileña, y soy profe de inglés y de español. Aprendí francés en el instituto, pero ya no me acuerdo de mucho. Este año, por trabajo, he vivido unos meses en Luxemburgo, y volví a practicar francés. Me di cuenta de dos cosas: es un idioma precioso, y Necesito tu ayuda porque me gustaría mejorar.
Quiero quedar con alguien regularmente o bien en persona, u online para hacer un intercambio de idiomas, o tener una 'clase informal'. A cambio te puedo ayudar con tu español o tu inglés :.
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À bientôt! I am a native English speaker and have interest and learning some basic french phrases and grammar. I do not have any experience speaking French. I live in the Barrio Salamanca area. I am Marta from Madrid. My friend and I are looking for language exchange. So please, write to me if you are interested and we can have a coffee, a beer or just go for a walk! Hola, mi nombre es arthur y quiero aprender tocar la guitarra. Ya sé muy poquito pero me gustaria tocar mas!
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Puedo dar clases de ingles, cosas de circo como malabares, acroyoga y slackline. Me avisais si alguien se anima. My name is arthur and i want to learn the guitar!
If anyone is pretty experienced and wants to learn some different skills in exchange, including english, then let me know! Hi, Im half Greek half English , 31 and have been in Madrid for a month. I'm working as a teachers assistant but dont speak a word of Spanish so I'm eager to learn.
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In exchange I can help you with your Engish or even Greek if you would like to give it a go. Available Mondays all day and weekends. I live in Estrella Polar area happy to meet for a coffee in the center. Hi, I am looking for a native English no matter the country you are from in order to improve it and get fluency in conversation. In exchange, I can help you in Spanish and French too!
Hello, My name is Alberto and I'm 33 years old. I need to improve my English skills. For sure, I can help you with your Spanish. I live in Madrid city center. Would you like to have a coffee while we exchange languages? I hope to hear from you soon, Alberto. I am a 23 year old girl from Scotland living in Madrid for one year. I am interested in helping with English in exchange for improving my Spanish. Happy to meet in a coffee shop around the centre, usually in the evenings!
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Holi tod s, Soy Joseph, de 31 años, de Inglaterra. Soy Fotógrafo documental. Estoy buscando realizar un intercambio, mitad en Inglés, mitad en Español. Estoy dispuesta en un intercambio de idioma. Prefiero hablar con mujeres solamente. Estoy viviendo cerca de Princio Pio.
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Déjame un mensaje si estas interesado en un intercambio en un café. I work in fashion.