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In the Yumbo Centrum, evening galas await you with dozens of artists from all over the world to enjoy totally free, the best international parties, exhibitions, culture and hundreds of bars and restaurants. A few minutes from the Yumbo you will have Pool Parties for all tastes with performances and the best music with great DJs, the biggest parade of the whole Canary Islands and also the most multitudinous event of the Pride in a unique location: Freedom Party — Dirty West at Sioux City!

Remember, we are waiting for you from May 7 to 17, in the craziest and most fun Pride in the World!

After the resounding success of the past editions, the best Pool Party of Maspalomas returns. Enjoy an afternoon with the best atmosphere thanks to our fun team of dancers and the music of our great resident DJs Manuel Coby, José Lagares, Ricardo Ruhga and the international guest Te esperamos el viernes 15 de mayo desde las hasta las para disfrutar Reseñas 0.

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