Gac es una deliciosa fruta, consumida principalmente en Vietnam, y viene atrayendo el interés por su alto contenido de antioxidantes y sus propiedades nutricionales y medicinales. Conhece essa fruta??? Os frutos possuem as maiores concentrações de beta-caroteno vitamina A que qualquer outro fruto ou vegetal. Contém também 70 vezes mais licopeno que o tomate. Fruta Gac Momordia Cochinchinesis conocida como. Antioxidants Juice Health Follow fithealthjunkie for Fit and healthy repost. Repost dreamskin. Thank you. The patient goes to the second floor. It looks like I'm in for7 a long wait. A: Can I register now and see the doctor in the afternoon?
B: Yes, you can, but if you don't wait, a lot of patients will be before you, and you won't be able to get the chance to see the doctor today. Besides, since you have a high tem perature, the sooner you see the doctor, the better. A: I see.
I'd better wait then. Can you tell me how to get to the Medical D epartm ent, please?
B: Take the lift to the fourth floor, go through the double doors on your right, and go along the corridor until you see the Medical D epartm ent on your left. By the way, what day is the consultant available? B: Every Tuesday afternoon.
Mụn rộp sinh dục là gì? Hình ảnh, Triệu Chứng và Cách chữa
A: Oh, that's today. So I'm lucky. Ô, vây là hôm nay. Excuse me, where do I queue up to register? Which way do I go?
Exercises I. Substitution drills 1. This is the line for new patients, patients with hepatitis, the aged. In that case, you'd better go to the medical surgery radiology oral surgery 3. The registration time is between 8 and The sooner you see the doctor, start taking the medicine, receive the treatment, give up smoking, department.
Fill in the missing words 1. In this case, you'd better 3. Translate the following into English 1. W hat seems to be the problem? W here does it hurt? Your arm and elbow seem to be all right. You should take a week off work. Here's the prescription fo r your herbal medicine. B: Well, I was crossing the road, where a car came round the corner too quickly, and when the driver saw me, it was too late to stop.
I was knocked to the ground, and when I got up, my left arm and elbow were grazed, and now, I have a pain in my ribs. B: It's hard to say. It hurts all over. A: Does it hurt w hen I do this? The doctor presses the patient's ribs. B: Ouch! Ui da! W hen the X-rays are ready, bring them back to me to examine. Here's the form that you'll need for the X-rays. I'll see you later! A: Here're my X-rays. B: I'll just have a look.
Everything looks OK, except you can see here. There's a hairline fracture. It's not very serious, but you should take a m onth off work, and rest in bed as much as possible.
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I'll give you some herbal medicine to help you heal quickly. Take it twice a day, morning and evening. B: No. It isn't necessary. I'll just write you a sick note to send to work. And here is the prescription for your herbal medicine. A: Thank you very m uch, doctor. B: Not at all. Không có chi. A: Goodbye! What seems to be the problem? W h a t seems to be bothering you?
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W h a t seems to be your trouble? Tell me w hat your problem is. I have a pain in my ribs. There's I've got back. Ví du: I'm aching all over. These new shoes hurt. My back is so painful that J can't stand upright any more. Will I need to be p u t in plaster?
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Does it hurt when I do this? Your arm and elbow throat and the tonsils central incisor and the lateral incisor penis and testes seem to be all right. To be on the safe side, you'd better go to the X-ray Department.

Traumatology Department. Urology Department. Dental Department. Here's a form that you'll need for an X-ray. Read the following passage carefully. Smith, it's necessary for us to do a diagnostic procedure that will help us to be more certain what your wife has. It is called a lumber puncture, and it involves the withdrawal of fluid from the spine. We need your permission to do this. H ow long has this been going on? Does it h u rt when you pass water? H ow often do you usually pass water? Do you often feel like you w ant to, but then find you can't?
You'd better do an IVP X -ray to see if you have kidney stones. Every time I pass w ater1, it looks like blood B: How long has this been going on? A: For about one week. B: Does it hurt when you pass water? A: Yes, it bum s,2 and I often have an ache around my kidneys3. B: How often do you usually pass water?