I can't see for the life of me what you is hangin' roun' this place for; why, with your looks, Bess, an' your way with the boys, there's big money for you, an' me in New York. BESS I's through with that stuff!
Porgy opens door and listens unobserved. Porgy reaches out and seizes Sporting Life's wrist. Leggo, you dam' cripple! Gawd, what a grip for a piece of a man!
BESS Go 'long now. Sporting Life scuttles off. Jake and Clara come out dressed for the picnic. They leave. Bess and Porgy are left alone. An' you mus' laugh an' sing an' dance for two instead of one. Want no wrinkle on yo' brow, no-how. Because de sorrow of de past is all done done. Oh, Bess, my Bess, De real happiness is jes' begun. An' I ain' never goin' nowhere 'less you shares de fun.
Dere's no wrinkle on my brow, no how, But I ain' goin'! You hear me sayin', If you ain' goin', wid you I'm stayin'. Porgy, I's yo' woman now, I's yours forever Mornin' time an' evenin time an summer time an' winter time. An' I ain' never goin' nowhere 'Less you shares de fun. Dere's no wrinkle on my brow, no how But I ain' goin'! Porgy, I's yo woman now! I's yours forever.
Mornin' time an' evenin' time an' summer time an' winter time, hmmmmmm.
Gay cantando buenos días señor sol
Dis life is jes' begun. Bess, we two is one now an' forever. Oh, Bess, don' min' dose women. We'll go swingin' through de years asingin' Hmmm Mornin' time an' evenin' time an' summer time an' winter time.
Otro año sin Juan Gabriel | Ruiz-Healy Times
Catfish Row crowd comes out attired in their lodge regalia, singing and dancing, ready for the picnic. ALL Oh, I can't sit down. Got to keep agoin' like de flowin' of a song. Oh, I can't sit down Guess I'll take my honey an' her sunny smile along. Today I is gay an' I's free Jes' abubblin', nothin'troublin' me. Oh, I's gwine to town I can't sit down. Happy feelin', in my bones astealin' No concealin' dat it's picnic day. Sho's is dandy, got de licker handy. Me an' Mandy, we is on de way 'Cause dis is picnic day. Oh I can't sit down Got to keep ajumpin' to de thumpin' of de drum!
Oh, I can't sit down. Full of locomotion like an ocean full of rum! Today I is gay an' I's free. Jes' abubblin', nothin' troublin' me! Oh, I's gwine to town I can't, jes' can't, sit down! Crowd leaves.
- ¡Canten putos!?
- Juan Gabriel, el gay seductor que triunfó en el país de los machos;
- gay barcelona area?
- Buenos Dias Mayates;
- các chất gây nghiện là gì?
- gay alicante!
Maria goes to Bess. Ain't you know you goin' be late for de picnic? Ev'rybody goin'. You got to help me wid my basket. Come now, where's yo' hat? Gets her hat from Porgy's room. What's dis talk about stayin' home when ev'rybody goin' to de picnic? Get into dese clo'es. You stay roun' here an' you'll die of de lonesome blues. Come on now, hurry up.

We'll be late for dat boat. Maria and Bess leave. Got my gal, got my Lawd, got my song! Scene 2 Kittiwah Island General gaiety-all well-fed-some few, well-liquored. Some dancing. ALL I ain' got no shame doin' what I like to do! I ain' got no shame doin' what I like to do!
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Sun ain' got no shame; moon ain' got no shame. So I ain' got no shame, doin' what I like to do!! Ha da da, Ha da da, etc. Li'l David was small, but oh my! Oh, Jonah, he lived in de whale. Li'l Moses was found in a stream. It ain't necessarily so. To get into Hebben, Don' snap for a sebben! Live clean. Look at me! Don' have no fault. Oh, I takes dat gospel Whenever it's pos'ble, But wid a grain of salt. Methus'lah lived nine hundred years. I'm preachin' dis sermon to show It ain't nessa, ain't nessa, ain't nessa, ain't nessa.
I'm preachin' dis sermon to show It ain't nessa, ain't nessa, ain't nessa, ain't nessa Ain't necessarily so. An' when the Christians turn their back you start behavin' like Sodom an' Gomorrah. It's a Gawd's wonder de Lord don't sen' His livin' fire to burn you offen de face of de earth. An you, Jake, always so loudmouth at church-meeting, Tell me when did you start workin' for de devil?
Take them baskets an' get on de boat. Steamboat whistle sounds in the distance. Hear what I tell you, It's high time you was goin'. Calls to Maria. You bes' hurry up, you goin' miss dat boat. Boat whistles Hey there! Hold yo' holt. I's acomin! Boat whistles Hurry up, Bess! Dat boat's gettin' de whoopin' cough.
Bess enters, hurrying after Maria. BESS Crown! I seen you lan' an' I been waitin' all day for see you. I mos' dead on this damn island. BESS You ain' looks mos' dead, you bigger'n ever. But I mos' dead of the lonesome wid not one Gawd'person to swap a word wid.