Câu 4 3. Câu 5 3.
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Nhóm halogen 1. L-1 [O2] mol. Y là Na2SO4. Câu 5 5. C0 0, Câu 6 6a. Câu 8 8a.
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NaHCO3 1. NaHCO3 2. Axit aspartic và axit suxinic. You can cancel anytime during the trial period. To subscribe at our regular subscription rate, click the button below. To manage your subscription, visit your Bible Gateway account settings. Upgrade, and get the most out of your new account. Try it free for 30 days. Study This. Mark 9. Mark 8 Mark Footnotes: Mark Some manuscripts prayer and fasting Mark Some manuscripts include here the words of verse Mark Some manuscripts include here the words of verse Mark Isaiah Footnotes: Cuando llegaron … vieron.
Cuando llegó … vio. Cross references: : Lc : Mt , : Mt ,; Lc : Mt ; Lc : Lc Viewing of. Cancel Save. Print Twitter Facebook Email. More tweets will increase information input about flooding in Jakarta. The existence of PetaJakarta. Information sent through Twitter does not come exclusively from flood victims, but is open to anyone witnessing or nearby to a flooding location.
Using tweets, information regarding flooding can be a basis for the disaster management agency to respond more readily, and hopefully save more lives. Peta Jakarta has been well received by the community, as proven by the flooding on 9 February , when there were tweets per hour and 12, website users. Previously, the disaster management agency relied on reports from heads of neighborhood associations. However, ever since the establishment of Peta Jakarta, information on flooding can be accessed on a real-time basis.
Peta Jakarta is updated every 60 seconds, faster than the previous disaster management agency's system updates every six hours. The system in place will work faster with the help and involvement of neighborhood associations, especially given their familiarity with their areas. The city government is therefore actively encouraging them to participate using Twitter to report flooding. They were promised financial incentives for tweeting about flooding in their areas. In addition, every district and sub-district is also required to directly monitor the field conditions and provide at least 75 workers, spread over flood-prone areas.
Incorporating research and development has made PetaJakarta. Citizens work together and participate in flood relief efforts in Jakarta, and to minimize the impacts of flooding. However, there are still many challenges ahead. The Peta Jakarta system is working well, but there needs to be an improvement in the readiness of government efforts, especially when lots of reports and requests are submitted to the disaster management agency.
Human resources need to be managed more effectively to help flood victims. Aside from that, there is also a need for a coordination and communication system for the disaster management agency and other government agencies to handle the aftermath of flooding.
Photo: PetaJakarta. A team of youth has attempted to help firefighters save as many minutes as possible in fire rescues by using the Geographic Information System GIS. NET Densely-populated with cramped warehouses and slums, HCMC faces fire threats at every moment, endangering lives and properties. A team of youth has therefore attempted to help firefighters save as many minutes as possible in fire rescues by using the application of a Geographic Information System GIS.
Intensifying fire threats. Winter is the dry season in HCMC, the time when footage of fire tragedies increasingly appears in the news. More than half of the tragedies cases occurred in residential areas, especially the overcrowded communities of the urban poor and migrant workers. These communities are often made up of closed-in rooms constructed with temporary inflammable materials and piled with junk. Even worse, these rooms are only reachable through crooked narrow alleys that are usually blocked by the residents' vehicles, not to mention the complete lack of fire extinguishers and other fire equipment.
So not only are these communities "attractive" to fire, but once the accidents happen, they are also "unattractive" to fire trucks and rescue efforts because of difficult access. To plan the stations' locations, the team gathered information from typical fire incidents in HCMC from June to April , consisting of "accident locations, causes, materials that cause fire, the number of firefighters and trucks attended, and the spatial locations of the accidents.
In term of mapping, the team gathered various layers of maps that incorporate different elements involved in each rescue effort, including:. These layers help to choose the scenarios that best use the different departments and available resources. NET platform. The team also envisions eventually contributing to longer-term urban planning projects, addressing such factors as overcrowded areas and access to social service buildings. Bangalore, 10 March — Bangalore's waste pickers normally recycle computer parts, but they are now using technology to track and trace trash in the city.
I Got Garbage aims to revolutionize waste picking and, in doing so, better manage the city's 4, tonnes of trash produced every day. The southern Indian city of Bangalore has risen to global prominence as an IT mecca. New industry has transformed the city over the last two decades, bringing not only new-found wealth but a not-so-glittery issue as well: trash, and lots of it.
The digital city produces 4, tonnes of trash every day , and 90 percent goes straight to already overburdened landfills. Much of the waste could be recycled by the army of informal "green workers" in the city, but the mixing at the landfill degrades the trash's value on the scrap dealer market. The result is that waste pickers — as the informal recyclers are known — sort through waste in unhygienic conditions and bring home a meager income.
But a new website and database, I Got Garbage IGG , is harnessing the power of technology and data collection to change how trash is tracked, mapped, and handled in the city. Founded by the technology firm Mindtree , IGG transforms waste pickers into waste managers by helping them to access an online marketplace. Households, apartments, and businesses can connect with waste managers to arrange trash collection.
The goal is to engage the urban community in solving the issue of trash while bringing greater predictability and dignity to the waste pickers' work. Bangalore has recognized that the city's trash problem is reeling out of control. In , the Karnataka High Court issued a progressive mandate for households to segregate waste at source.
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While the ruling was welcomed by environmentalists and social activists, there has been little enforcement. Households also hesitate to separate garbage that many believe gets combined together upon collection. IGG provides its nearly 7, registered households the opportunity to hand their refuse directly over to waste managers, ensuring proper handling of the waste. On the other side, the connection to households helps the waste managers access better and more trash, thereby increasing their ability to earn more on the scrap dealer market.
Most importantly, however, IGG has been mapping scrap dealers across Bangalore so that waste managers have better knowledge of where to take their recyclables. IGG surveyors collect data on handheld tablets, including the weighing capacity of the scrap dealer's scales, the amounts and types of scraps the small business deals in, and the location of the shop.