Así mismo, para poder identificar en donde se encuentran ubicados los pobres en el territorio, el CONEVAL desarrolló mapas de pobreza por ingresos, los cuales se actualizan cada 5 años en el Distrito Federal. La plataforma muestra mapas interactivos a través de capas, en donde es posible seleccionar las variables que se desean observar sobrepuestas a lo largo del territorio del DF. Economic and social statistics in Mexico show that the Federal District is one of the areas with the lowest rates of urban poverty compared to the rest of the country.
There are even areas of the Federal District that have a Human Development Index rating comparable to the most developed countries of the world. However, the topic of social deprivation has been raised due to the incidence of urban poverty. Although national statistics allowed insight into this problem, it wasn't until that the General Law of Social Development allowed for the creation of an independent and autonomous institute to evaluate the National Policy for Social Development and to establish guidelines and identification of poverty at a national and local level.
To understand and measure poverty, CONEVAL adopted a model that integrates economic data measuring residents' income with their ability to access and satisfy their basic needs. In order to identify where in the territory the poor are concentrated, CONEVAL developed income poverty maps, which they update every five years in the Federal District.
These maps are an important tool for the government in making better decisions for public policy. They also allow for better definition of priorities when allocating public resources and focusing public spending in geographic zones that present the highest poverty rates. An example of this is DATA4 D4 , a journalistic-style platform that works to make data accessible to bigger audiences through finding, processing, analyzing, and keeping data open and available.
The data is depicted through interactive graphics, allowing the population to really see the geographical size of these social issues. According to D4, "stories are better told with numbers, where the correlations are clear and where the information is ready, presented and accessible. Currently, D4 is working on the launch of the GEODF project, which aims to collect data about Mexico City in one platform that will consider analysis about the surrounding environment, policy and government, mobility, economics, wellbeing, services, and population.
Among the accessible data are statistics about education, services, homicide rates, citizen participation, public transport, access to social security, housing, and much more. The platform presents layers interactive maps where viewers can select the variables to be displayed across the physical territory of the Federal District.
This platform has huge added value in representing all the data through one map and processing it by AGEBs geographic blocks well defined by roads, avenues, walkways, or any other easy method of land identification ; because unlike CONEVAL, the geo-referenced data is analysed on a much smaller territorial scale. GEODF allows for clear analysis and identification of the incidence of urban poverty at a more local level; it is possible to locate where this occurs and how it is characterised in order to encourage those linked to social development to act in a more informed way, as well as encouraging citizen participation.
Lagos, 5 March — Gaining access to information and understanding that information are two separate issues: data that's been gathered is often hard to interpret. BudgIt is an organization whose mission is to bring clarity to modern-day issues and governance performances through new media techniques, providing much desired clarity to the public. The culture of impunity, the closed governance style, and lack of transparency are common issues in Nigeria. The passage of the Freedom of Information FOI bill has provided some form of leverage for demanding transparency and shared information with the public.
However, this received and shared information is often tedious to absorb and assimilate. The Lagos-based organization was created based on the belief that it is the " right of every citizen to have access and also understand public budgets. We also believe budgets must be efficiently implemented for the good of the people.
The organization focuses mainly on sharing information about public budgets. While this service is provided for various cities and levels of government ranging from national to local, it has consistently helped improve the accountability and transparency of Lagos city public affairs as they relate to the city state's budget.
Information is shared and disseminated through an open platform available to any interested citizen with a connection to the internet, via infographics for easy to comprehend content, traditional data forms, and videos. This is much more digestible, as reading a budget is typically a fairly tiresome task. Initially, the organization started out with information about budgets only; now, however, it provides information regarding national programs, the subsidy re-investment scheme , and the national election , in order to keep people informed about a variety of issues.
Information shared is important for inciting and informing cogent discussion about city and national issues.
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The organization's site also allows for data requests. The organization's efforts have made data easily digestible to the population, and their ability to share information is a welcome addition to the accountability and government transparency movement. However, two things are striking; first, the organization's work is primarily targeted to an elite sector of the population — those with Internet access. Newspapers feature extended access to data, but only occasionally. Second, one has to be particularly interested in seeking this information in order to get informed. Photo: Open Knowledge.
Sin embargo, nuevas tecnologías han aumentado las posibilidades del "mapeo de barrios". En Caracas, Enlace Arquitectura, una firma de arquitectura local, inició un proyecto de investigación para mapear el crecimiento de los asentamientos informales desde hasta el presente.
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Caracas, 4 March — The informal city remains unmapped mainly because of its temporary condition, continuous transformation, and informal character. But recently, new technologies have brought new possibilities to the field of slum mapping. In Caracas, Enlace Arquitectura, a local architecture firm, began a research project to map the growth of Caracas' informal settlements from to the present.
Esta revolución tecnológica ha desafiado el campo de la cartografía y permite a los ciudadanos comunes visualizar y crear mapas de lugares que han permanecido sin mapear.

En Enlace Arquitectura inició un ambicioso proyecto para mapear el crecimiento de los asentamientos informales en Caracas. Los "Barrios", como se les llama en Venezuela, son partes de la ciudad cuya condición física es ambigua. Asimismo, decidieron comparar los mapas de Caracas en cuatro períodos: , , y La metodología para analizar en detalle los patrones de crecimiento ha sido la de utilizar las Unidades de Planificación Física UPF definido por Josefina Baldó y Federico Villanueva en su Plan de Mejoramiento de Barrios de , que dividen los asentamientos informales de Caracas en 24 regiones.
La arquitecto Silva explica que "el estudio muestra que la mayoría de UPFs se constituyeron en y tuvieron un importante crecimiento hasta Los asentamientos informales se encuentran en las laderas y la periferia de la ciudad, y han crecido lentamente hasta hoy Antímano, La Dolorita y Caucaguita , pero algunos pequeños asentamientos informales ubicados dentro del tejido formal se han consolidado y permanecen estables desde El Pedregal y Chapellín.
Por lo tanto, la parte informal de la ciudad no podría ser tan temporal como algunas personas piensan. La metodología utilizada puede ser replicada en otras ciudades para mapear el crecimiento informal. Imagen 2: UPFs en Caracas. Imagen 3: Proyección de la población de Antomano. It was only ten years ago that free and public access to satellite images and maps of the world using web-based mapping products became available. Not long ago, official cartography was the only option.
Google Maps and Google Earth have allowed for the visualization and navigation of cities easily from personal computers and cellphones. Not only can we consult maps from our cellphones, but we are also able to make collective maps through crowdsourcing online software. Today, aerial pictures can be taken with small and easy-to-use drones. This technological revolution has challenged the field of cartography, allowing citizens to visualize and create maps of places that have remained unmapped.
Such is the case of most informal settlements developed spontaneously without an urban plan. In , Enlace Arquitectura started an ambitious project: to map the growth of informal settlements in Caracas. There is vague information about the size of the population living in barrios, only some roads are mapped, and continuous invasions change the area that they occupy. Enlace Arquitectura's research analyzes how formal and informal areas of the city have developed in the last half century in Caracas.
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They have used this information to project population growth within these areas. After biofield treatment both treated cells were analysed for its antimicrobial sensitivity, minimum inhibitory concentration value, biochemical reactions and biotype number with respect to control Gr. Results: The antimicrobial susceptibility and minimum inhibitory concentration of S. It was observed that overall Moreover, biotype numbers were substantially changed in revived treated cells, Gr. II , Staphylococcus capitis subsp. III , S. Conclusion: The result suggested that biofield treatment has significant impact on S.
Apart from these, biotype numbers with new species were observed in revived treated group on day 5 as Staphylococcus capitis subsp. Staphylococcus aureus és un eubacteri grampositiu aerobi i anaerobi facultatiu en forma de coc individual d'unes dimensions de 0. No formen espores i no presenta ni mobilitat ni forma càpsula. Dóna negatiu en el test de la oxidasa i positiu en el test de la catalasa i de la coagulasa. Actualment es coneixen 32 espècies i 8 subespècies dins del gènere d' Staphylococcus, la majoria dels quals prefereixen colonitzar el cos humà.
Les més caracteritzades i estudiades són S. Staphylococcus aureus es caracteritza per ser comensal i un patogen oportunista.
És per aquest motiu que aquestes infeccions són més comunes en hospitals. Les persones més susceptibles a aquestes infeccions que no fossin pacients eren persones que treballaven en aquest ambient hospitalari o que estaven en contacte amb pacients. A tots ells es deu el seu èxit com a patogen i la seva capacitat per causar una varietat d'infeccions. Aquests àcids són polímers de ribitol fosfat i estan units de forma covalent al peptidglicà. Les soques que tenen càpsula són més virulentes en models animals. Les soques que tenen grans quantitats de receptors per aquesta glicoproteïna, solen ser mes invasius i més hàbils per adherir-se.
Té l'habilitat d'unir-se a la porció Fc de les molècules d'Immunoglobulina G IgG , i per tant, funciona com un factor de virulència, ja que interfereix en la opsonització i la ingestió dels microorganismes per les PMN, activant el complement i donant lloc a reaccions de hipersensibilitat immediata.
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Aquesta proteïna és immunogènica i es troben anticossos contra ella en pacients amb infeccions greus de S. Totes les soques de S. Degrada la fibrina i contribueix a la invasió dels teixits veïns. Una de les característiques importants de S. Es troba codificada per el gen hla. També denominat com a enterotoxina F.